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Tonight's Honing Escapade

Finally got time to try honing again today. I just got a DMT coarse to flatten my stones, a Chinese 12k and a 4/8k Norton (that changed quickly).

So, I soak the stones to be flattened. During the soaking the Norton decides it will be a good idea to split in to two stones. So I now have a 4K and an 8K!. The thing is almost brand new. I'm pissed. Is this normal? I still flatten them then do the 12K. That one took a long time.

So, on to the honing. I start with my Wapi. Do what i saw on my DVD and then give it a strop. The handle comes off my strop. Fortunately it is old and cheap so i don't care too much. Test the Wapi and it SUCKS. I then realise that with the stones splitting I got it mixed up and used the 8K first!

So I try another couple and never really made any progress. I think my technique sucks, as do my stones and strop now. To ease the tension I decide I'll smooth out the other side of the 12K, just to pass the time. 45 minutes later it is done and soaked fingers are wrinkled like a used condom!

I'll have a DE shave tonight, again.

Oh, and did I mention my sound card on my Ultra Portable PC decided it doesn't want to work either?
Some days it just doesn't pay to get up.

And no, it's not normal for a norton to split like that - contact your source and see about returning it.
I'll check my email, see if i have any communication with the guy I bought it from.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Put it this way- if you manage to snap a DMT plate in half, I'm not shaking hands with you. :w00t:
Think of it like you just invested in the best guitar and amp money can buy, but you still suck. It takes a ton of practice to get a razor to shave well. Some do get lucky, but most of us spend a fair amount of time to get good results. Great shavers take even longer.

Yet another reason to use the DMT D8EE instead of a Norton 4/8K :wink:

I have been thinking about it but the problem is that's another step before I have even stepped on the first rung with my current set up. And sure enough, once I pony up for a DMT someone will point out the sharpening qualities of a hitherto unknown stone found in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas.
I couldn't place my source, but I know I heard somewhere that the Nortons can come apart when they soak for too long. Why a hone that needs to be soaked uses a glue that seems to be soluble is beyond me.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I have been thinking about it but the problem is that's another step before I have even stepped on the first rung with my current set up. And sure enough, once I pony up for a DMT someone will point out the sharpening qualities of a hitherto unknown stone found in the higher altitudes of the Himalayas.

Good point. I think it's best to keep the variables at a minimum at the beginning, as it's going to take some trial and error before you start to get decent results.
I couldn't place my source, but I know I heard somewhere that the Nortons can come apart when they soak for too long. Why a hone that needs to be soaked uses a glue that seems to be soluble is beyond me.

This was only its 3rd soak. I don't store it water for exactly this reason. Looking at the glue...there is more on a postage stamp..a small one.

I already emailed Norton to see what they say. It has been 12 hours since I sent it in and nothing! OUTRAGEOUS!:001_smile
I have this hone...
It is the only hone you will ever need, trouble is there are perhaps 5 like it in the world, molded by slaves to the last emperor of China after which the molds were broken except for one, which was hidden in a remote section of the Himalayas.....:biggrin:
Keep at it. You'll get it soon enough.

John P.
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