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Mission Statement

Our mission is to provide a fun and informative site covering all aspects of the manly art of wet shaving, catering to all gentlemen, from beginners to seasoned pros. Why do we join? Lots of reasons, but for many, disdain for multi-blade and multi-dollar approaches to one of life's basic tasks leads us here. In the process, shaving becomes a treasured daily moment away from the rigors of our hectic lives. We become active members of the B&B community because we are drawn to a better shave, a community unparalleled anywhere online, and the pursuit of life's finer things, such as fine food and drink,cigars and other sophisticated pursuits.

We want you to consider Badger & Blade as an environment in which gentlemen can rediscover the enjoyment of grooming and discuss their hobbies with like-minded brethren in a respectful fashion as in the barbershops of old. If you are just starting out and would like advice, or if you've been wet shaving for years and would like to share your experiences, please feel free to register and post your thoughts, questions, or comments in the forums.

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