<font>Dating Gillette Razors and Blades: "How old is this razor?" It can be difficult to figure out. Sometimes patent dates are a help, but they give you the front end of the date scale, and not always too exactly. Some razor makers put serial numbers on their razors, but we don't always have the key to how the serial numbers fit to dates of manufacture. Gillette is one manufacturer for whom we have information on serial numbers and later date of manufacture codes that we can link to time.</font>
<font>Razor Serial Numbers were impressed on all Gillette razors from 1904 until 1921, and on deluxe models from 1921 until 1931 (except for a period in 1927-28). This corresponds to the time King Gillette was directly associated with the business, and may have been at his insistence. These serial numbers were on the top of the guard, or sometimes the inner barrel. There were no razor serial numbers from 1931 until 1951.</font>
<font>Razor Date Codes began in 1951 and used the same system blades had used since 1931, a code that identified the year and calendar quarter of manufacture. These codes are found on the underside of the guard mechanism, or in cartridge razors, near the attachment mechanism for the blade. </font>
<font> Gillette Blade Date Codes (and earlier lot systems) were imprinted on one side of the blade as a series of letters and/ or numbers, or on the cartridge. The blade system adopted in 1931 is still in use today, and was used on razors as well after 1950. All the coding systems are listed below.</font>
<font>Other makers included serial or manufacturing codes, but we do not have the keys. AutoStrop and Rolls are two well known manufacturers who serial numbered their razors. If you have the key to another manufacturer's codes, please share this information with other collectors.</font>
<center> '''<font>Please pass on any corrections or additions: E-Mail me. </font>
<font>Go to.... 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's </font>'''
Much of the information on this page has been extracted from the excellent books: "Safety Razor Reference Guide" by Robert K. Waits, and "The Complete Gillette Collector's Handbook" and Collector's Guide to American Razor Blades" by Phillip L. Krumholz. See the " Books and Reference Page " for details on these excellent reference guides. My thanks to both authors!
* I assume this Model number based on others in the series, but I have no proof this was the actual Model number used.
<font>Razor Serial Numbers were impressed on all Gillette razors from 1904 until 1921, and on deluxe models from 1921 until 1931 (except for a period in 1927-28). This corresponds to the time King Gillette was directly associated with the business, and may have been at his insistence. These serial numbers were on the top of the guard, or sometimes the inner barrel. There were no razor serial numbers from 1931 until 1951.</font>
<font>Razor Date Codes began in 1951 and used the same system blades had used since 1931, a code that identified the year and calendar quarter of manufacture. These codes are found on the underside of the guard mechanism, or in cartridge razors, near the attachment mechanism for the blade. </font>
<font> Gillette Blade Date Codes (and earlier lot systems) were imprinted on one side of the blade as a series of letters and/ or numbers, or on the cartridge. The blade system adopted in 1931 is still in use today, and was used on razors as well after 1950. All the coding systems are listed below.</font>
<font>Other makers included serial or manufacturing codes, but we do not have the keys. AutoStrop and Rolls are two well known manufacturers who serial numbered their razors. If you have the key to another manufacturer's codes, please share this information with other collectors.</font>
<center> '''<font>Please pass on any corrections or additions: E-Mail me. </font>
<font>Go to.... 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's </font>'''
1903 | No Serial No.s | 100* | "Double Ring" handle thin cap/guard | Blades notched for "heat lots". |
1904 | 1-25424<br />25425-45424 | 100*<br />100* | "Pat. appl. for" &<br />"Pat. Nov. 15.04" (USA) | "Gillette Blade" around center hole. Year/ month/ day/ lot serial #'s |
1905 | 45425-370424 | 100* | "Pat. Mar.7.05" (Canada) | "Gillette Safety Razor Company" twined around all 3 holes. |
1906 | 370425-770424 | 100*/102 | June 06: Single ring handle introduced | King Gillette's picture on blade wrappers. |
1907 | 770425-A195424 | 102 | ||
1908 | A195425-A675857 | 102 | "Diamond & Arrow" Logo.<br />Pocket Edition with solid fancy handles & matching cases. | "Diamond and Arrow" logo introduced (1-1/8" wide). Steel lot# only on blade. |
1909 | A675858-B222220 | 102 | ||
1910<br />back to top | B222221-B697600 | 102 | Aristocrat Model introduced. | |
1911 | B697601-C80508 | 102 | 3 digit code: 1=year, 2/3=week | |
1912 | C80509-C260238 | 102 | ||
1913 | C260239-C407806 | 102 | ||
1914 | C407807-C578360 | 102 | Bulldog handle intoduced. | "No" above stropping/honing |
1915 | C578361-C911806 | 102 | Milady Decollette short handle (long neck) | 1 1/8" diamond & <br />Pat. # |
1916 | C911807-D516474 | 102 | ||
1917 | D516475-E449207 | 102 | Hollow Handle Pocket Edition | |
1918 | E449208-J7344<br />Plus F/G/H (no I)<br />J Series all U.S. military | 102 | <div align="left">3.5 million razors produced for US forces in WWI </div> | 35 million blades produced for US forces in WWI |
1919 | J7345-K927216<br />J Series all U.S. military | 102 | Big Fellow introduced. | |
1920<br />back to top | K927217-N459887 | 102 | Diamond and Arrow reduced to 7/8" wide. | |
1921 | N459887-P679777<br />1A-863912A (USA)<br />V=Spain, W=France, Y=Britain, Z=Canada | 102<br />102A/106 | 102A: "Old Style" Thick cap/guard<br />106: New Improved / heavy flat guard | |
1922 | 863913A-336676B | 102A/106 | Old Style still seen with no serial # | |
1923 | 336677B-391575B | 102A/106 | ||
1924 | 391576B-485927B | 102A/106 | ||
1925 | 485928B-602049B | 102A/106 | 4 digit code: 1=decade/ RH# of 2+3=year/ 2+4=week | |
1926 | 602050B-770070B | 102A/106 | ||
1927 | 770071B-902611B<br />Serial No.'s end Oct. 17 | 102A/106 | ||
1928 | Serial No.s start Aug. 28 1C-94800C | 102A/106/126 | 126= Mod. 106 /narrow shoulders | Last year for 3-hole blades. |
1929 | 94801C-241755C | 102A/126/134 | Model 134 "long slot" test marketed | "New" Gillette Long slot blade (no serial #). |
1930<br />back to top | A 1/2/3/4 <br />(Letter=year, number= <br />quarter of year). Only DeLuxe models were serial #'d, starting 1-D | 134 | 134: New Gillette (takes slotted blade) | "De Luxe" Kroman stainless steel blade introduced/ discont'd.<br />Year letter/ number code introduced. |
1931 | B<br />No more razor serial #'s to 1951 | 134/148/154 <br />160/162/164/170/175 | 148/154:short bar/two bar caps <br />160/2/4/70/5: "Goodwill" types.<br />Handles: ball end and new bar end. | Blue blade (plain slot and diamonds) introduced.<br />Blades get 2x crosshatch |
1932 | C | 134/160 | 160: Standard Goodwill/solid cap | Blades get 4x crosshatch |
1933 | D | 134/160 | "New" blade discontinued.<br />Blade corners notched. | |
1934 | E | 134/160/TTO<br />(TTO=Twist To Open ) | Aristocrat One-Piece TTO with Bulldog handle & comb guard. | |
1935 | F | 134/160/TTO | ||
1936 | G | 134/TTO | ||
1937 | H | 134/TTO | Sheraton TTO (gold, regular handle) | |
1938 | I | 134/TTO | Senator TTO <br />(nickel vs gold). | Thin blade introduced in Red/ Black wrapper. |
1939 | J | 134/TTO/Tech | Tech intro'd with triangle guard slots. | |
1940<br />back to top | K | 134/TTO/Tech | Regent Tech TTO (last comb guard) | |
1941 | L | 134/TTO/Tech | Milord TTO (bar guard version of Sheraton) | |
1942 | M | Tech | War production only | Blade "tick marks" denote Side I/ Side II |
1943 | N | Tech | War production only | Limited civilian prod'n |
1944 | O | Tech | War production only | Camoflage blade for military use. |
1945 | P | Tech | War production mostly | |
1946 | R | TTO/Tech | Full civilian production resumes. | Thin Blade black and white wrapper red print. |
1947 | S | TTO/Tech | "SuperSpeed" replaces Senator. "Rocket" in Canada and UK. | |
1948 | T | TTO/Tech | "Improved" TTO's notched for blade dispenser | White plastic blade dispenser |
1949 | U | TTO/Tech | First plastic case: red/ clear styrene. | |
1950<br />back to top | V | TTO/Tech | Blue plastic blade dispenser | |
1951 | W 1/2/3/4<br />(Yr. letter code plus <br />quarter of year) | TTO/Tech | Razors get date codes (year & 1/4) | |
1952 | X | TTO/Tech | Tech gets parallel slots | |
1953 | Y | TTO/Tech | Executive: heavy gold handle | |
1954 | Z | TTO/Tech | Coloured TTO knobs for blade angle. | |
1955 | A | TTO/Tech | ||
1956 | B | TTO/Tech | ||
1957 | C | TTO/Tech | ||
1958 | D | TTO/Tech | "Adjustable" Dial TTO. TV Special this year only | Super Blue Blade (silicone coated). |
1959 | E | TTO/Tech | Adjustable TTO: short thick handle | |
1960<br />back to top | F | TTO/Tech | Toggle Adjustable this year only | Last year for the Thin Blade? |
1961 | G | TTO/Tech | ||
1962 | H | TTO/Tech | ||
1963 | I | TTO/Tech | Lady Gillette TTO. <br />Men's Adjustable gets long thin handle. | Stainless Steel Blade. |
1964 | J | TTO/Tech | Tech notched guard ends | |
1965 | K | TTO/Tech/Techmatic | "Techmatic" Band Blade Razor | Super Stainless Steel Blade. Techmatic Band Cartridges. |
1966 | L | TTO/Tech/Techmatic | ||
1967 | M | TTO/Tech/Techmatic | ||
1968 | N | TTO/Knack/Tech/Techmatic | Knack (SlimTwist in UK & Canada) knob under head.<br />"Orbiter 4000" electric Band razor | Plus DE Blade. Super Stainless Injector Blade. |
1969 | O | TTO/Knack/Tech/Techmatic | TTO black handles (long and short), <br />"Super Adjustable" | |
1970<br />back to top | P | TTO/Knack/Tech | Platinum-Plus DE Blade. Last year for Blue Blade? | |
1971 | R | TTO/Knack/Tech/TracII | "TracII" introduced | TracII slide-on Cartridge |
1972 | <center>S</center> | TTO/DE/Tech/TracII | Knack becomes "Double Edge" (DE)? | |
<center>1973</center> | <center>T</center> | <center>TTO/DE/Tech/TracII</center> | TracII introduced as "GII" outside North America. Tech prod'n ends in US. | "Twinjector" twinned injector blades. |
<center>1974</center> | <center>U</center> | <center>TTO/DE/TracII</center> | Super-Speed TTO production ends?? | |
<center>1975</center> | <center>V</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Dispo</center> | "Daisy" disposible for Ladies | |
<center>1976</center> | <center> W</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Dispo</center> | "Good News" disposible for men. | |
<center>1977</center> | <center> X</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo</center> | "Atra" introduced | Atra clip-on pivoting cartridge |
<center>1978</center> | <center> Y</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo</center> | Atra for Women | |
<center>1979</center> | <center> Z</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo</center> | ||
<center> 1980's<br />back to top </center> | <center> A-J</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo</center> | "Swivel" disposible in 1980 | |
1985 | F | DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo | Trac II and Atra "Plus"<br />Good News "Pivot Plus" and Daisy Plus disposibles.<br /> | Trac II & Atra Plus cartridges: "plus" = lubricating aloe strip |
<center>1989</center> | <center>J</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo</center> | ||
<center> 1990's<br />back to top </center> | <center>K-U</center> | DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor | "Sensor" for Men introduced in 1990 | Sensor pivoting cartridge, with flexible twin blades. |
<center>1992</center> | <center>M</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor</center> | "Sensor" for Women | |
<center>1993</center> | <center>N</center> | <center>DE/TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor</center> | Sensor Excel | Sensor cartridge with aloe strip |
<center>1998</center> | <center>T</center> | <center>TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor/ <br />Mach3</center> | "Mach3" for Men introduced. DE production ends. | Mach3 triple blade cartridge. |
<div align="center"> 2000's<br />back to top <br /></div> | <div align="center">V-E<br /></div> | <center>TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor/ <br />Mach3</center> | <br /> | DE Blades still available.<br /> |
<div align="center">2001<br /></div> | <div align="center">W<br /></div> | <center>TracII/Atra/Dispo/Sensor/ <br />Mach3</center> | Venus for Women, Mach3 style razor. <br />Mach3 "Cool Blue"<br /> | Venus for Women triple blade cartridge. |
<div align="center">etc.<br /></div> | <div align="center"> TO</div> | <div align="center">BE </div> | <div align="center">CONTINUED </div> | ....... |
Much of the information on this page has been extracted from the excellent books: "Safety Razor Reference Guide" by Robert K. Waits, and "The Complete Gillette Collector's Handbook" and Collector's Guide to American Razor Blades" by Phillip L. Krumholz. See the " Books and Reference Page " for details on these excellent reference guides. My thanks to both authors!
* I assume this Model number based on others in the series, but I have no proof this was the actual Model number used.
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