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Pamolive shelf life

I'm over the moon with this cream, classic, since I've been using it all past week.
Before I go stupid and buy 10 tubes, does anyone know if the cream will be OK?
The creams a gem.
There's a production date on the box. And the stuff costs 2 euro per tube. So nothing to worry about.

I would rather advise not to go 'all in' with 10 tubes. At some point you're going to regret it.
It’s good stuff. The performance right up there with the best. The scent is fresh, soapy and inoffensive. I don’t know how they make it so good so cheap.


Check Out Chick
Staff member
Unless you are going to use it every single day I wouldn’t go crazy buying 10 tubes. When they deleted from my work place I bought 18 plus tubes. I still have 10 left and I have been giving them to my father to use up. It is a fantastic shaving cream and I am very disappointed that they deleted them from work. It just works and smells great IMHO.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Why would you buy so much? I doubt it will be out of production any time soon. Just buy one or two and ya don’t have to worry about it.

You can pretty much be sure if it’s ever going to be discontinued folks here will post about it before that happens then you can stock up.

The stuff is basically rendered chemicals so I doubt you’ll have much to worry about either way.
I was joking about buying so much, but 10 costs so little.
Logic says it should be awful at that price but it's not!
most all shaving soaps and creams indeed are long-lasting!
(Not same for carbon steel blades, however!)

vintage ronell brush palmolive gillette may 14 2013.jpg
Just get a spare tube or two. Store in a fairly cool place and they should last for several years, at least. Each new tube should be sealed at the factory.
Palmolive cream tubes aren't hermetically sealed, unfortunately. They just have a plastic cap that screws onto the metal tube, with no factory puncture seal underneath. However, they still do last for years. I have some that I bought in 2019 that I'm using and it's just like I bought them yesterday. They'd probably last another decade or more. I did make sure the caps on the tubes were not loose before I put them into storage. Prior to my check, many of the caps were quite loose and likely not sealed very well.
Palmolive cream tubes aren't hermetically sealed, unfortunately. They just have a plastic cap that screws onto the metal tube, with no factory puncture seal underneath. However, they still do last for years...

I've seen some older opened shaving cream tubes begin to dry out after many months. This doesn't quite plug the tube, but you have to use the cream a few times to get it flowing right again.
If the tube plugs you can always cut in open and transfer the cream to a resealable container. When the plastic cap on my 250g LEA professional shaving cream broke apart I transferred the product into a resealable 5 oz plastic container. Slit open the tube and used a spoon to get everything out quickly. Cream works just like my Cyril R. Salter Luxury shaving creams now that also come in hard resealable plastic containers. Use a small expresso spoon to take out what I need for a shave.
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