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Wife using C&E Sandalwood

wow, what an interesting post, and U-turn...
yes, I don't mind sharing my stuff with my wife, we have a slightly different view on the "give-take", "50-50" accepted norm....this is a relationship where 2 have become 1, and so we each give 100%, sometimes I cook, sometimes she does; sometimes I clean, sometimes she does; sometimes I mow, sometimes I do (okay, maybe not that one); sometimes I change the oil in my truck, sometimes....okay, you get the idea.
The marriage relationship isn't a contract "you pull your weight, I pull mine", it's a covenant, and when viewed that way, works as it should, two people united for a common purpose. outside of that, it's tough for it to last.
so, back to Sandalwood - I don't have any, yet, but when I do, if she wants to use it....:ihih:
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