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Mini DMT for slurry stones

So I'm still battling with my Naniwa 1k, I have been using a 6 inch dmt 1200 to slurry but it just seems a bit big.

I was looking at the F70E

I am thinking for this instead of a stone because then I am hoping it would be used on the higher grits of Naniwa stones, would this be a good assumption?
So far as I can see from the Microscope;

If I don't have a slurry it just polishes like a 10k and then gets odd 1k scratches along it.

If I add pressure and do back and forth motions the scratches are deeper than a dmt 325.

Only with slurry and no pressure do you get a nice even scratch pattern.

Then we get to another big problem, if you do x strokes all the slurry falls off the stone rather fast so you have to do near parallel strokes.
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Something's up - I use a 1k all the time, without slurry, and it doesn't behave at all like a 10k.
I'm not good at honing yet - but I can get a bevel squared away on a neglected razor or a brand new unsharpened/honed razor pretty quickly with the 1k Super Stone.
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