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The Simpson Pile-Up

I have just one Simpson. A Tulip 2. Sheds like the dickens, but works good. I prefer the smallness of it, I think. On lookout for a Wee Scott now.


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Now, there is a hype about those brushes that seems to have escalated lately and I'm sorry, but I fail to see why.

As post #16 clearly shows, I don't own a Simpson so that could be a part of the answer :001_smile

Is this a bad thing? :hand:
Is it poor judgement on my part? :wacko:
Well, I don't know :confused1

Now with the risk of being banned from the brush section, I'm going to say that I find the handles bland and few of them appealing to me.
And why only a handle in that colour? Most other manufacturers offer greater variety (at least in black as well).

Despite that, I am more curious than a cat and I haven't bought a brush yet this month, so just maybe...?
Although I had my eyes set for a Thäter, maybe I should go for a Persian Jar in Super instead - well plenty of month back to decide.

Wrong thread to be saying this I know, but still :biggrin1:

And just to pour some oil on the waters; some of you Gentlemen has some really nice brush collections :thumbup: :w00t: :ouch1:

don't think you'll get banned for saying it....but looks like Simpson's is banned now....and i just bought a COLONEL :ohmy: oh well, i still love it even though i've only used in once and don't plan on dumping it just because they are banned here. hopefully they don't become "FILTERED VENDOR" as it would cut out about 70% of the brush talk in this SHAVE BRUSH threads :blushing: oh well, i got a ROONEY as well, so we can still talk about them :001_tt2:

goes hand in hand with the news seen here "Explanation: Why Simpson's is no longer with us...."
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don't think you'll get banned for saying it....but looks like Simpson's is banned now....and i just bought a COLONEL :ohmy: oh well, i still love it even though i've only used in once and don't plan on dumping it just because they are banned here. hopefully they don't become "FINTERED VENDOR" as it would cut out about 70% of the brush talk in this SHAVE BRUSH threads :blushing: oh well, i got a ROONEY as well, so we can still talk about them :001_tt2:

goes hand in hand with the news seen here "Explanation: Why Simpson's is no longer with us...."

Thank you for the link to that thread, I had not seen it.

Well, a Thäter it is :laugh:
Now with the risk of being banned from the brush section,

Søren, with all the beautiful pictures you post, that's not gonna happen:thumbup: You turn shave gear into works of art, my brother!

Now as to Simpsons, I have a few (5 I think?:lol:) one is GREAT, three are good and one is just silly large:lol: (but so much fun to use). I wouldn't let Mark's being banned dissuade you from trying one. They are generally good performers and good quality brushes (not to take anything away from Thater)

Either would be a fine choice but (IMO) you should try a Simpson at some point.


hopefully they don't become "FINTERED VENDOR" as it would cut out about 70% of the brush talk in this SHAVE BRUSH threads :blushing: oh well, i got a ROONEY as well, so we can still talk about them :001_tt2:

goes hand in hand with the news seen here "Explanation: Why Simpson's is no longer with us...."

Oh my word. That is a horrifying thought. All the SOTD, Brush forum, The Score...

Decimated by *Filtered Vendor* Daily discussion brought to a halt....

I feel cold all the sudden.

Here are a few in the stable (pay no attention to the Rooney in there :001_rolle)


L-R: Rooney 1/1 Finest, Berkeley, Classic 1, 57, B&B Eagle G3, Duke 3


Late 60's-Early 70's Vintage X1L


Somerset Harvard 2


Somerset Rover 2


John Bull Branded Somerset Polo 10
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Søren, with all the beautiful pictures you post, that's not gonna happen:thumbup: You turn shave gear into works of art, my brother!

Now as to Simpsons, I have a few (5 I think?:lol:) one is GREAT, three are good and one is just silly large:lol: (but so much fun to use). I wouldn't let Mark's being banned dissuade you from trying one. They are generally good performers and good quality brushes (not to take anything away from Thater)

Either would be a fine choice but (IMO) you should try a Simpson at some point.



Thank you very much Ken :blushing: (first paragraph)

Thank you very much, Ken! :glare: (the rest)

And just as I thought it was going to be an easy call this time :laugh: (I have restrained myself to one brush purchase this month)
Nice Somersets, Bob! :001_smile The H2 (old or modern) is one of the prettier handles in existence, IMHO.
Thanks. The Harvards are more curvaceous PJ's, and I think the line works better at the smaller sizes (H1-H3). The H4 I have (which is a Progress/Vulfix) is a little too buxom.
Thanks. The Harvards are more curvaceous PJ's, and I think the line works better at the smaller sizes (H1-H3). The H4 I have (which is a Progress/Vulfix) is a little too buxom.

It does get pretty busty all of a sudden at H4... shades of Jessica Rabbit. :tongue_sm

A really elegant line, though.
The X1L... another neat little brush!

If there were one across-the-board change I could make at Simpson, it would be to replicate the old lamp-black lettering somehow (I understand they discontinued it for health & safety reasons). It's a classic look that seems to age more gracefully than the current lettering.
The X1L... another neat little brush!

If there were one across-the-board change I could make at Simpson, it would be to replicate the old lamp-black lettering somehow (I understand they discontinued it for health & safety reasons). It's a classic look that seems to age more gracefully than the current lettering.

I love the lampe black, personally. When I corresponded with Gary some time ago about this X1L, he indicated that at one time there were 5 sizes of Colonel, much like there are 6 Beauforts, 6 Harvards, etc.

Bob, that middle row looks an awful lot like what I'm shooting for right now. I like your taste.

Great minds think alike. :wink:
From left to right: Commodore X3, Somerset X3 with 2-band reknot, AS2M with 3-band super reknot, Duke 3 with 2-band, Chubby 2.

The Somerset X3 and the AS2M both received knots over the last year or so by Mark at Vulfix.
Currently I have

1. Colonel
2. "46"
3. "56"
4. Milkchurn
5. Case
6. Harvard 4
7. Tulip 2
8. Eagle (Group Buy)
9. Classic 1

1. John Bull Chubby 3
2. "58"
3. Keyhole 3

1. Case with Holder
2. Marshall Fields Case

Within the next few months I plan on divesting myself of all the Simfix brushes....


B&B Tease-in-Residence
Currently I have

1. Colonel
2. "46"
3. "56"
4. Milkchurn
5. Case
6. Harvard 4
7. Tulip 2
8. Eagle (Group Buy)
9. Classic 1

1. John Bull Chubby 3
2. "58"
3. Keyhole 3

1. Case with Holder
2. Marshall Fields Case

Within the next few months I plan on divesting myself of all the Simfix brushes....

I call dibs on the 46/milkchurn
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