Manufacturer: Thomas Ward and Sons - Wardonia
Dates in Production: ? - ?
Type: DE, 3 piece
Weight: ??
Description:The Traveller's set comes in "Ivory" and would have included a Wardonia brush (manufactured by Vulfix), shaving soap and two blade cases. The catalog states the blade cases are chromed metal, but the examples at hand are plastic.
Notes of Interest:
B&B Review: N/A
Dates in Production: ? - ?
Type: DE, 3 piece
Weight: ??
Description:The Traveller's set comes in "Ivory" and would have included a Wardonia brush (manufactured by Vulfix), shaving soap and two blade cases. The catalog states the blade cases are chromed metal, but the examples at hand are plastic.
Notes of Interest:
B&B Review: N/A