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B&B Radio - Episode 1 April 2016

Really enjoyed it. Great job, Sharon. Dave's no slouch, either. You should have him back from time to time. :tongue_sm
Excellent! Great interview...your wife is a saint for putting up with you! :lol: Really though...I think Badger & Blade Radio is a great thing. I LOVE the advertisements!


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Other than leaving a mess in my basement (and a missing bottle of 1990 Ch. Latour) this was an unqualified success.

Other than leaving a mess in my basement (and a missing bottle of 1990 Ch. Latour) this was an unqualified success.

Thanks Boss, the rent check is in the mail. Sorry, I was in such a hurry that I forgot to clean-up and that bottle was just calling to me, I will replace it once I get my 1st check. But I did leave some tacos on the sink next to the standpipes:001_smile
Bi-Weekly to start and if popularity and time permits we may up that to weekly. Just want to keep it fresh and fun, plus with some of the things we are planning logistics could take some time, however we will have more tutorials, and how to's coming up soon as well. Thanks for watching
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Needs milk and a bidet!
Thanks Boss, the rent check is in the mail. Sorry, I was in such a hurry that I forgot to clean-up and that bottle was just calling to me, I will replace it once I get my 1st check. But I did leave some tacos on the sink next to the standpipes:001_smile

You better hope that 1st check is a whooper! You may owe him your 2nd check too :tongue_sm
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