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Cleaning razor and blade.

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Мое судно на воздушной подушке полно угрей!

(My Hovercraft is full of eels! :lemo:)
Now I understand- Translation difficulties))) In general, I do not speak English and I communicate with you thanks to Google translator.
It's from a Monte Python comedy routine. Pretending I screwed up the translation into nonsense. :letterk1:
Takes like one extra second to grab the bottle and simply zap the DE and blade with a quick fine mist of alcohol that will clean, disinfect and remove all of the water and then hang it up to dry

I have the Gillette PII, which is the authorized Trac II reproduction that is made in India.

Last year, I shaved three separate weeks using the PII blades. All three weeks were satisfactory shaves.

The Trac II was my favorite razor. I only moved to the three blade cartridge when the II was no longer available.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
I have the Gillette PII, which is the authorized Trac II reproduction that is made in India.

Last year, I shaved three separate weeks using the PII blades. All three weeks were satisfactory shaves.

The Trac II was my favorite razor. I only moved to the three blade cartridge when the II was no longer available.

Isn’t there still plenty of Compatible twin blade cart brands in the wild that will still fit your PII handle?

I have a lifetime supply of Wilkinson Sword carts I use for my vintage Trac II handle and a travel razor I keep in the Dopp kit.





I use liquid hand soap post shave to:
  • wash the shave soap, cream, AS off my hands,
  • Then quickly rub down my razor,
  • I never touch a blade however, Hot water rinse followed by 20% indoor humidity to dry things out (20% RH assumes my humidifier is running at house shaking levels)
I like things that look clean, I also appreciate from a mechanical standpoint that clean things fail less over time. Might not be fully applicable, aside from threads, to my razors, but it's merely 30 seconds/shave of my life down the drain.
I thoroughly rinse my razor after a shave with hot water and shake excess water off. Nothing more. It gets a thorough cleaning with each blade change after typically 3-12 shaves. Use an old tooth brush and dish soap.

For the vast majority of wet shavers, who use cartridges, this is likely how one cleans a razor between shaves as you can't do much more than rinse a cartridge as anything more would likely damage/dull the blades. This is also consistent with Gillette's instructions (and they claim up to 15+ shaves per cartridge) for cleaning its cartridge razors. GQ magazine recommends piping hot water to better sanitize the razor between uses.
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I just rinse the razor under the hot tap, and shake the water off once the metal is as hot as it will get - after 5 seconds or so. The hot metal will ensure most of the water will evaporate.

When I change blades, I use a drop of dish detergent and a dedicated toothbrush to scrub the innards. Dish detergent isn't acidic, abrasive or corrosive, but cuts through greasy soapscum just fine.

Having said that, when I change blades, I have noticed a white greasy film on the blade after 3 or 4 shaves which could affect performance. I don't need another rabitt hole to fall into though!
I rinse the blade and razor after use. I will sometimes remove the blade and wipe off the accumulate soap scum if it's behaving badly or looks obviously caked up, but otherwise just rinse and shake out the water and put the razor back on the shelf.

I scrub the razor when I discard the blade, I have very very hard water and hence lots of soap scum and mineral deposits. I could care less what it looks like, but there are times when too much crud on the blade makes it feel dull.

I've been adding more EDTA to my shaving soaps while making them, and I've not had to wipe a blade since I did that.
Isn’t there still plenty of Compatible twin blade cart brands in the wild that will still fit your PII handle?

Might be? I bought several packages of PII blades when I bought the razor. Have only used one blade. They are like the originals, no goo strip.

I did buy some Twin Blade Personna cartridges. They were on sale for $14/hundred. I have been using one cartridge since the beginning of the year to trim around my mustache. Not every day of course. But since it is such a small area to trim, the Personna cart is holding in there. It does have the slime strip, which I can do without!

I see you have a fancy Trac II. I have never seen that model before.


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Might be? I bought several packages of PII blades when I bought the razor. Have only used one blade. They are like the originals, no goo strip.

I did buy some Twin Blade Personna cartridges. They were on sale for $14/hundred. I have been using one cartridge since the beginning of the year to trim around my mustache. Not every day of course. But since it is such a small area to trim, the Personna cart is holding in there. It does have the slime strip, which I can do without!

I see you have a fancy Trac II. I have never seen that model before.

I need to try the Twin Personna one day. Most dollar stores carry some type of Trac II compatible cart. I don’t care much for the goo strip either, so when I switch out to a new cart I just take a small pen knife and pop it off before use.

lol, I don’t know about fancy! :). It’s a Gillette Deluxe travel case bought at a TWA gift shop in the airport back in 1978. :)
After every shave, I take the razor apart and give it a thorough wash with a toothbrush and/or toothpaste. After that I dry and a few hours later I put the shaver back disassembled in perfect condition, ready for the next time. The amount of water I use to wash the brush, razor and bowl is just enough to take a quick shower.
I know it's not gentle, but I like the look of a maintained instrument and the clean feel.
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