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GIVEAWAY! Participation PIF: Surf vs Turf - Battle of the Beast Blades!!


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Surf versus Turf Battle of the Beast Blades 2023.​

Second dance with the Yellow/Pink Flying Eagle. First shave this time was pretty much the same as the first time. Not the sharpest blade and today I had no blood, nicks etc I just had a reasonable shave. I think this blade will be like most of the blades in this challenge for me, they need a few shaves to shine.
Rhino blade: Shave 4
Ti 1.65 WR2
B&M Rhapsody

Wonderful shave today. Having a few extra days off tends to make for a good shave. Smooth no tugging or redness afterwards. Very slight sting with AS. I’ll keep going with this blade.
As of now: Jaws>Rhino>Swordfish
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I think I am on my 4th shave with the voskhod. I noticed tonight a slight decrease in the blades comfort. This was due in part to the small amount of facial hair I was shaving stubble. Even with that, it seemed to me the blade is starting to show the first signs of going dull. I estimate maybe 8 good shaves and then it might be time to replace. However I am well known to use a blade well past the norm.
For clarity I was using a Gillette superspeed
Above tie superior badger brush
And the new Turkish soap which I posted about in the soap forum
It is called jukiyor or some such, the spelling is unique. I highly recommend the soap

The blade still gave smooth shave but I felt some irritation.


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Surf versus Turf Battle of the Beast Blades 2023.​

Second shave on my second use of the Yellow/Pink Flying Eagle blade. No blood, very little sting when using the Alum Block just a pretty good shave. As I have said before, these are not the sharpest blades but they do work for some of us. I still think that these blades take a few shaves to mellow out and just shave me well so far.
Jianyu swordfish #2, Shave #3

Razor: Fatip Grande OC
Blade: Jianyu Swordfish (3)
Soap: Frankensoap (1/3 each of Arko, VDH Luxury, and Dove Men Care 3 in 1 Extra Fresh
Brush: No-name badger off of Amazon
Aftershave: Aqua Velva Ice Blue followed by Nivea Sensitive balm

A very good shave. The blade does a fine job. This is only my second use of the Fatip Grande OC. I use a very light touch with it as I’m new to an OC and frankly I think that I get just as close is a shave with my Henson and pre-war Tech, but maybe if I keep at it and learn this razor the aggressiveness will result in closer shave with fewer passes. I dunno. No nicks, weepers, or irritation so that’s a plus.

I’d give the shave a solid 8.9/10.


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Surf versus Turf Battle of the Beast Blades 2023.​

Shave number three on my second dance with the Yellow/Pink Flying Eagle blade. Nothing outstanding to report today. A pretty good shave with no redness, blood or sting when I used my Alum Block. As I have mentioned before, these are not the sharpest blades but they work okay for me so far. They just take a few shaves to settle in.
On to the stainless Flying Eagle. I was careless and didn't expect the blade to be so sharp. I had several weepers and one nick. That is really unusual for me. Overall, it felt great, but that Flying Eagle took a couple pecks at me!

This shave I did a hot water Arko soap face wash and rinse, lathered with Derby menthol. Slim on 5.
I'm a stubborn sort.

I hate to have a blade get the better of me.
So I gave the White and Pink label Flying Eagles one last try, this time pulling out all the stops.
This is the only blade that stymied me in the past, and the one that drove @Grundi to seek therapy.

I want to say I found the key and got a great BBS shave with no discomfort.
I want to, but it would be a lie.

OTOH, even if it wasn't as good as I hoped, it was a lot better than I expected.
A decent, but not a great shave.

Pre-shave: A hot shower with Dove Men Care, generic pre-shave oil
Blade: White/Pink Flying Eagle
Razor: G. E. Jones ShakeSharp (recommended by @PLANofMAN in a recent thread on TSN)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: Maggard Bergamot & Lime
Post Shave: Alum Block followed by Supply Healing WH followed by Captain's Choice Land Ho PSB

I tried stropping the blades a few times on my formica vanity, then loded it into the ShakeSharp and gave that several shakes. Then, at the end of my shower, I applied a few drops of the oil to my face and neck, and proceeded to build and paint my lather in the usual way.

The shave (XTG, ATG) felt a little rough, but not bad. Because of the roughness, I minimized the buffing pass. When I was done, the result was not quite a DFS, but close. The shave was comfortable enough that the alum was mute, the WH felt good, and the PSB felt very nice.

So this Flying Eagle blade was OK, I guess, and my initial failures with it will no longer haunt me, but it still finished dead last behind all of the other Surf vs. Turf blades.
I'm a stubborn sort.

I hate to have a blade get the better of me.
So I gave the White and Pink label Flying Eagles one last try, this time pulling out all the stops.
This is the only blade that stymied me in the past, and the one that drove @Grundi to seek therapy.

I want to say I found the key and got a great BBS shave with no discomfort.
I want to, but it would be a lie.

OTOH, even if it wasn't as good as I hoped, it was a lot better than I expected.
A decent, but not a great shave.

Pre-shave: A hot shower with Dove Men Care, generic pre-shave oil
Blade: White/Pink Flying Eagle
Razor: G. E. Jones ShakeSharp (recommended by @PLANofMAN in a recent thread on TSN)
Brush: Semogue 830
Soap: Maggard Bergamot & Lime
Post Shave: Alum Block followed by Supply Healing WH followed by Captain's Choice Land Ho PSB

I tried stropping the blades a few times on my formica vanity, then loded it into the ShakeSharp and gave that several shakes. Then, at the end of my shower, I applied a few drops of the oil to my face and neck, and proceeded to build and paint my lather in the usual way.

The shave (XTG, ATG) felt a little rough, but not bad. Because of the roughness, I minimized the buffing pass. When I was done, the result was not quite a DFS, but close. The shave was comfortable enough that the alum was mute, the WH felt good, and the PSB felt very nice.

So this Flying Eagle blade was OK, I guess, and my initial failures with it will no longer haunt me, but it still finished dead last behind all of the other Surf vs. Turf blades.
You are very brave, @lancre, to load up THAT BLADE!! Whoa, still way too soon for me!! I'm having flashbacks!!

nope-baby 2.gif


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Surf versus Turf Battle of the Beast Blades 2023.​

Fourth shave with the Yellow/Pink Flying Eagle today. This morning I gave myself a tiny weeper under my nose when I was doing my last pass ATG. Apart from that the shave okay. I had very little sting when using my Alum Block and the weeper was the only blood. Still quite happy with this blade.
Jianyu swordfish #2, Shave #3

Razor: Henson AL13
Blade: Jianyu Swordfish (4)
Soap: PdP No. 63
Brush: No-name badger off of Amazon
Aftershave: Old Spice followed by Nivea Sensitive balm

A fine shave today with the Jianyu swordfish blade in the Henson AL13. Shaves 3 and 4 seem to be the sweet spot for this blade. It's still sharp enough, but also so smooth (especially in the Henson) that I couldn't cut myself if I tried, and I got a DFS+, darn near BBS. I'm giving it a 9/10.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Rhino blade shave 3


I finished off the Rhino today, I only have one blade left! The Rhino was a fine, above average shaver for three shaves, but even after a wonderfully close shave yesterday the resulting growth by this morning was more than I would like. The shave today definitely finished off this blade, I was down to one semi functional edge toward the end! I am still team Surf because I liked the Swordfish a little better(though they may not be any different).

It's hard to compare these blades as they are more similar than different and even harder to compare them with more common blades. A Nacet, for example, delivers four identically smooth and sharp shaves for me, at a really low price. Then, maybe a better comparison, you have blades from Treet and the Indian factories that offer similar sharpness and smoothness and they last me four shaves as well. I have no problem binning a blade if it's not performing, this is just for comparison purposes. I don't know how cheap these blades are, I can't imagine any cheaper than Treets. If this is what I had readily available I wouldn't be upset, but I would have to change them more often than normal. As it is, I enjoyed getting to try all these blades, but won't ask for seconds(lol)!
Preshave routine
Soak brush and soap in hot water
Take hot shower

Razor Gillette superspeed 1954
Soap jurkoryen
Above the tie badger superior brush
Blade voskhod

Post shave
Cold water wash
Brut aftershave

I was on my fifth shave and I noticed it was much duller. It cut but it was uncomfortable. It also produced light irritation on my neck and some irritation on my cheek by the edge of my mouth which is new for me.
I had some fairly noticeable burning when I applied my after shave.

Final thoughts on the blade

If I had a steady supply and they were cheap (0.02-0.03 cents per blade) I would use these blades and discard them when I starting feeling this irritation. I suspect I could probably get one or two more light shaves out of the blade before discarding it, or one more shave of 2 or more days growth not more than 3 days growth before I would throw the blade away.

I am not unhappy with the blade and if they were also free I would happily use them, but again I feel there are better options out there for the same price as this blade. Astra and that blue box blade superior prime both come to mind. On the internet this blade is 0.05 cents both blades I mentioned above are that same price and I think in my experience better blades especially in regards to longevity. Testing this blade was a lot of fun and I want to give a special shout out @grundi for providing the blades to all of us making this possible. You have my gratitude.

On to the next blade test


Check Out Chick
Staff member


Surf versus Turf Battle of the Beast Blades 2023.​

Shave number five this morning on my second go around with the Yellow/Pink Flying Eagle Blade. No blood, weepers etc this morning but I did have a little more sting when I used the Alum Block. Apart from that, the shave was great. A really good close shave which was great to have. I am quite liking these blades so far. Slow out of the gate but a great finish.
Jianyu Blade 1, Side 2, Shave 5

Razor: Yaqi Katana
Blade: Jianyu (5)
Brush: Yaqi Atlantis
Pre-shave: Stirling unscented
Bowl: Captain’s Choice
Lather: Proraso white
Aftershave: Bootleggers Original Bay Rum

Minor weeper on my chin because I’m still not completely comfortable using this razor. The blade did it’s job well. It is losing sharpness. Maybe only one or two more shaves left on it.

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