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~ Semogue 610 VS 620 ? ~

Semogue 610 VS 620 ?

  • Semogue 610

  • Semogue 620

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which shaving brush is good better Semogue 610 or 620, and what the differences between them ?

Thank you very much...

Semogue 610


Semogue 620

It looks like the size of the bristles is the only difference. I have the 620 and it works just fine, I have never tried the 610.
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It looks like the size of the bristles is the only difference. I have the 620 and it works just fine, I have never tried the 610.

i prefer more tough fibers, because i have ingrown hairs often and tough fibers and it is give me helps to extricate hairs under the skin ... between the two ,who has more tougher fibers 610 or 620 ? Thank you ...
Iv'e never used the 610 so I don't know. The 620 has plenty of backbone for me.
i prefer more tough fibers, because i have ingrown hairs often and tough fibers and it is give me helps to extricate hairs under the skin ... between the two ,who has more tougher fibers 610 or 620 ? Thank you ...
I don't have either, but I do own a Semogue 1460, which has the same knot as the 610 as far as I know. I just has a wooden handle rather than the acrylic. It is the perfect brush for soft soaps (croaps) IMO. It has just the right backbone for face lathering, yet the tips are incredibly soft now that it has broken in. Wonderful brush!
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I vote 610 it has more backbone and also it doesn't splay too quickly against the 620 after the 610 is fully broken in.
I don't own a 610 so cannot speak about it. But the 620 is an absolute face lathering champ 😊. Takes a while to break in but once it does it is a real pleasure to use.
For face lathering in preferred the 610. For bowl the 620...the face feel lathering the 610 is sublime, 620 is a better painter than swirler...they both make fine lather, but the dye from the 620 fades after a while. 610 is what I stayed with.
The Semogue 620 is a great boar. Changes a lot during break-in - the tips do soften up as it develops split ends. With a bowl, the brush works best via the wet method for lathering, although the hair length also allows for face lathering. It's such a perfect boar that I've never felt the urge to get another Semogue. Other brands can't seem to measure up. The only other boar I have that is anywhere near it in performance is an unbranded French antique with a silver handle. If you don't own a Semogue boar you owe it to yourself to get one.


Raven Koenes

My precious!
I can't choose. I love them both. The 620 I loved right off the bat. The 610 took longer to break in and has now caught up to the 620 as a favorite. The 610 has more backbone the 620 is softer like my 830 with slightly more backbone.
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