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My Son likes "Raiders of the Lost Ark" so he should also watch ... ??


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
Please recommend "adventure films" of similar "ripping yarn" epic-ness. Please avoid those with excessive nudity or sexuality, as this is for a pre-teen boy ...

Yes, we've already exhausted the whole Indiana Jones series, as well as the "Mummy" movies ...


The original Star Wars trilogy comes to mind (George Lucas x Harrison Ford).

One newer film (2016) with similar themes is The Lost City of Z. I recall it being pretty decent.

Edit: I'll also add The Man Who Would Be King (1975). Slower pace by today's standards, but a classic film with Sean Connery and Michael Caine.

Edit 2: one more... The Goonies (1985). More of a kids movie, but it's fantastic.
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Eben Stone

Staff member
There is no epic-ness in the same ballpark as Raiders, but these are pretty good and came out in the same decade:

Dragonslayer (1981)
Ladyhawke (1985)
The Princess Bride (1987)


Abandoned By Gypsies.
The Rocketeer and the Zorro movies immediately come to mind. Believe both are streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Disney+.

Others that are just sheer fun include:
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (also my nickname for the men of B&B)
Captains Courageous
The Princess Bride
Rio Bravo
The Sting
The Natural


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"The Right Stuff". The story of the first US astronauts and the test pilots they were selected from. History, humour, thrills, spills and a great little movie with a fantastic cast.

"Shackleton" - Kenneth Branagh version. Not the light-hearted adventure of Indiana Jones but a real-life story of survival against all the odds.

Shackleton & crew lost their ship in the Antarctic but somehow managed to survive 5 months in tents on the ice until they got the chance to launch small, open boats in which they sailed to Elephant Island and then on to South Georgia where they had to cross an impossible mountain range on foot.

An amazing story.
In addition to the above recommendation for Romancing the Stone, there's also King Solomon's Mines. All these movies mimic the Indiana Jones B Movie action serial look.

Additionally, depending on your son's age, you could consider The Goonies. The film is good for little kids, but teenagers might not like it as much.
How about Clash of the Titans from 1981. Every preteen boy should see that!

Also look into the tv miniseries Shogun starring Richard Chamberlain, Toshiro Mifune, and John Rhys-Davies. Not as action packed, still great in my opinion.

Oh yeah, The Seven Samurai maybe.
My pre-teen son also likes the early Steve McQueen movies the Magnificent Seven and The Great Escape. There is also a TV series about the young Indiana Jones he liked quite a bit.
The first Raiders movie is just superb. Hard to match. But if he has not seen the first Iron Man movie, it is also topnotch. RDJ just owns the character as perfectly as can be done, and the story is well-told.


Probably not Al Bundy
Star Wars (the original first 3) Romancing the Stone & Jewel of the Nile, Big Trouble in Little China, Nate and Hayes, Pirates of the Caribbean (the first one), National Treasure, Force 10 from Navarone (young Harrison Ford), Last of the Mohicans, Dances with Wolves, Highlander, Outland, The Hunt for Red October (the last three all Sean Connery adventure movies)

And yes, agree with the earlier posts that recommended The Princess Bride, good call...

and of course the excellent documentary Raiders! The Story of the Greatest Fan Film Ever Made

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Probably not Al Bundy
Also, if he likes the archaeology aspect you both may enjoy the recent Ralph Fiennes Netflix film The Dig, which is excellent.
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