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5/8 Dovo Tortoise..... 8 ways

This kind of experimentation is fun, but at the end of the day, each person's ability, type of stroke and pressure of stroke will be as different as every razor and the media being used. I hone these things up by the dozens and many times with either 6 or 12 of the same razor at a sitting. Of interest, sometimes 5 of 6 will be perfect and one won't. Sometimes 8 of 12 will be fine and the 4 will not be as nice. What's really interesting at that point is how much touch up. I try to run them all through the same routines, but sometimes one will be fine with a .5 micron diamond paste and then one will be fine after going to the .25. Go figure. Then there is the difference of using the finishing hones with slurry and without. There was a day when I only used a Norton 4K/8K. Then I went to the Norton with green and red pastes. Then diamond pastes. Then indvidually all the finishing hones being used here. At every stage I was able to get a razor to give a nice comfy shave, but with each new addition, my level of comfy improved. Typically certain razors did better than others with different media. This could go on and on and on. The continuation here should get interesting.

Have fun,

Is it wrong that I keep coming back to this thread just to look at the pictures? I think I'm developing and unhealthy fascination with the 5/8 Dovo Tortoise.
I cant wait until the razors become available for sale, I may have missed it but have there been any announcements so far? THanks
I don't know if you have given up on this project. I also don't know if all the razors are spoken for? I could not wait any longer so I went out and bought one from classic shaving. (Unfortunately after getting it honed by Lyn, my stropping skills were sufficient to immediately dull the razor)
I could use a second one ( While I am sending out my handiwork to get re-sharpened!)
I am now thinking I need a hone.......(to really see how much damage I can do.)
Eagerly waiting for your results before I make my investment in a stone.
I am also looking forward to the results :)

Larry - this was funny. You can certainly do more damage with a hone. But that's the only way to learn. Maybe get a junker razor for starters to avoid wrecking your new Dovo

Don't worry too much about it Larry - I dulled my first razor on the strop after only one shave, and dulled the second one after only three shaves. But the third one - the third one stayed sharp. Then I dulled my first razor on the hone...

It took a few weeks to really start getting the hang of it, but it was a very rewarding experience.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Don't worry too much about it Larry - I dulled my first razor on the strop after only one shave, and dulled the second one after only three shaves. But the third one - the third one stayed sharp. Then I dulled my first razor on the hone...

It took a few weeks to really start getting the hang of it, but it was a very rewarding experience.

"son, one day all this will be yours"
"what, the curtains?"
I am also looking forward to the results :)

Larry - this was funny. You can certainly do more damage with a hone. But that's the only way to learn. Maybe get a junker razor for starters to avoid wrecking your new Dovo


Excellent advise. Larry, I'd recommend you master your stropping technique before moving onto honing. When starting out, it pays to keep a journal of your stropping and honing sessions.

If you do decide to pursue the junker, make sure it's capable of holding an edge. Many of the eBay "specials" truly are junk. If you're having a hard time finding a practice razor, PM me.
A short break in my schedule has allowed me to spend some leisure time on the net. I certainly have missed B&B.
Alright fellas - the experiment is complete - and all 8 razors will be available for sale sometime tomorrow in the decant club (it will open tomorrow) - first come first served. A lot of fellas have expressed interest in purchasing one of these pre-honed, new Dovo Special Tortoise razors, so Nick and I felt the only fair way to offer them to everyone was first come first served.

Note: In the comments section when you checkout - you can state in which manner you desire the razor to be finished in, for example: Belgian Coticule, Green Chromide, Diamond Paste, Chinese 12K, etc - and I will hone it in that particular manner - test shave with it (to be certain it shaves well) and steralize it. If you don't care which manner the razor is finished - leave the comments section blank.

These are superb little shavers, and shave as well as razors 3-4X their price.

You know what I always liked about you Joel? You're nuts! :lol:

Who else would go through the time, expense, and effort to prove such a valuable point? :thumbup1:

I don't care what anybody says: this ranks right up there with the Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887.

I anxiously await the results.

Didn't those guys get a Nobel prize in physics? It would be cool if someone got one for services to shaving science.
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