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Razor Cleaning

How often to you clean your razor. I only have one. A Merkur HD. when I do clean it, a put it in a shallow container, zap it with scrubbing bubbles, and let it sit. I do this two or three times till the soap scum is gone, and it shines. I have heard this is the best way to clean a razor, but that it can damage the plating. Is that true? and if so, how often can i safely do it with out harming my razor?
I actually end up using a toothbrush and some soap and giving it a really quick scrub, shines and i have done this fro about 6 months with no plating lost ( i do it once a week).
I clean mine after every use. It's a hot water rinse followed by drying the flat areas with a tissue and the curvy places with a Q-Tip. That way there is never a scum build-up. However because of my large rotation I only use the same razor maybe twice a month.

I clean mine every time I change the blade...so about once a week.

I break it down and take a Q-tip dipped in 99% ISP alcohol to it.

Seems to do a pretty good job. I'll worry about a heavy clean later on down the line. I like the idea of scrubbing bubbles!
I actually end up using a toothbrush and some soap and giving it a really quick scrub, shines and i have done this fro about 6 months with no plating lost ( i do it once a week).

Same here, when its finished its duty in the rotation a quick clean with a toothbrush and a bit of soap and away it goes all nice and clean:thumbup:
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