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"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
That was quicker than I thought! Excellent work!
Lovely work the coloring really brings it out the detail.
It looks like the non facial side of the detail is not attached to the main frame of metal are they glued to the backing piece?
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Hey guys,

Sorry it took a bit to post, the internet doesn't like me at the moment and has run away from home.
Finally got this Lady finished!
Cut nickle and enamel with nickle pins, piviot and washers.


Holy guacamole! Now that's a set of Scales. With a capital S.
I'm humbled just to be a member of the same forum as you John.
I think Bill really found the right word. Flabbergasted. Yes, that is right. Flabbergasted.
A true work of art.
They'll be talking of these razors in the forums of the future.
My flabber has been gasted too.
now thats a sweet set of scales you should strat selling custons if you dont alwready

he does, and get this...I was within a couple miles of it in OKC this past summer and I didn't stop by his shop!!! (dang car trouble....priorities had to come into play). Maybe next year.

If I can put in some links here, you can see he's quite the ar-teest. I see a stuff-for-sale type link in the 2nd one...I'll leave that to the reader so I don't get in any link-trouble with the mods.


Again, jaw-dropping work, very cool.
Those are some really amazing scales. I like the enamel on metal look, and the girl and roses is just amazing.
ide leave the car

he does, and get this...I was within a couple miles of it in OKC this past summer and I didn't stop by his shop!!! (dang car trouble....priorities had to come into play). Maybe next year.

If I can put in some links here, you can see he's quite the ar-teest. I see a stuff-for-sale type link in the 2nd one...I'll leave that to the reader so I don't get in any link-trouble with the mods.


Again, jaw-dropping work, very cool.
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