Please note that this list only includes ongoing discounts for our members and does not include temporary discounts, general public discounts or sales from vendors. See Shopping Links - By Vendor for more about each of these vendors.
Shop | Description | Code |
Atkinson's (Vancouver) | 20% discount for B&B Members on phone (and email?) orders | - |
Cambridge Chemists (NY) | Discount offered to B&B Members depending on item (historically 10-15%) via phone or at store - No online code available | - |
Colonial Drug (MA) | Free shipping for B&B Members when ordering by phone - No online code available | - |
Custom Shaving (CT) | 12% Off To B&B Members | B&B |
Double Edge Shaving Place | 8% permanent discount for all products for all BB members | BB101 |
Executive Accessories (Australia) | 10% discount to B&B Members. Free regular postage within Australia | BB2010 |
Gifts& | 5% off to B&B members 10% off to B&B members on shaving brushes | B&B SB10 |
The Grooming Clinic (Online/Worldwide) | 10% off for Badger & Blade Members | BBTGC10 | | 10% off to B&B members | BBMEMBER |
Kinetic Blue (Australia) | 15% off to B&B Members in Australia and New Zealand | B&B |
Mama Bear | 10% off to B&B Members | B&B |
MensBiz (Australia) | 15% off to B&B Members in Australia and New Zealand | BB2009 | | 10% discount to B&B Members | B&B10 |
The New York Shaving Company | 20% off of website order | Mantic |
Pureman (Australia) | 10% off to B&B members | BAND1010 | (UK) | 10% Discount to B&B Members | B&B10 |
The Shave Shed (Australia) | 10% Discount to B&B members | B&BOFF10 |
The Traditional Shaving Company (UK) | 10% off to B&B Members | bandb |
TVBshaving (Slovenia) | 10% discount with this Coupon Code until end of 2015. This code will work only for registered TVBShaving customers. It is not valid for Guest Checkout. | B&B10 |