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Tough Mudders?

I'm participating in the Mud Hero in August up here. Depeding on how I do/feel I'll be signing up for the Tough Mudder in September. That's the current plan. :)


I'm out until the spring...I have done 2 so far. Some venues can be more difficult than others...maysville kentucky was horrendous...on top of 11 or 12 miles through the hills and mud, it was 40 degrees 30 mph winds and raining! Pure misery! Good luck guys, be safe and have fun!

Commander Quan

Commander Yellow Pantyhose
I'm a definite maybe for the Pittsburgh Tough Mudder, this summer has just been too hectic to confirm for the event at this point. I've already done one mud run this summer and hope to do at least 2 more.

Seven Springs ski resort in PA has an event they call Mud on the Mountain. It's an 8+ mile event on the ski slopes. I ran it last November the weekend after Hurricane Sandy and there was 15+ inches of natural snow on the course, and again in May this year after it had been raining for 3 days strait.

They are actually doing another event in August this year at night and everyone runs with headlamps on. I'm not sure if I'm down with that or not.
I'm out until the spring...I have done 2 so far. Some venues can be more difficult than others...maysville kentucky was horrendous...on top of 11 or 12 miles through the hills and mud, it was 40 degrees 30 mph winds and raining! Pure misery! Good luck guys, be safe and have fun!
Did you do it in the misery? That must have been a nightmare, after all that training the weather is the enemy not fatigue or cramps.
Any other people around here participating in a tough mudder race this summer? I'll be at the one in Tahoe this weekend.

I will be doing one next year, this summer I will need ankle surgery and my doctor recommended for me to stay away. I had one of my friends do his 2 one few months ago in Philly.

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My friends at Philly Tough Mudder in June, I will go next year as Thor or Spiderman

I'll be doing my first Tough Mudder in a few weeks in Wisconsin. My wife actually signed both of us up to run it.
I signed up to do one in June with my daughter. I ended up having to go out of the country on business that weekend, so I missed it. She took one of her friends along in my place and they seem to have had a good time thrashing around in the mud. I'm looking for another one now--hopefully I can find something this fall that isn't too far away.
I signed up to do one in June with my daughter. I ended up having to go out of the country on business that weekend, so I missed it. She took one of her friends along in my place and they seem to have had a good time thrashing around in the mud. I'm looking for another one now--hopefully I can find something this fall that isn't too far away.

Nid, there's a run in the fall right in Carrboro--the Misery Run. It takes place on a farm out back of Carrboro Plaza, and is 5.75 miles of mud, a great time, and costs all of $5 to enter. If you're interested, PM me for the details.
Nid, there's a run in the fall right in Carrboro--the Misery Run. It takes place on a farm out back of Carrboro Plaza, and is 5.75 miles of mud, a great time, and costs all of $5 to enter. If you're interested, PM me for the details.

John, are you joining in too?
John, are you joining in too?

Alex, sorry--I just saw your question. I've been a runner (mostly off-road) for about 7 years now. When I started, I couldn't run for more than a minute at a time, but now I'm regularly running 5+miles 4x/week (though slowly--I'm an old fart! :lol:). Today was my weekly long run: 12.7 miles on the trails of Duke Forest in about 2:22--like I said, I'm slow!
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