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Old School Surgical Tools

Actually, the trephine, or a variation thereof, is used routinely today in neurosurgery. The ones today are usually run with compressed gas, or electric.

I use a radiofrequency device to remove tonsils. It coagulates and cuts at the same time. Have seen elderly people who probably had the guillotine as children, and about half the tonsil is usually left behind. Never seen the bilateral device before. Way cool.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
This thread is very instructive, thanks for posting!


I love how the Trephine was never cleaned. So nasty.



Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
Seeing that corroded old circumcision knife make my knees weak...hello one week of nightmares. Thanks. :wink:

Here's an old family heirloom, a bris knife that has been passed down through generations in the Ouch family.
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