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The average age of members…. then there’s me.

It's a funny thing, my Polish grandfather shaved religiously with a cut throat until his 60s, my Father only ever used disposables and never ever taught me to shave. Long story, but my Polish grandfather had severe PTSD from WWII he was a ****e Father to my Father and did nothing with him........ That passed onto my father and he never did anything with me. No life lessons, no lessons in becoming a Man. So I grew up learning things for myself. All I ever knew in the shaving world was disposables or cartridges. Cut a long story short 6 MTH ago I discovered DE shaving and through youtube videos and forums have developed and vastly improved my shaving and delight of some quality me time through shaving with DE razors and blades. 50 years old now and wish I'd discovered this 35 years ago. I remember looking at safety razors thinking jeez they must be rubbish with only 1 blade 🤣🤣 if only I'd known then what I know now I'd have saved a fortune on carts lol but prob spent more on soaps lol
Back in the late 60s and early 70s, nearly all 22 year old men were into wet shaving. Most choosing DEs or injectors, and not so many using brushes and pucks of soap. There were plenty of conversations about shaving, but short and pragmatic. Looking at print and TV advertising, shaving was a big deal.

I, with Williams Mug (cheap!) as one constant, started with a (heavily advertised) Gillette Techmatic (space age!), swiftly converted to a Schick injector, then a year or so later was given my mom's father's Old Type and went DE. That got me more attentive to shaving and soon I added a Merkur 36 slant to my rotation (never called it a rotation). Mid-20s and in kind of deep, attached to my hard and soft goods (never called them that).

Luxury shaving items were still a common gift. I got my share. You can see that guys my age (geezer vintage) were set up to have a great time once shaving forums appeared.

Moving on to the present day, all my sons became wet shavers in their late teens. Only one of them is any place close to heavily into it. None are on B&B.
We've had a number of members around your age on here... then move on or become distracted with some other pastime.

True, indeed!
We all well know that pastime!!



System Generated
We've had a number of members around your age on here. What I've noticed though, is that they don't seem to stick around nearly as long as some of the older members. I imagine they sign up, get what they need out of it, then move on or become distracted with some other pastime.
Both my teenage kids wet shave, have full access to any brush, razor or software I own. They ask for tips and why they got a cut etc, from time to time. I've taught them all the techniques they needed to start and introduced them to bowl and face lathering, badger vs boar vs synthetic. They started years ago (there are pics on here somewhere), lathering and shaving with no blades and sniffing various soaps.

They are not on any shave forums and I prefer it that way. I'd rather they don't make it a "hobby" and stick with more productive hobbies, outside of the bathroom (and computer).
So I’m smiling even now as I write this… because I’ve always wanted to write a thread on this… but couldn’t bring myself to.

I’d like to have a light-hearted discussion with my fellow wet shavers… I hope this is appropriate.

I’ve yet to find someone close my age here in B&B and that’s not a bad thing… however I find it incredibly amusing the more I see how I’m an outlier in a way… or maybe… this thread will reveal I’m not as much one.

I started collecting vintage razors at 16 years of age… the first ever was a Gillette Old Type 3-piece in an antique store and I was so intrigued by it. It was so niche, so fascinating and so forgotten. I bought it and began to love looking for and collecting them. It eventually led me (reluctantly) after years of collecting, into shaving with them. I’ve been officially a daily wet-shaver for about 7 months now and I’ve got the hang of it… I love it!

So I’m going to ask.. Have you ever met a 22 year old young man… who’s heavily into wet shaving? What are your thoughts… or EVEN advice to a young buck. I actually find it awesome that men of all ages some old enough to be my grandfather or even father… can come together with me over this passion. I encourage men of all ages to please engage here. I anxiously look forward to your responses or feedback.
I'm 26 now and began collecting vintage/antique razors at 19. Jumped in off the deep end and started with a German square nose straight. There aren't many here close to my age and I imagine even less close to your age.

There are a few of us in our 20s though.

Old Hippie

Somewhere between 61 and dead
Me, I'm somewhere between 61 and dead. :a17:

My son's going to be 30 in about a week -- I gave him his first three real razors a few years ago.

Not sure he started wet shaving at 22, though! So good on you. I didn't start until I was over 50.

Wish I had started straight off, but my parents grew up in primitive conditions and lived through a depression and a major war, which they taught me had been fought so we could all have electric lights, TVs and canned food. And electric razors.

34 years young here, is refreshing seeing younger lads like you @DMAN1213 that don't mold and follow the crowds.

It is wise for you and guys alike to be here and bathe on the wisdom and experience of this fine crowd on B&B.

But proceed with caution, B&B is a double edge sword, as much help and good advise you find here, you can also find these guys are as crazy as they come!😂
So I’m smiling even now as I write this… because I’ve always wanted to write a thread on this… but couldn’t bring myself to.

I’d like to have a light-hearted discussion with my fellow wet shavers… I hope this is appropriate.

I’ve yet to find someone close my age here in B&B and that’s not a bad thing… however I find it incredibly amusing the more I see how I’m an outlier in a way… or maybe… this thread will reveal I’m not as much one.

I started collecting vintage razors at 16 years of age… the first ever was a Gillette Old Type 3-piece in an antique store and I was so intrigued by it. It was so niche, so fascinating and so forgotten. I bought it and began to love looking for and collecting them. It eventually led me (reluctantly) after years of collecting, into shaving with them. I’ve been officially a daily wet-shaver for about 7 months now and I’ve got the hang of it… I love it!

So I’m going to ask.. Have you ever met a 22 year old young man… who’s heavily into wet shaving? What are your thoughts… or EVEN advice to a young buck. I actually find it awesome that men of all ages some old enough to be my grandfather or even father… can come together with me over this passion. I encourage men of all ages to please engage here. I anxiously look forward to your responses or feedback.
Good for you for developing an appreciation for the tried-and-true. Off the top of my head, live below your means no matter what, immunize yourself to propaganda, don't let the news of the day erode your optimism for the future, read up on the miracle of compounding, and learn the difference between concern and worry. I won't post the link here to avoid controversy, but search youtube for "reversing anxiety consequences" and look for what may be the best-invested 28 minutes of your life.
I was very happy to have made 62 earlier this year. No one in my circle of that age is wet shaving-yet. I tend to pull interested ones in when I see their razor rash or ingrowns and ask if they would like some help with that. Currently have 4 others who are now into wetshaving and ordering their own resupply of blades and soaps.

We are definitely glad to have you here and hope you stay. I've been here since 2006 and we definitely have more younger shavers now and more women too! :jump:

So I’m smiling even now as I write this… because I’ve always wanted to write a thread on this… but couldn’t bring myself to.

I’d like to have a light-hearted discussion with my fellow wet shavers… I hope this is appropriate.

I’ve yet to find someone close my age here in B&B and that’s not a bad thing… however I find it incredibly amusing the more I see how I’m an outlier in a way… or maybe… this thread will reveal I’m not as much one.

I started collecting vintage razors at 16 years of age… the first ever was a Gillette Old Type 3-piece in an antique store and I was so intrigued by it. It was so niche, so fascinating and so forgotten. I bought it and began to love looking for and collecting them. It eventually led me (reluctantly) after years of collecting, into shaving with them. I’ve been officially a daily wet-shaver for about 7 months now and I’ve got the hang of it… I love it!

So I’m going to ask.. Have you ever met a 22 year old young man… who’s heavily into wet shaving? What are your thoughts… or EVEN advice to a young buck. I actually find it awesome that men of all ages some old enough to be my grandfather or even father… can come together with me over this passion. I encourage men of all ages to please engage here. I anxiously look forward to your responses or feedback.

You not typical of your age group, that is a good thing.
Back in the late 60s and early 70s, nearly all 22 year old men were into wet shaving. Most choosing DEs or injectors, and not so many using brushes and pucks of soap. There were plenty of conversations about shaving, but short and pragmatic. Looking at print and TV advertising, shaving was a big deal.
I find this somehow related to my story. My grandfather used disposable razors and my father is a daily DE shaver.

I started shaving with a Gillette Mach 3 when I was 15 or 16, if we can really call that a shaving at that age. Was mostly a weekly chore. By 18, I was shaving every 1-2 days. However, I never really understood why he needs a brush, a bowl and "that old style razor, when new and better ones are available". That's what I used to tell myself. Every time we had a discussion about this, he would tell me "son, wait a few years until you have a really coarse beard and then we shall talk again. Those cartridges just don't work well". He was right, at 24 I already had to ditch the cartridges as they would be uncomfortable after 2-3 shaves and I got into DE safety razors.

Now, I am 29 and I am not into DE that much anymore. I only kept a Timeless stainless steel full set which is perfect for me and does it all. All the other DEs I have/had I gift/ed to various friends. However, 5 years ago I tried a straight razor and now I have a collection and use straight razors every day.
So I’m smiling even now as I write this… because I’ve always wanted to write a thread on this… but couldn’t bring myself to.

I’d like to have a light-hearted discussion with my fellow wet shavers… I hope this is appropriate.

I’ve yet to find someone close my age here in B&B and that’s not a bad thing… however I find it incredibly amusing the more I see how I’m an outlier in a way… or maybe… this thread will reveal I’m not as much one.

I started collecting vintage razors at 16 years of age… the first ever was a Gillette Old Type 3-piece in an antique store and I was so intrigued by it. It was so niche, so fascinating and so forgotten. I bought it and began to love looking for and collecting them. It eventually led me (reluctantly) after years of collecting, into shaving with them. I’ve been officially a daily wet-shaver for about 7 months now and I’ve got the hang of it… I love it!

So I’m going to ask.. Have you ever met a 22 year old young man… who’s heavily into wet shaving? What are your thoughts… or EVEN advice to a young buck. I actually find it awesome that men of all ages some old enough to be my grandfather or even father… can come together with me over this passion. I encourage men of all ages to please engage here. I anxiously look forward to your responses or feedback.
Im 23 and Im here. We exist 😂
So I’m smiling even now as I write this… because I’ve always wanted to write a thread on this… but couldn’t bring myself to.

I’d like to have a light-hearted discussion with my fellow wet shavers… I hope this is appropriate.

I’ve yet to find someone close my age here in B&B and that’s not a bad thing… however I find it incredibly amusing the more I see how I’m an outlier in a way… or maybe… this thread will reveal I’m not as much one.

I started collecting vintage razors at 16 years of age… the first ever was a Gillette Old Type 3-piece in an antique store and I was so intrigued by it. It was so niche, so fascinating and so forgotten. I bought it and began to love looking for and collecting them. It eventually led me (reluctantly) after years of collecting, into shaving with them. I’ve been officially a daily wet-shaver for about 7 months now and I’ve got the hang of it… I love it!

So I’m going to ask.. Have you ever met a 22 year old young man… who’s heavily into wet shaving? What are your thoughts… or EVEN advice to a young buck. I actually find it awesome that men of all ages some old enough to be my grandfather or even father… can come together with me over this passion. I encourage men of all ages to please engage here. I anxiously look forward to your responses or feedback.
I love this community and how they treat people and others Its honestly amazing. I was basically on my own when learning wetshaving and its a crazy good source of information and tips
Back in the day, when I had to start shaving, there were only DE's, SE's/ injectors and straight razor. Started with a Gillette Slim and did well with it. While in the Navy, I used disposables cuz they were easier while bouncing around on ships. After that, back to traditional shaving and haven't left yet. BTW, 76 is coming up next month.
I was in a store... I'm sorry, but I don't remember which store... and saw a package that revealed all; razor, brush, cup, and soap. And it transfixed my mind; what a wonderful set! And all ready to go; I just had to bring it home. Once there, I tore open the package and picked up the razor, looking at it, I knew it was something special. Setting it down, I next picked up the brush and fanned it across my palm - even now, a special experience I find never grows old. Next, grabbing the cup and soap, I immediately unwrapped the soap and wet the brush and puck. Lathering was a bit slow, but I got it going and made my first soupy lather. Onto my face next, I realized I'd need to practice, but this would be special.

I was staying with my parents back then, and I thought my father would also be interested; I couldn't wait to see him after he came home from work to share with him. Once he came home, I couldn't wait any longer. I asked him if I could give him a shave and see what he thought. I figured either he shaved first thing in the morning or the night before, so, easily, I'd help him get rid of his coarse stubble and make it nice for Mom as well. The thing was, I didn't realize how important choosing the right blade would be. And, as a five-year-old, I Had no clue how careful one had to apply the razor to keep from hurting the person I was going to shave. It's been nearly 60 years since, and even though I had a 10-15 year span of agony using the latest and greatest Gillette or Schick multi-blade modern marvel, another ten years of acceptable but 'ho-hum' electric (Braun is best), I rediscovered fine two-edged razor blades were king in the right handle. Even better, many manufacturers took a number of different approaches to correct geometry and blade retention. Thus, I now have a supply and stock of many more razors and blades than I'll ever use. And my supply of shave soaps is pretty impressive! I might even use what I have up before I pass!

Good luck on your path, and I hope you find something else to "invest in" Honestly, hoarding is a serious hazard of our hobby. I think it's because everything is small and relatively inexpensive - ok, handles are worth their weight in gold or platinum; and are often priced as such! And soaps, oh Lord...
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