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Too many rabbit holes?

This site is so full of rabbit holes you can't walk across it without twisting your ankle. They include the numerous shaving rabbit holes but also watches, shoes, pens, pipes, tobaccos, booze, and so on.

I know me and I've avoided opening some of these threads.
Late winter of 2022 I started pipe smoking. Didn't want to jump in hard with buying expensive pipes and tobacco. Ended up with a few corn cobs and several ounces of good tobacco. Then I stopped because smoking is a battle. I could easily have jumped back in cigarettes or rolling my own.

Coffee same thing. I'm trying to quit the stuff for my health. But it'd be easy to up my pour-over game if I decided to.

Watches, don't even get me started.
I've been down a bunch of rabbit holes, but fortunately I seem to have a natural limit: I don't want to own anything just to have it. I have to use it, or there's just nothing in it for me. And for some things, all I really wanted was to have the ideal version for me, and then I just stop. Not going to be replacing my coffee roaster, for example, unless it just dies.

Doesn't completely help with straight razors or sharpening stones or knives, but at least I've reached a point with those where something really has to be special, or fill a gap, in order for me to be willing to purchase.

I am grateful that I have no interest in acquiring boats, bicycles, cameras, drones, or more than one nice watch. What has increased is my willingness to spend for really good meat, seafood, cheese, and butter. Much of which has to be shipped overnight, except in the coolest times of the year, due to the local climate.


I shaved a fortune
When I did carpentry for a living, I acquired a lot of cool hand tools, power tools, stationary equipment, etc. I still have most of it but I do have a small collection of Belknap hammers. I should sell some of them off.
For me, besides shaving, it's numismatics (coins and paper currency), custom-made pool cues, and to a lesser extent, notebooks and ledgers. If they ever add a pool cue or currency sub-forum here I'm a lost cause.

Have a great day, all!


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
I like most of them, but fortunately I'm a favorites guy so there is usually an end to my spending (except brushes, apparently).

I have enough AE and Alden shoes to last me the rest of my life. I have a couple of Pelikan pens that killed my desire for pen shopping. I've been using the same Wolfman for about 7 years.

I still enjoy shopping for wine, beer and food, but a man has to live!
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