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Texas Gov. Declares State Sovereignty

Unfunded mandates have been part and parcel of the US government since Roosevelt at least.

Though the timing may be the result of partisan politics, I say hear-hear and what took ya so long. I would love to see this end in secession for Texas - that would do more to tame the ravenous US government beast than any other single thing I can think of.

or destroy the economy completely and start a war, but either way, we'd have plenty to do to keep ourselves occupied (no pun intended).
It's because everything's bigger in Texas, even politics. :biggrin:
hey, I resemble that remark! :biggrin:

in all fairness, topics of religion and politics can get out of hand, but at the same time, B&B is a place a lot of folks not only toss around news, but different viewpoints and thoughts as well. I enjoy the discussions, and hate to see them get out of hand, but would rather risk that than get all my news from skewed media outlets. Discussing with others here, both like-minded and not, helps me refine my thoughts and feelings better, "as iron sharpens iron"
or destroy the economy completely and start a war, but either way, we'd have plenty to do to keep ourselves occupied (no pun intended).

It wouldn't lead to war but it would severely cripple both economies (US as a whole & Texas). Given the current state of things it's best everyone sticks together as much as possible.

I think this is just a case of a squeaky wheel (a handful of politicians) trying to get the grease, which is in short supply.
When Texas became a state, I believe, as part of the deal, that it was written into their constitution that they were free to leave the union, should that ever need to be done.

But I've been wrong before.
Yeah, that's a pretty common urban legend, but it isn't true (see page bottom).
Just a suggestion - but why don't we put a lid on the political crap?

It really doesn't add anything to the group here. It certainly doesn't seem to generate much in the way of worthwhile discussion. It is of little or no value to forum participants from outside the USA.

A couple of thoughts:

I'm in agreement with you on posts that are politics related, I'd prefer not to read them. As B&B does not ban them, however, OP is certainly within the guidelines.

My suggestion:

If a thread title or thread offends you, Don't Read It.

This will have the effect of keeping political threads on topic, and people like you and me happy. I hate political threads and eBay threads (I was watching this razor and got outbid, waaaa :c7:), so I just ignore them.

Try it. :c1:
I don't think there's anything about secession in there... I believe the key statement is;
"HCR 50 affirms that Texas claims sovereignty under the 10th Amendment over all powers not otherwise granted to the federal government."

Now, I don't know anything about this except what I read in the OP and as a Texan I'm not even sure I would support this without a lot more reading and time to understand what's being said on both sides...
Speaking of the OP, I'm not sure what the point is in bringing this up, because he offers no comment or opinion and he's not a Texan - so he is in support? Or opposition? What type of conversation is he trying to involve us in?
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or destroy the economy completely and start a war, but either way, we'd have plenty to do to keep ourselves occupied (no pun intended).

I don't see as how it would do either. Provided the Feds would not react violently, it would be a painless transition. What Texas would do with it's sovereignty is anyone's guess of course.

I always argue that our nation was built on the principle of secession - it's the opening sentence of the Declaration of Independence.
hey, I resemble that remark! :biggrin:

in all fairness, topics of religion and politics can get out of hand, but at the same time, B&B is a place a lot of folks not only toss around news, but different viewpoints and thoughts as well. I enjoy the discussions, and hate to see them get out of hand, but would rather risk that than get all my news from skewed media outlets. Discussing with others here, both like-minded and not, helps me refine my thoughts and feelings better, "as iron sharpens iron"

Its true. Intelligent, thoughtful political discourse is the foundation of a free society. When we lose the ability to discuss things, we lose our ability to remain a free nation.

That's not to say it is an easy task. ME and my G/F were able to deal with my ex-wife without too much of a problem. But, when we had a major blowout over the fairness of the caucus system.

And, my $0.02 worth, is that pointing to Bush is a way of avoiding the question. You can redirect and change the topic all you want, but that's not discussing the issue. Notice, that point tries to stay neutral on the Bush aspect... One could make several counterpoints that way, none of which would be germane to the point at hand.

For instance, in discussing the pros and cons of the stimulus package, it seems odd to point out the money spent in Iraq. True, both contribute to the national debt. However, one could make the argument that schools (by costing funds) also contribute to the national debt. (Before I get flamed, I don't believe that. I believe that education is a key investment for the nation's future.)

Instead, lets talk about things as equals. Where all opinions should be heard, in fairness, and then we can discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the argument and come to a conclusion, or disagreement. I think we can all agree that we all want the same goal: a better place to live, and a better future for those that follow us. Everything else is details that just need to be worked out.


It seems to me whenever folks start yelling " States Rights" some REGRESSIVE political stance is the reason. No to desegragation, no to social welfare provision , no to unemployment insurance , no to gay marriage, no to occupational laws , no to unions, no to consumer protections, no to laws protecting the environment , yes to everyone carrying a gun to protect themselves from everyone carrying a gun.

Parry is just posing to play to frustrated and confused Walmart Republicans in a solid Red state, hoping to win there affection to stay hot politically. Bobby Jindal is doing the same thing in Louisiana.
it seems to me whenever folks start yelling " states rights" some regressive political stance is the reason. No to desegragation, no to social welfare provision , no to unemployment insurance , no to gay marriage, no to occupational laws , no to unions, no to consumer protections, no to laws protecting the environment , yes to everyone carrying a gun to protect themselves from everyone carrying a gun.

Parry is just posing to play to frustrated and confused walmart republicans in a solid red state, hoping to win there affection to stay hot politically. Bobby jindal is doing the same thing in louisiana.

So I am assuming the Governor will turn down any aid that the Obama administration is willing to send. I also assume we can start pulling out the U. S. border patrol from the state.
It seems to me whenever folks start yelling " States Rights" some REGRESSIVE political stance is the reason. No to desegragation, no to social welfare provision , no to unemployment insurance , no to gay marriage, no to occupational laws , no to unions, no to consumer protections, no to laws protecting the environment , yes to everyone carrying a gun to protect themselves from everyone carrying a gun.

Parry is just posing to play to frustrated and confused Walmart Republicans in a solid Red state, hoping to win there affection to stay hot politically. Bobby Jindal is doing the same thing in Louisiana.

Way to keep the discussion civil.

It may be that only by states asserting their granted rights that the federal government just might comprehend that individual states do have rights. That every state in the Union does not desire to be a copy of CA, NY or TX. The government that works best is the government that is closest. D.C. appears to be too far from many of us.

And for the record: I find the notion of Texas leaving the Union quite unappealing.
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We are the only state not to have been annexed, a treaty was signed.
Sucesson is not an option since this has already been decided by the Supreme Court:
Texas v. White, United States Supreme Court, (1868)
In 1868, the Supreme Court ruled that secession of Texas from the United States was illegal. The court wrote, "The Constitution, in all its provisions, looks to an indestructible Union, composed of indestructible States."
Personally, I think this is Governor perry doing a little grandstanding for a nomination in 2012 or 2016. There was none of this rhetoric during the bush years when we went from a surplus to a deficit, instituted homeland security, started 2 wars, and was shovelling pork as fast as we could. I seriously doubt perry's sincerity in this matter.

Apart from perry, the overall push to shrink government and reduce taxes is a fair point. Deficit spending must not continue. The problem is how to get out of this economic issue and bring the budget back to a surplus and still tackle some of the issues ahead of us. This is a far more complex problem and simply picking up your toys and trying to turn Texas into some sort of conservative "paradise" is a cop-out. perry's rant just shows an overall mental laziness in the current incarnation of the republican party. It is always easier to quit with promises of milk and honey in the future. What isn't easy is defining a real agenda to resolve the problems and then sticking to it. I don't see this from the republicans and I will not support them until I do.
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