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Saponificio Varesino's Dolomiti soap Review

nav, that sounds like a good idea, I've been having problems loading the brush with the SV puck unstable and sliding around various containers and mugs. In some videos, I've seen people rubbing the excess lather right onto their face just to have more lather and cushion. I'll try this method next.
I rub excess lather on my face from all my soaps. I kind massage lightly with it then face lather the loaded brush.
nav, that sounds like a good idea, I've been having problems loading the brush with the SV puck unstable and sliding around various containers and mugs. In some videos, I've seen people rubbing the excess lather right onto their face just to have more lather and cushion. I'll try this method next.
nav, that sounds like a good idea, I've been having problems loading the brush with the SV puck unstable and sliding around various containers and mugs. In some videos, I've seen people rubbing the excess lather right onto their face just to have more lather and cushion. I'll try this method next.

Yeah, give it a go.
I do it with literally all my hard soaps (I have about 40 milled soaps and 60 non-milled croap style) and I find it always works great.

The only scenario where it may not be so good is if one loads up with a very wet brush in which case, soapy water will go everywhere.
Thank you nav, I tried your method for the first time today on my Dolomiti puck and loading the brush was substantially easier and more efficient, like I said I had seen people holding the small-size Haslinger pucks in one hand while loading the brush by the other, I don't know why it didn't occur to me to do same with my Dolomiti puck. This is why I love this place, always something really useful from very kind members.
I just checked Maggards and they have 4 left in stock (as of this post, 3/7/18@10:20pm Arizona time). Was 5 when I bought one last week so there is a good chance you will snag one, but hurry, won't last long..Cost is $28 less shipping.
To wit:
Saponificio Varesino Dolomiti – Shaving Soap Refill 150g
Made in Italy.
Only 4 left in stock
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Thank you nav, I tried your method for the first time today on my Dolomiti puck and loading the brush was substantially easier and more efficient, like I said I had seen people holding the small-size Haslinger pucks in one hand while loading the brush by the other, I don't know why it didn't occur to me to do same with my Dolomiti puck. This is why I love this place, always something really useful from very kind members.

Fantastic! Glad it worked out well for you.

And yes, many years ago, I also did it this way for the first time with haslinger and then started doing it the same way with all hard pucks. It's just so easy and neat (I'm a bit OCD with my hard pucks).

Grated and hard pressed into old Castle Forbes container. For those who are unsure how to store it, this might just be another option to try. I do the same thing with Haslinger soaps.


I'm a Lumberjack.
Its good stuff to be sure
good price
I just leave my brush a little extra wet before i go in and load
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