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Should you be “committed” to the BOSC (Brotherhood of Shaving Crazies)?

Which category do you fall under?

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Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.

Heads up, the new rubber room is ready. Your name is written on it. You know who you are.
View attachment 1692851

Ah, a home away from home. Nicely decorated, too.

Happy shaves,



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Staff member
Hi everyone,

I'm Brian (with an I). For a long time, I thought I was in Category 2. The past couple of months, I've been keeping a journal and, having come to terms with my inner-most thoughts, I've decided that I will no longer live in denial. Admitting my affliction is the first step...IN HAVING AN EVEN BETTER TIME SHAVING!

Wait a minute, what I am forgetting?...Oh, that's right...
If you’d like to join this intrepid band simply post “I’m in.”

I'm in.
I have to say, I really needed a 2.5 but went ahead and chose a 3. I'm right in that transition phase of getting obsessivly addicted but not yet gone off into the experimentating aspect.
I seem to have a hard time not buying used razors, I've recently managed to hone the edge I like on each razor, I've started polishing and making 'as new looking' as possible the 15 and climbing razors I have.

Not sure at this point if it's an 'addiction' or if it's 'therapy' :w00t:
I have to say, I really needed a 2.5 but went ahead and chose a 3. I'm right in that transition phase of getting obsessivly addicted but not yet gone off into the experimentating aspect.
I seem to have a hard time not buying used razors, I've recently managed to hone the edge I like on each razor, I've started polishing and making 'as new looking' as possible the 15 and climbing razors I have.

Not sure at this point if it's an 'addiction' or if it's 'therapy' :w00t:
Rick, Rick, Rick... (haven't got time for all 1500 personalities)

You are supposed to hone the skinny edge of the razor, not whichever edge 'you like'. Plus, if you are using razors for climbing, instead of a rope, you are fully ready for BOSC! Add it to your signature, declare you are in, take whatever meds Big Nurse forces on you and we'll see you on movie night!!
Rick, Rick, Rick... (haven't got time for all 1500 personalities)

You are supposed to hone the skinny edge of the razor, not whichever edge 'you like'. Plus, if you are using razors for climbing, instead of a rope, you are fully ready for BOSC! Add it to your signature, declare you are in, take whatever meds Big Nurse forces on you and we'll see you on movie night!!

Wonders of wonders, halleluah :LMS I've seen the light...... 'the skinny edge, right' so now I'll be honing just the ends of each razor, and now I'll be taking the stairs, no more climbing for this guy.

And now................

(Deep breath, steady my heart beat, I can do this)

Ima.... Ima.... IIIIMMMAAA

IMA BOSC!!!!!!!! :angel::angel::angel::angel::angel::angel:

Ima gonna need a drink now, all this self revelation takes a lot out of a guy......
Two more steps for full BOSC membership (as per the OP), Rick. :wink2:
  • Vote Category 3
  • Post "I'm in" (NOT IMA BOSC)
  • Add BOSC to your signature

Is it not enuf to see me wallow in my self denial!
Is it not enuf to hear me bring forth from the depths of my soul the words that have been buried for so long begging to be set free.

More, more, more is all I hear you say, will this never end :eek:.
This type of torture is something only a man that holds a razor to his throat with the goal of 'Not' cutting it can withstand!

Now, for all the world to hear and know...............

"I'M IN" (and I don't want any smart a** remarks like 'Is that the whole thing?, from the peanut gallery :euro: )

Signed (under duress and with great manipulating)
Rick - BOSC
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