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Lost my devoted German Shepherd on 10/10/2010. Still miss her. Had 2 Australian Shepherds until three weeks ago. Had to put the girl down. Went from running on a mile-long walk to not being able to stand in just three days. That was so quick, there was no preparing for it. My boy Aussie is just heartbroken and it's sad to see him mourn. I think I see a German Shepherd in my future again. Heartbreaking to lose them, but a joy to have had them.

I've been volunteering for a dog rescue organization for 20 years. My wife and I currently have 8 dogs. All seniors, with four of them currently in hospice.

My greatest fear during this pandemic is wondering what will happen to our pack if we are struck down with the virus.
Zig loves dogs. Zig has had dogs since he was 10. Zig helped train dogs in the military, then private sectors, then his own. Zig also talks in the third person when dogs are involved.
The dogs just got a bath and are waiting to go back outside in the sun :)
As a kid, I never had a dog. The first dog in my family was when my sons wanted one.

I never realized how loyal a dog can be until my wife got very sick from chemo treatment. I had just taken her home from the hospital and she was very weak and in poor condition. Lucy, our poodle, remained in bed with her for over a week. The only time she left was to relieve herself outside or to get me to check on my wife. After my wife recovered Lucy became the queen of the house. She is 10 years old now but is as active as a puppy. We recently got a new patio set and Lucy decided to try it out.



I didnt know
This is the first dog I remember. Dan, on his birthday. My fathers dog from before I was born.
dan's bd.JPG

I can remember him walking my sister and I to school when we were little. He'd even stop at the lights and wait for the light to change before he crossed going to the school 6 blocks away and back again.

He either loved or hated Pheasants, not sure which, and would dive right out the car window while moving if he saw one lol.
We lost our Chibi a couple of months ago. She had a tumor on her spleen and at sixteen years of age we decided that surgery would put her through more pain. It was terribly hard having her put to sleep, but at that point she was in too much pain. She was a great companion and actually saved my wife's life. They were home alone and my diabetic wife passed out from hypoglycemia. Chibi knew something was wrong and barked and prodded her into consciousness. She then took some glucose. We really miss Chibi, but I think she is our last dog. We are both getting a bit old for a fifteen plus year commitment.
I've been volunteering for a dog rescue organization for 20 years. My wife and I currently have 8 dogs. All seniors, with four of them currently in hospice.

My greatest fear during this pandemic is wondering what will happen to our pack if we are struck down with the virus.

God bless you, you're a good person, you and your wife. I hope you stay healthy.
I could post a hundred pictures of dogs, but this isn't my facebook page :). But I did want to upload one. I'm partial to the Treeing Walker hound/hound mixes so prevalent in this state--and in so many of the rural shelters. I've fostered over 6 of them, but kept this one, Wilma, because we found out she had kidney disease and therefore difficult to adopt out. Their loss. She was absolutely the sweetest dog I've ever brought into my house.
Marti's pic of Wilma girl.jpg


Smoking a corn dog in aviators and a top hat
Neither of these is actually my dog. They belong to my parents, but I'm over there all the time. And in one case, I'm responsible for them having the dog.

This is Millie. She's almost 13, and her back legs don't work too well anymore, but she still feels frisky occasionally, and she's just as stubborn as ever. Mom and Dad just moved into a new house, and Dad built her a ramp to get up and down the porch steps. She refuses to use it.

This is Brutus. He's 7, and the new addition to the family. I kidnapped him. I didn't really steal him, of course. I was out driving and found him running down the road, so I picked him up and spent a few hours trying to track down the owners. I finally got a hold of them and got him returned, and I found out that I'd picked him up right in front of his house. He wasn't lost at all. A month or so later, the owner stops and asks me if I wanted him. He'd split up with his wife, was moving to Florida, and couldn't take the dog. I couldn't take him, but I said I'd ask around, because that little dog made lots of friends in the few hours I had him. Luckily for me, my parents said they'd take him.
I'm a veterinarian and I see the the love and affection my clients have for their pets on a daily basis. I'm definitely more of a dog person myself and have a 12 year old retired racing greyhound myself. I definitely get where you're coming from as I see his energy spurts gets shorter and shorter and see him lose some of his strength. Thankfully he's otherwise is pretty good health.

(pardon all the golf clubs spread around. Spent some quarantine time cleaning them. lol)


Our pups, Sparta and Layla. Both rescued from the same shelter. Sparta was my wife’s dog before we met. He’s not exactly what I like in a dog, but when he’s not being spiteful and plotting ways to break rules he can be a sweet boy.

Layla was rescued from being euthanized. She had been fought, bred, and abandoned. She had been at the humane society for almost 12 weeks when I found her. She has been the best dog I’ve ever had. She’s been with me for 6.5 of her 9.5 years and is the most loving devoted dog I’ve ever encountered. She is a wonderful breed ambassador. Loves people and soft things with a passion.
Bo is the family dog. This guy just showed up at our door and said. I thank this is your dog.My mother said it looks like my Nextdoor cousin dog and make sure he gets to her. It wasn’t.
So we made him ours..He loves us but, would leave us in a heart beat. He would be so scared. We don’t know what he is other then a dog.
Later I my life I may look into a small dog(less then 10 lbs )
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