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Yet Another Journal of Razors and Blades and Stuff


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I suppose thinking about the last several posts, all I really do is put a familiar blade in the razor and do at least four shaves. Then I switch to a blade that I am less certain about and I can usually make some informed guesses about the blade since the memory of my familiar blade is fresh in my head. Sometimes, the first shave isn't very good and it takes a second or third shave to get a realistic idea about the blade. The fact that it isn't performing at it's best out of the wrapper definitely factors into my opinion about it just as the decline curve does. I have no patients for blades that don't perform their best until sometime on the second shave, it better start waking up by the end of the first shave for me! Others want a blade to last a full week, this used to be a thing I read all the time, and think that it's OK for the first two full shaves to be sub par. Further, if I only used a blade once, I wouldn't have enough time to learn anything and I guess I would use a tuck of them before deciding. I usually follow up with a blade that I think the new blade is closest to and may go back for another after that! An example of this are Dorco Primes which I consider to be a sharp minus blade, not a medium plus. I immediately followed up with a Nacet to confirm that they perform close, but the Nacet is sharper(blade feel is very close).
In fact, that's how I ended up with a blade stash large enough for several lifetimes; I didn't have as many razors and when I found blades that I liked, I bought hundreds each. Whether I knew that my preference might change or not, I thought at the time that since those blades worked with a couple of razors that I had that they would work with most that I might acquire in the future.
That’s why I have yet to buy 100 of any. I figured I was just here to get some help getting my Henson mild to work for me. Once I did that, I’d figure out what blade works best and stock up then.

But then I got sucked in trying to get that mythical no drama BBS shave that everyone talks about. Now I’m getting better shaves with several razors, but since I still haven’t even settled on one yet, I haven’t done any blade experimentation either, beyond casually trying a few that I’ve acquired here and there. So I still have yet to stock up on any single blade.
Henson AL13++
Nacet (4)
Wald A1 Nimbus fan
Southern Witchcrafts Gothorum Tonstrina
Stirling unscented glacial balm

Another nice evening shave to finish off my Henson week. Might have gotten 1 weeper off my left mouth corner, but it was a tiny dot that washed away with cold water, so I'm not concerned with it. I felt 1/3 of my actual age as I had a couple of blemishes that I had to be very careful around, so avoiding any blood there was a bit of an accomplishment. Result is a DFS+ (8.5/10) with not a hint of irritation.

I feel like right now, my top spot is between this razor, Masamune, and Athena. Since I don't have an Athena at the moment, I feel like I should go back to Masamune, but I think I'm going to punt on that for now and revisit my other razors that I can't get in TI - Era, Overlander, and Winning. (I know, Winning is now produced in TI, albeit out of stock right now. But unlike Henson and Tatara, which should be very similar in TI to what I have, my OG Winning is a rather different razor from the one that Yates is making in TI.)

Era will be up on Friday, but I haven't decided if I'll use the 3 or 4 plate. I felt like the 4 plate was better for me when I last used it, but maybe it's better to start with the milder one. IDK. I guess I have until Friday morning to figure it out.
I don't know if these sorts of posts are interesting for anyone besides the poster, but I'll post anyways. I now have 2 full weeks of Nacet shaves with 6 razors (plus 1 week with Tatara Nodamune, but I traded away the Nodachi cap for the Masamune cap so there won't be a second). What I've found:

1. Henson++
2a. Tatara Masamune CC
2b. Lambda Athena
4a. Henson+++
4b. Tatara Masadachi CC (Masamune cap / Nodachi plate)
6a. Tatara Nodamune CC (Nodachi cap / Masamune plate)
6b. Blackland Blackbird Lite

The pairs at 2, 4, and 6 are essentially tied.

Shave closeness:
1. Athena
2. BB Lite
3. Henson++
4. Masamune
5. Henson+++
6. Nodamune
7. Masadachi

How does Henson++ shave closer than +++, or Masamune shave closer than the more aggressive Tataras? I think I'm able to shave more closely without worrying about cuts as much as with the more aggressive razors, so I do. I'm sure I could shave as closely with the more aggressive variants, but I'd get more cuts.

1. Henson++
(tie) Masamune
3. Henson+++
4. Athena
5. Nodamune
6. Masadachi
7. BB Lite

So even though I got closer shaves with the ++ and Masamune, I still got the fewest cuts with them. That's why I like them so much.

1. Athena
2. Henson++
3. Masadachi
4. Masamune
5. Henson+++
6. BB Lite
7. Nodamune

Efficiency seems almost random, but it's not a characteristic of the razor itself as much as how I use it. I'm slower and more careful with a more aggressive razor, so either the shave will take longer, or it won't be as close a result. (Or both.) But looking at this on its own doesn't tell me much. If I were more disciplined, I'd see how close each razor shaves in a set amount of time. But I'm not disciplined enough to stop if I'm still feeling a lot of stubble. 🙂

1. Masamune
2. Henson++
3. Masadachi
4. Athena
5. Nodamune
6. BB Lite
7. Henson+++

This correlates with safety, since more cuts generally means more irritation, but the Tataras seem to overperform here.

I've already sold/traded the BB Lite and the Nodachi cap. And I've decided to put the Nodachi plate away for awhile. Seeing that the Henson++ still outperforms the +++ in every way, I don't see much reason to keep that around either. I'll be traveling next week, but I'll most likely put it on BST when I get back. It's a good razor and I feel like I've tamed it at least, but I just get more out of the ++.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
I am just going to throw up all over the place instead of quoting properly, sorry...

First thought is that the Athena was working well for you and I think you are on the Stainless wait list, I think that's worth pursuing. It's mid pack safety wise which might only mean that you need some more time with it or that that's safe enough for everything else that it provides. I mean it's tops for closeness and it's not an aggressive razor so that seems worth spending the time on.

In spite of the fact that you sold the Lite Bird, which should make me sad(OK, angry), I know that you gave a fair shake and it's just too efficient for you. Another reason to get the Athena.

I don't know if I had any influence on you getting the Tatara, but I seem to remember thinking that some combination might suite you well. It seems like it's worth having and that you are keeping all of your present components. When you were asking how does the Masamune shave closer than the more aggressive combinations... I was about to finish your sentence for you, but I didn't have to. This is the same problem I have with the Timeless: I know it can shave closer, but I have to use it more aggressively.

This all still doesn't address the ultimate goal of getting a Ti razor; if you get the stainless Athena, do you need one? Would you sell off your stainless Tatara parts if you buy a Ti? I really wish I had the 68OC Timeless Ti to lend to you because I think it's something you should at least experience. My 95 is no doubt too much. Then we get to the other razor not mentioned...


I shaved a fortune
I'm quite pleased with my little Timeless Ti 0.68OC experiment... I ended up with two razor heads that work well with a Ti Crown handle... Both hybrid razor heads shift the balance points where I enjoy them so much more than a total titanium razor.
I am just going to throw up all over the place instead of quoting properly, sorry...
Me too. 😁

Athena: I'm on the wait list for both SS and TI, though I told him I'm only in the market for one or the other. That's what I'm hoping, that with more time, I'll get more consistent. While borrowing the bronze, I had a couple of good shaves to adjust to it, then 6-8 really stellar shaves, then I kinda lost my mojo and finished with a few meh shaves. I suspect I got cocky and tried to do too much, tried too hard to recreate those 6-8 stellar shaves. I think (hope) that if I can restrain myself a bit and just shave, the results will be at least very good, sometimes exceptional, and I'll get into less trouble with weepers and post-shave tightness. Which is what I'm really after anyway.

Tatara: You might have. I can't remember who first suggested it, but I knew you had and liked yours, albeit the full Nodachi, which I figured (correctly) would too aggressive for me.

A TI razor: It's obviously not a necessity, but I was looking to splurge on something nice. So if I got a SS Athena and it's a keeper, I don't think I'd need a TI. And if I got a TI Tatara, I wouldn't keep the SS one. I'm sure I'll keep a second razor if for no other reason than because that will allow me to be indecisive and hedge a bit, but I wouldn't keep the same razor in SS and TI. And I'll also keep one from the sub-$100 club for travel - likely the AL Henson or Overlander.
I don't know if these sorts of posts are interesting for anyone besides the poster, but I'll post anyways. I now have 2 full weeks of Nacet shaves with 6 razors (plus 1 week with Tatara Nodamune, but I traded away the Nodachi cap for the Masamune cap so there won't be a second). What I've found:
Great comments, and if folks don't find your observations interesting, they can check out. This is your journal, and unless you're trying to grow a fan base, I say, write whatever you want, and I for one will read it ;-)

Fortunately for my budget, I don't have any fascination with full Ti razors. To this point, I've found that my RR Ti Halo handle balances out nicely with my two Overlanders (brass and s-s), as well as with my Gamechangers.

While you're waiting on availability of either Ti or SS Athenas, I think you should run a Ti handle on one of your current SS razors. If you find the balance to be fine, then you can save $100 and pick up an SS Athena.

Of course, some folks insist on using the manufacturer's handle, and if this is the case with you, then ignore me :c1: You also might find the Athena handle to work for you - unlike my take on it which is well publicized. Maybe you should just ignore me ;-)

Curiously, while the Masamune handle is stainless (admittedly a lighter one), the razor feels beautifully balanced in my hand. I suspect that a Ti Masamune would feel too light.

Regarding your Athena experience, I suspect that if/when you own one, you'll find your favored Nacet will not be "the one" in the Athena. I'm with Aaron on this one - some razors demand different blades.

One thing that really surprises me about the Tatara permutations is that the Nodamune didn't work out better for you.

As I wrestle with permanent ownership of either of the two Nodachi components (having only experienced full Masamune and Masadachi), I truly wonder about the Nodamune combo based on these parameters:


In the active "Maurice" thread, I know several have commented that large gaps aren't such a big deal (aggressive-ness factor), as long as the exposure is under control.

Given your experiences with the Athena however, I'm surprised that the Nodamune didn't work out that well for you. I have to wonder if this isn't a harbinger of what you'll experience with an Athena.

... Thom
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Curiously, while the Masamune handle is stainless (admittedly a lighter one), the razor feels beautifully balanced in my hand. I suspect that a Ti Masamune would feel too light.
It really is well balanced, I forget that I'm using a steel razor when I'm shaving with it. When I do get a TI razor, I won't sell its equivalent in another metal until I'm sure I like the TI better. It's entirely possible that I prefer a SS Masamune over TI, or an AL Henson over TI.

One thing that really surprises me about the Tatara permutations is that the Nodamune didn't work out better for you.
I was too, I didn't figure negative exposure would work for me at all. When I first tried the Era with a 3SB plate, which is about neutral, I had a hard time finding and keeping the shave angle to get a close shave, so I didn't figure I'd have any use for negative exposure at all. But I've since learned that the specs only tell part of the story. Winning is neutral too, and it works well enough.

In the active "Maurice" thread, I know several have commented that large gaps aren't such a big deal (aggressive-ness factor), as long as the exposure is under control.
Speaking of specs, I don't get why such a big deal is made of gaps. Ok, with a large gap, you're more likely to get your skin bunched ahead of the blade and nick yourself. But if you keep you skin stretched ahead of the blade, you have nothing to worry about. High blade exposure, on the other hand, will result in weepers from shaving too close if you're not extremely careful. I can't remember the last time I nicked myself (now watch, I'll nick myself when I shave today... 😯), but I get at least a weeper or 2 more often than not.
Blackland Era 3SB
Nacet (1)
AP Shave 24mm G5C rocket engine
Southern Witchcrafts Gothorum Tonstrina
Stirling unscented menthol balm

I decided to begin my Era era with the 4SB, but when I disassembled the razor after the shave, I noticed that I'd accidentally put on the 3SB. I normally only disassemble a razor to give it a quick cleaning when I bin a blade, not after every shave, but I happen to be leaving for a road trip tomorrow morning, so I removed the blade and happened to see the plate marking. Oh well, I guess I'll stick with the 3 plate first!

My first experience with both plates was so-so: the 3SB was the only razor that I've really had trouble finding and keeping the angle for a close enough shave; the 4SB was just a little too bitey. So I was relatively pleased with myself that I only ended up with 1 weeper, on my right mustache corner. Instead, perhaps I should be relatively pleased with myself that I managed to shave into the DFS+ range (7.5/10) after less than 20 minutes in front of the mirror. Maybe my technique has improved over the last year.

Have a great weekend!
I don't know if these sorts of posts are interesting for anyone besides the poster, but I'll post anyways.
I am a little behind on journals lately, but I do enjoy your journal. Nacets are one of my favourite blades, along with GSBs, lol, so you had my attention 🙂. At some point I am going to get a Henson ++ based on your experience and my experience with the Henson +.
I am a little behind on journals lately, but I do enjoy your journal. Nacets are one of my favourite blades, along with GSBs, lol, so you had my attention 🙂. At some point I am going to get a Henson ++ based on your experience and my experience with the Henson +.
I can’t compare it to your awesome Wolfmans, but I definitely enjoy when I get back to my Henson. 😃
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