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Speakeasy Acquisitions January


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I think the concept has some validity. When I drink a Mouton-Rothschild, I feel more powerful, I’m the king of the world (or king of the dining room, more realistically).

Then you haven't tried their '65.
Indeed. However, feel free to send me any surplus. The simple idea of drinking € will Qi me a lot. :lol:
Assortment of Beans from DJ. Nicaragua, Mexican Chiapas, Ethiopia Harrar and Sumatra Mandheling. :thumbup: Variety is a good thing...and so are his beans.


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
That is one gorgeous camera.

6X zoom (equivalent to a 210 lens in a 35mm camera)
1cm macro

Just make sure you get at least a gig on your secure digital card- the one that comes with the camera is only good for about 4 pics!:lol:
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Another bottle of Jonesy Old Tawny Port

Fonseca Porto Late Bottled Vintage 1999

Churchill's Tawny Porto 10 years old


After my first bottle of Jonesy, I decided to delve a little deeper into Port. Today I was so tempted to get a bottle of Fonseca Vintage 1994, $200, 100 pts, soooooooo tempted :tongue_sm


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Lookout milk- your days are numbered. :wink:

Bought one of those at Ikea for the whopping sum of $1.
Works like a charm.

As an added benefit, you can make the best hot chocolate for the kids.
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