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The worst DE blade you ever shaved with?

I really enjoy shark SS blades and am currently shaving through some GSBs that I can't stand. Worst EVER was the dollar store Indian personnas: I shaved, I cried, and there was no clear winner.


Here I am, 1st again.
You'll get differing opinions here but for me the worst blade I ever put to my face were Gillette Super Thins. Dragged all over my face, and I swapped it out for Derby! PIF-ed them to a shaving newbie mate of mine.

As you can tell, my opinion of Derby is probably way different from yours. :001_cool:

Gillette Super Thins?

I'm getting a darn good shave with those Thin Blades!
1. Graham Field blade(couldn't finish first pass)

The rest really in no particular order:

2. Voskhod(again couldn't finish, only did one cheek and even tried another blade from another tuck of these and they tugged like hell)
3. Rapira(don't know which one as it came with the Voskhods and they were the same as those, I couldn't finish the first pass, they sent two different Rapira's and the other went into the blade bank unused)
4. Grocery store Personna(10 pack dispenser, looks exactly like TBFH, couldn't finish the first pass)
5. Personna Red((Israel) I managed to finish one pass, maybe two as I don't remember, but what I do remember when I was done my face was red and during the shave it felt like the blade itself had cat claws embedded onto it)

Now blades 2 through 5 will give TBFH a run for its money but think TBFH would be just an edge ahead at the finish line. There are other blades that didn't work out for me such as Derby, Topaz, Supermax, Shark, Astra SP to name a few but those I was mainly able to get a whole shave done before tossing.
I can't honestly answer this. The blades I bought six months ago when I first started DE wetshaving, USA made Personnas, I thought I hated, but with a little improvement in technique, and a different razor, they're actually very nice blades. So, I don't have a least favorite blade. They all shave very nice.
The worst blade I've shaved with so far is a Derby, and that wasn't as bad as the last bag of disposables I bought when I forgot to pack my razor on a trip a few years ago. Cheap Bic, I think, twin blade. Could not stand to even finish the first stroke with one, let alone a full shave, went shaggy on that trip instead.

Derby's just require a lot of care and "nibbling" to get a shave done. Close with no irritation, but not comfortable.

Worst I ever used was a 1940s Gillette Thin blade. It was the only blade I tossed before completing a shave. Should have kept the pack sealed.
It would be 20 on that Dorco but I tripped last night and broke my ankle taking the trash out. No shave today, but maybe tomorrow if I can stand up that long.

Oh no, that's awful, Peter. I broke my hand in February this year. At least if it had to happen, it didn't happen in the middle of the summer which is worse. Have a great NY '17!
Van Der Hagen. After trying these I would rather shave with a rusty cheese grader. I started to think that I might need more than one styptic pen per shave 🤕
For me it would have to be Gillette 7 O'clocks, all of them. I had a sample pack with 1 of each and they suck. Close 2nd would be the VDH blades, they were trash as well.
Merkur are pretty terrible for me too, but the worse were the Egyptian Shark Super Stainless. My lord these were rough! That some people like them tells me they are probably inconsistent; ok sometimes, terrible other.
Choosing from: Astra SP, Feather Hi-Stainless, GSB, Astra SS, Wilkinson Sword, Derby Extra, I'd say my least favourite are Derby Extra.
Wilkies come in second-last just because they cost twice as much as the Derbys, but are not twice as good. Otherwise I'd put them in the middle.
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