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Looking for something new PIF

I've been meaning to PIF some items for awhile now, but wanted to wait until this quarantine somewhat subsided. I was generously PIF'd most of these items by @Steinmetzify awhile back now. This really allowed me to try a bunch of different razors and soaps while saving me some money. I've taken a few out, while adding some other items. Everything pictured will be sent to your doorstep, and sanitized prior to shipping! I'm going to have relatively low qualifications, so some new people can jump in. Lets say a minimum of 15 posts, with no maximum! I'm not going to check everyone, so let's all be gentleman! I would just prefer entrants who actually NEED the items to try new stuff, not somone that already has a den chocked full of razors and soap. I'll let this run for a few days so everyone has a chance to get in. The only thing I ask is you re-pif the items you find out don't work for you, and do not sell any of these. It would be cool to continue passing this around removing items that you like, and adding items that you don't.

The razors are:
RR Teck II
Maggard V3 head on a RR SS handle
RR Alum babysmooth
Schick Krona
Gillette New LC

TOBS Sandalwood
Stirling Executive man
Oleo No. 11
Siliski Questionable Origins
And some SV samples

Vikings blade badger brush

Derby Premiums
Gillette Platinums (favorite blades)
Plus a few more not shown.

If you would like to be in, simply comment "I'm in" and tell me one thing you've done to entertain yourself during quarantine!

This PIF will end Friday May 15th 12 noon ET. I will take all of the participants, place them in a random generator of sorts, and let that do all of the work. CONUS only please.


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I'm in and i have been buying razors and soaps/creams to entertain myself even though I still have to go to work every day no quaratine for the wicked lol
I'm in!

And I will gladly PIF any and all items that don't work out, as well as adding in a few things. I like this idea, as I have a few items I'd been considering for a PIF, but wasn't sure which way to go with it.

I've been working from home for the entire quarantine, so not as much entertainment as I would like! But, we've been watching a bit more Netflix in the last month and a half than previously.
I'm in and to entertain myself I've been browsing pictures of cute puppies and cats on reddit (r/aww). I have work full time and I'm in grad school too so haven't had too much time to start a new Netflix series or anything. Also this is very generous of you.
I’m in!!
Amazing PIF!

My wife and I learned how to make bread from scratch. It’s been a lot of fun plus we have been adding cheese and pepperoni. Delicious.
By the way I'm NOT in because I just added 4 more razors to my collection of 13 plus grabbed a shavette. But a VERY GENEROUS PIF!

This is the kind of awesomeness about the shaving community I was telling Lomi about.
I've been trying to win a Schick Krona on Ebay. Unfortunately, I don't have enough posts to try for it as this is only post number 9 for me. However, even though I'm not qualified, I've been taking this time apart from the world to learn how to wet shave. Good luck to those who are qualified.
Wow! I'm in, and thanks for the generous PIF! While I've been busier than normal with WFH, I have made time most nights for a long walk. I usually listen to an audiobook while walking, and I look forward to it every night.
Not in

I’ve been DE shaving for one year now. A year ago I would have loved getting these. I’m kind of surprised that I’ve tried most of these
I've been trying to win a Schick Krona on Ebay. Unfortunately, I don't have enough posts to try for it as this is only post number 9 for me. However, even though I'm not qualified, I've been taking this time apart from the world to learn how to wet shave. Good luck to those who are qualified.

Dude 6 more posts, get in this.
This really is some great stuff guys. And to everyone who doesn't have enough posts, it's open until friday. I guarantee you can get 15 posts in that time! Ask some questions, post in the SOTD thread, etc.
Respectfully not in. Very generous PIF!

Since this whole thing started I've rediscovered my love of the outdoors. Been taking the kids on a nice long hike every weekend, and on the weekdays when I don't have time for a full blown hike, we take a walk around the neighborhood and look for interesting plants, bugs, and reptiles.
I’m in!!! I would most love to try the new LC.
having fun reading to my son and doing his schoolwork each day have been quite fun during this quarantine.
thank you for the chance.
Im in! No badger brushes yet and no artisan soaps yet either besides small samples and the all the razors I'm sure I would like to try especially the vintage ones. Things I have been doing playing video games more, getting some gardening ready and a little bit fishing.
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