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Raffle - $5.00 for a chance to win

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Find that five dollar bill and chip in for a great and worthy cause - you just might win the raffle! This cancer research fundraiser for children is something we do each year. We join other shaving artisans like Stirling, Fine, Barrister & Mann, Henri et Vitoria, Wolf Whiskers, and many more. Your $5.00 raffle ticket gives you a chance to win one of the 25 drawings that feature shaving artisans and vendors. You read that right, twenty-five chances that your ticket can be selected!

The deadline to enter is September 30 so toss your hat in the ring today! For your convenience here is the link: 2023 Childhood Cancer Research Fundraiser — Take Care Man - https://www.takecareman.com/blog/1500-of-shaving-gear-win-1-of-10-prize-packages-7ccjp

Good luck to each one of you and thank you for participating!

~ The Captain

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
My wife and I do not exchange Christmas presents for ourselves, instead we donate money to St Jude's.
My best friends daughter died, not even three years old, of brain cancer. This was Feb 1982, since then I do this, then in Germany and now here. Sad.
Kids with Cancer are hard to deal with, years ago I worked at City of Hope National Medical Center in Duarte, CA. Late 1970's we have one wing all kids under 16, most we Leukemia & other Cancers. All these years later not much has improved, researchers keep .ooking for end of Cancer,
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