The BALANCE POINT METHOD of holding your razor.
This method works for any safety razor, Single Edge, Gillettes, Merkurs, etc. It gives you maximum control and is the best way to let THE WEIGHT OF THE RAZOR DO THE WORK, without putting any additional pressure on the blade. It works especially well with heavy razors like the Sledgehammer Slant (Merkur 39C) or Merkur Futur.
I discovered this by accident one day, about 3 months into my wet-shaving odyssey. Immediately, I felt I was onto something, and knew that it needed to be shared with the B&B community.
First, Span the razor across your finger, finding the center of gravity. This is where the head and the handle will be in equilibrium.
This is where you want to grip the razor. Use 2 fingers, 3 fingers, whatever you find comfortable. I hold mine between index and thumb. You'll know you have the right place when you can "twiddle" the razor like a pencil.
Practice for a day or two using "dry runs" without a blade, until you get comfortable with the technique.
Using the Balance Point Method, you can accurately guide the razor anywhere you want it to go. You can use it WTG, ATG, or XTG ... but you'll have to adjust the grip between N2S, S2N, etc.
Lots of shavers have tried this grip, and gotten good results with it. I welcome your comments and feedback, either in public forums or via PM.
My Theory on Extending the Life of Blades.
;DE Blades are cheap.
;DE Blades are readily available.
;DE Blades are designed to be DISPOSABLE.
My Criteria for Judging Lather.
;Judge lather by its QUALITY, not its QUANTITY.
;Any lather that doesn't make direct contact with your whiskers is a moot point.
;If it gives you a good shave, then its good lather.
;Tabac Original in Bowl
;T&H Luxury Soap in Bowl
;Mitchell's Wool Fat in Bowl
;L'Occitane Cade
;Provence Sante
;Ogallala Bay Rum shave stick
;Spieck shave stick
;Arko shave stick
;LaToja shave stick
;C&E Sweet Almond Oil
;C&E Naturals for Men
;CO Bigelow Proraso
;Musgo Real
;Kiss My Face fragrance free
;Burt's Bees
;Clubman Luxury
;T&H Ultimate Comfort
;The Body Shop Original Formula
;Penhaligon Blenheim Bouquet
AfterShave Splashes and Balms:
;Tabac ASL
;Musgo Real Classic ASL
;Floid ASL
;AquaVelva Classic IceBlue
;generic Witch Hazel
;C&E Naturals for Men ASB
;Burt's Bees ASB
;444 ASB
;Realm ASB (with Human Pheromones)
;Nivea ASB
;Pinaud Clubman ASL
;Pinaud BayRub ASL
;Proraso splash
;Proraso balm
;Superspeed Z3 (Birthday)
;Adjustable H3
;Adjustable H2
;Unknown 3-Piece Ball-End Comb
;Aristocrat, with case
;Tech Ranger, with box
;English G2000 J3.
;34G - HD Gold,
;38C - Sledgehammer Slant
;Progress, enhanced with Pureslab knob, with case
;Futur, with travel pouch
;Rolls Razor Viscount with docs and velvet box
;Gem Micromatic with case
;Feather Portable with case
;Strange little thing that MIGHT be a Moustache Razor. I'm not sure.
;Feather (used in 39C)
;WCS Sampler
;Many, many others.
;B&B Essential
;B&B LE '09 Butterscotch
;C&E Pure Badger travel brush
;C&E Best Badger
;C&E Boar Brush with wooden handle
;Peerless 500 Pure Badger
;Vulfix Super travel brush
;VDH Boar.
This method works for any safety razor, Single Edge, Gillettes, Merkurs, etc. It gives you maximum control and is the best way to let THE WEIGHT OF THE RAZOR DO THE WORK, without putting any additional pressure on the blade. It works especially well with heavy razors like the Sledgehammer Slant (Merkur 39C) or Merkur Futur.
I discovered this by accident one day, about 3 months into my wet-shaving odyssey. Immediately, I felt I was onto something, and knew that it needed to be shared with the B&B community.
First, Span the razor across your finger, finding the center of gravity. This is where the head and the handle will be in equilibrium.
This is where you want to grip the razor. Use 2 fingers, 3 fingers, whatever you find comfortable. I hold mine between index and thumb. You'll know you have the right place when you can "twiddle" the razor like a pencil.
Practice for a day or two using "dry runs" without a blade, until you get comfortable with the technique.
Using the Balance Point Method, you can accurately guide the razor anywhere you want it to go. You can use it WTG, ATG, or XTG ... but you'll have to adjust the grip between N2S, S2N, etc.
Lots of shavers have tried this grip, and gotten good results with it. I welcome your comments and feedback, either in public forums or via PM.
My Theory on Extending the Life of Blades.
;DE Blades are cheap.
;DE Blades are readily available.
;DE Blades are designed to be DISPOSABLE.
My Criteria for Judging Lather.
;Judge lather by its QUALITY, not its QUANTITY.
;Any lather that doesn't make direct contact with your whiskers is a moot point.
;If it gives you a good shave, then its good lather.
;Tabac Original in Bowl
;T&H Luxury Soap in Bowl
;Mitchell's Wool Fat in Bowl
;L'Occitane Cade
;Provence Sante
;Ogallala Bay Rum shave stick
;Spieck shave stick
;Arko shave stick
;LaToja shave stick
;C&E Sweet Almond Oil
;C&E Naturals for Men
;CO Bigelow Proraso
;Musgo Real
;Kiss My Face fragrance free
;Burt's Bees
;Clubman Luxury
;T&H Ultimate Comfort
;The Body Shop Original Formula
;Penhaligon Blenheim Bouquet
AfterShave Splashes and Balms:
;Tabac ASL
;Musgo Real Classic ASL
;Floid ASL
;AquaVelva Classic IceBlue
;generic Witch Hazel
;C&E Naturals for Men ASB
;Burt's Bees ASB
;444 ASB
;Realm ASB (with Human Pheromones)
;Nivea ASB
;Pinaud Clubman ASL
;Pinaud BayRub ASL
;Proraso splash
;Proraso balm
;Superspeed Z3 (Birthday)
;Adjustable H3
;Adjustable H2
;Unknown 3-Piece Ball-End Comb
;Aristocrat, with case
;Tech Ranger, with box
;English G2000 J3.
;34G - HD Gold,
;38C - Sledgehammer Slant
;Progress, enhanced with Pureslab knob, with case
;Futur, with travel pouch
;Rolls Razor Viscount with docs and velvet box
;Gem Micromatic with case
;Feather Portable with case
;Strange little thing that MIGHT be a Moustache Razor. I'm not sure.
;Feather (used in 39C)
;WCS Sampler
;Many, many others.
;B&B Essential
;B&B LE '09 Butterscotch
;C&E Pure Badger travel brush
;C&E Best Badger
;C&E Boar Brush with wooden handle
;Peerless 500 Pure Badger
;Vulfix Super travel brush
;VDH Boar.
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