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2013 - Shave Purchase Sabbatical - Gentlemanly Insanity


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errr........ Was this order "held" pending 2014?

Vendors have not held stock for me. The orders were placed just now, ordered off the website just now and paid for just now, no worries...it's 2014. :thumbup1:

I just looked at the IB screen and it was calling me and I've been waiting a long to time to see those screens. :001_tt1:

$Untitled picture.png$Untitled picture.png
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Congratulations guys! In honor of all who didn't make it, or like me, didn't even try, howzabout some bacon eggs Benedict?

In lieu of a Canadian cheese sammich.


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^ Look for Bacon Cheese Sandwich pic later :001_tt1:

not sure they will beat your pics, but they'll be just as tasty.
Happy New Year everyone and feel free to continue to post your "Sabbatical Orders" in here as they trickle in.
At one point this year I had about $200 more in products loaded into my WCS cart. Here's what's coming. The Harris is my treat for making it through 2013 and the Cella tub is a 2014 sabbatical PIF.
$Screen Shot 2014-01-01 at 12.15.49 PM.png
Two more things to check out before going back in for another round 1.) I love my SOC but am going to see if I can track down a smaller boar. 2.) I'm going to check out the antique store around the corner. Last year they had a big razor section in one of the cases: dozen or so strops, plenty of DEs, lots of straights. I'd like to pick up a nice vintage Gillette if one looks good.
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Bacon Cheese on hold for a day. Kids/wife had a New Years Brunch planned and neglected to tell me :sad:

There will still be bacon, just not on a sandwich today :bored:
I wish I could say my first purchase was flashy: my Chefmate water heater (for teas and such) started leaking some time ago, and I replaced that this morning.
Lets see.....

No fancy sammich or breakfast for me. Honey Bunches of Oats and Coffee

First purchases: My kids going to Winter Camp and needs a winter jacket, boots, and travel toothbrush.

So eventful, huh LOL

But, on my first purchases wish list for shaving is:
RR Baby Blue
RR XXX v2 (I will get some, you'll see)
RR/OTS Inauguration
RR/CC Captains Choice

The rest depends on when Joe at IB releases it!
Congratulations to all who successfully completed the 2013 challenge. :thumbup: The admiration is deeper now that I have embarked on the 2014 challenge and already beginning to realize that this is no joke. :scared:


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So for all those who made it, what are the days you get to stock up for this years sabbatical?

anyone moving on to the 2014 Sabbatical, get's 1 week.

January 1-7, 2014 restock window for successful year-long 2013 sabbaticalians
Well I made it. An entire year with not one shave-related purchase. I could probably participate in the 2014 sabbatical if I wanted to, but going an entire year really tempered my acquisition disorders already, and I don't feel the need to collect vast quantities of shaving goods anymore. So, while I will not officially be in the 2014 sabbatical, I am also not going to be spending anymore than I really need to on shave kit, either. And if it turns out that I don't need anything in 2014, all the better!.
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