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Bits DuJour- today only - FREE backup software offering

Been a while since I have seen a bits DuJour deal worth posting but this one might interest a few B&B readers

Bits DuJour is offering for free (today only - Feb. 16, 2014) "Super Easy 1 Click Backup"


This is full retail software purchased/delivered directly from the manufacturer

Many of you may already have a backup "plan" but this one is free today so worth looking at to see if it will be more useful than what you are now using. If you do NOT have any type of backup plan going on GET THIS (it's better than hoping nothing ever happens)

Personally I use MS windowsHomeServer 2011 as my primary back-up system (onto a dedicated raid 10 1U supermicro) which does automated daily backups of all on the network. I also use mirror folder (to a raid 1 USB) as well as 2nd copy backup software to my NAS raid 10 so I won't be using the Super Easy product myself unless it puts one of the 2 commercial products that I have been using for the past 10 years in the dust

I am going to grab a copy to evaluate it for my customers and if I find it useful I will be making more recommendations today.

Ya'all have fun today and stay warm

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