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🍾 ⌚️ 👔 SOTD - “FANCY WEEK” August 8th, 2022 to August 14th, 2022 🍾 ⌚️ 👔

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This Mokume brass/copper by Carbon is my feeling fancy day razor. So pleased with it but I don't tell anyone how much I paid for it and don't go out of my way to display it. Fantastic shave today with this kit.
(Meant to post previously:). Not a shave of today (will post that next) but yesterday).
So, not fancy but a northern woods shave day using the brand new GD Diamond Dust.

Brush: Morris & Forndran Heritage II Blonde Badger
Soap: Grooming Dept Diamond Dust
Razor: Haircut & Shave N075
Blade: Bic
Aftershave splash: Talbot Shaving/ Maol Champlain
Aftershave splash addition: Summer Break Icy Stare
Balm/gel: Fitjar Fjellheim (didn't need it but just wanted to try another northern woods scent on top)

Altogether, a winner. I like fir/pine/balsam scents and the GD rocked for me. It's a light, crisp, clean balsam scent that is captured by the label: like walking in a pine forest on a winter's day. The WS-23 cooling agent is not heavy but adds a slight touch of cooling. The GD Kairos base, of course, is solid. And when paired with Talbot's Champlain (named after Lake Champlain in the northern New York/Vermont woods), this was like a small trip up to the New York Adirondack Mountains. I added some more WS-23 from Icy Stare and all's good.
2022.08.11 - Diamond Dust N075 MF.jpeg
TODAY's shave...

Soap: Captain's Choice Lime
Brush: Elite Azurite Manchurian White
Razor: RS-10
Blade: GSB
Aftershave: Captain's Choice Lime

First time using a Captain's Choice soap. Very impressed. The Lime was also a fine choice. Lathered beautiful, was slick, and the lime stuck around after. A good shave, indeed.
2022.08.12 - Captains Choice RS-10 Elite Azur.jpeg


Fatboy Friday
All Aventus August

Preshave: Warm Shower
Brush: M&F Heritage II Hybrid Bicolor L7
Bowl: Face Lathered
Soap: Fine Accoutrements Platinum Classic tallow
Razor: 1959 Gillette Fatboy w7-x9-a5
Blade: Vintage Schick Stainless Steel
Post: PAA Alum and Thayer’s Lavender Witch Hazel
Splash, Balm, and Frag: Fine Accoutrements Platinum, Neutragena Hydro Boost Gel-Cream
Rating: 9.8 darn near BBS

The results of today’s shave was Darn Near BBS. My chin and jawline have a bit of scruff ATG, but, you have to hunt for it in spots. I have never had a bad shave with a Fatboy. I have gotten closer shaves with it than with my last several Wolfman WR2 1.25 SB. Think about that for a second.

As far as fancy goes, I think my M&F Heritage II fits the bill. It was certainly my most costly brush. I think it is lightly treated, but, it has none of the negative gel knot yuckiness I have experienced with lesser knots. I don't know how this compares to the old Heritage, but, it is a face latherers dream.


The vintage Schick Stainless with Krona Edges is great. Smooth and sharp. This is not the blade from the pif. I’m not sure when these are from. I have a small selection of vintage blades to include 3 kinds of Schicks.
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Saturday SOTD

Razor: Supply Provision The Single Edge
Blade: Personna (6)
Brush: Vie-Long 75th Anniversary LE
Bowl: Corbell Pedestal 4"
Pre-Shave Scrub: SheaMoisture African black soap
Pre-Shave Balm: GroomingDept Unscented
Shave Soap: Tiki Soap LE Fougère
Balm: HTGAM Meta Nectar
Aftershave: TSM Fougère Toner

Ikea Bowl ¤ Semogue 820 ¤ Merkur 1904 + Schick Ultra
Blues Shaving Soap ¤ Floïd Suave ¤ Alvarez Gómez Barberia

Superb shave set up...+ 1 on the Blue's Shaving soap...Wonderful Stuff!..You have jogged my scatter-brained memory to add it to my soap & cream rotation.

SOTD : 13th August 2022.


Shaving recipe for today.

Prep: Warm shower:/Nivea Men DEEP CLEAN Shower Gel.

Cold wet flannel to my face & head.
Pears with Mint Extracts Transparent Bar Soap
Brush: Fine 24mm Synthetic.
Bowl Lather.
Bowl : Home Bargains Stainless Steel Side Bowl
Lather: OSP Grapefruit & Menthol Shaving Cream.
Blade : Feather Hi Stainless .(D1)
Razor : Merkur 39C.

Cold water face wash with brush squeezings,Cold Water Face Rinse. /Homemade (~Spring/Summer mix~) Lemon, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, Essential Oils.3 Menthol Crystals Mixed Together With 200ml of Care+Witch Hazel)./Alcolado Glacial mentholated Splash Lotion./Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.


(Face & Head Shave)

A new shave set up to start the weekend.... Maiden shave pairing the Feather Hi Stainless with the Merkur 39C.

I intend to do a focus for the next few weeks with the Feather Hi Stainless after not adding them to my blade rotation for a while.

My first few shaving experiences with the Feather Hi Stainless where uncomfortable which was down to my lack of shaving experience technique & shaving confidence which had nothing to do with the blade itself.

I have mentioned before that i was stupidly naive at the time in believing the daunting exaggerated mythological fearsome reputation reviews on them which planted a seed of hesitation in my mind before my first maiden shave with them... However my reacquaintance with them earlier this year has now vastly changed, i now find when i shave with them they are smooth and efficient, and are a pleasure to shave with. My only crit with them is the longevity of them, which for me is 2-3 shaves max before they lose their smoothness.

The Merkur 39c slant is such a wonderful solidly built smooth non-aggressive razor and like the 37C it's smaller handled sibling each time i have put it in my razor rotation i have had consistently good smooth shaves with it, today was no exception and Paired up with the Feather Hi stainless superbly feeling smooth & efficient.

A close comfortable face & head shave with no errors to report...Finishing the shave off with a few small dollops of Nivea Men Fresh Moisturising Gel.

My face & precious swede are feeling smooth & smelling divine.😉

Stay safe, and enjoy the start of the weekend ladies & gentlemen.😎
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Check Out Chick
Staff member

1) United Kingdom: Brush Hawkins and Brimble Synthetic brush.
2) Turkey: Shaving Soap Arko Shave sticks grated into a puck.
3) USA: Razor Gillette NDC Gold Ball End Tech.
4) Malaysia: Razor Blade Jaws Platinum.
5) France: Alum Block Osma.
6) Germany: Aftershave Balm Nivea Men Sensitive Skin and Stubble Balm.
7) USA: EDT Vera Wang For Men Cologne.
Sat 13 1st proper SOTD in Aotearoa
Soap Stirling Pumpkin Spice
Brush Yaqi 22mm Ever-Helpful 2 Band Badger
Razor Gillette New SC
Blade Gillette London Bridge 1st
Aftershave New Plymouth cold water + B&M Cheshire Balm
Excellent soap qualities! Perfect for the winter...including aftershave balm...
Excellent shave with the razor paired with the blade. Very happy with the 3passes for a bbs finish...


Thinking of Ricardo Montalban
The Capt. Fawcett soap that I used this morning is a new favorite. It produced a nice, stable lather with a very mild bay rum scent. No nicks or irritation and a DFS was the result.

Razor: Aristocrat 1948
Brush: Muhle
Blade: Personna 74
Soap: Captain Fawcett
Aftershave: Avon
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