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WW2 Antique, looks pretty bad.. thoughts?




BIN of $30, but I'm not sure if the blade has any damage. I see rust I could easily clean; it obviously needs either scale cleaning or a rescale; definitely needs fresh pins.

If the blade itself is undamaged I'm sure pulling it off the scales (see the shank?) and cleaning the rust off would be easy; then a good (thin) coat of Tuf-Glide, send it to Lynn for an estimate on any beveling that needs doing (does he need it in scales?), and at some point (before/after sending) scale it either in the cleaned-up originals with NiAg pins or throw on some Ebony or black horn scales.

Looks really bad though, the blade could be cracked/chipped.

EDIT: Here's a German one from the same era, in much better condition:

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There is a prohibition against live ebay links, and they both look horrible.

Actually, I'm a little fuzzy on whether or not links to BIN's are okay...


My elbows leak
Staff member
Someone had said non-BIN eBay links were a TOS vio, but BINs are fair game since you can purchase. I'll leave it there until an administrator complains/edits for me; no harm done.

BIN sales are ok.
I can see the attraction in that WWII Army Navy str8. If it could be cleaned up and rescaled, it would be gorgeous.

The german one might be in better condition but would you really want a Nazi Razor?

For what it's worth -
Not all German Soldiers and Sailors were Nazi's. Point of fact is that the majority of career German Miltary Men despised the Nazi's as much as anyone else.
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I have acquired both. I'll be using a better resolution camera than usual when I get the US Navy one restored. I am currently investigating cleaning mediums for those oil stains; I don't mind the discoloration, but I want the surface clean.


Got these today. Both absolutely stunning.

The US Army/Navy needs work but the blade is in great shape and the whole thing looks in amazing condition, just aged. The handle seems to be a plastic, I suppose this is what's called Bakelite.

The German one is in fantastic shape, could get away with just cleaning and honing. Also what the heck is this, a 3/8?
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