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My journey with wet shaving and prostate cancer...

It's been a few days.

I have been using the Uncle Jon's Pipe Smoke almost exclusively and the the Pre war Fat Handle Tech with an Astra blade. I've been getting some very very good Shaves.

I went and see the docs at the hospital again and had the blood tests etc and my PSA is normal 1.5 and no infection .... . It dropped from 4. I still have cancer but I'll take a low PSA. I still have a fair bit of pain but it is getting better, the periods of discomfort are getting less. I just can't walk to far or sit to long. I just need to know my limits. I still have to have the biopsy in September and I am not looking forward to that..

But I'll take that low PSA .... and no infection [emoji106][emoji1604][emoji3]

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Still not very much to report.
Massive deals going down at work with a product I have developed.

Today's shave was a surprise and a half. With short notice i was picked up by one of the managers and only had time for a one pass Shave with touch a touch up.

Fat handle Tech
Perma Sharp day 3
Nivea Sensitive shave cream
Zenith Manchurian Badger brush
Nivea 2 Phase

I ended up with a shave closer than any I ever had with an electric razor and I didn't cut myself. It was a long way off BBS but it was still satisfying.

I ended up getting a raise not quite as much as I hoped but it's better than a poke in the eye with and sharp stick. It was a raise higher than everyone else.

I spent the evening watching Downtown Abby and trying to pick lock with absolutely no success... the photo below was taken a few days ago.


Also I had word today Apple didn't have the replacement MacBook Pro in stock for my 2013 one with a faulty battery so the are upgrading me to a 2016 one with the touch bar.... I am one happy camper. [emoji106][emoji1604]

It's late here and I am tired.

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Congrats on the raise Rich! You've got me wanting to purchase a set of picks now lol.

It's good fun and a better use of your time than being on your phone while watching TV plus you can still talk to your better half.

I see it as a puzzle that needs to be solved and it feels great when you hear that final click and it opens. It could Also be a handy life skill. Plus you also get to learn a few new swear words. [emoji106][emoji1604]

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Today’s shave was
Prewar Fat Handle Tech
Perma Sharp day ...um i forgot
Mind Your 6 soap
Zenith Manchurian Brush
Proraso Green After Shave.

That soap is very nice it has a creamy lather and the final shave was rather good.

Well it was an eventful day.. most of the pain is about gone.
My replacement MacBook Pro arrived and is very good and very fast my old 2013 one had a faulty battery and it was updated to a 2016 with touch bar. I like the touch bar a lot it is proving to be very useful.
My 15 year old son has decided to change schools after he saw what his sister was going too... and what was available for his year.... he made a very wise decision.

Yeah so things are looking up. :)

back to Downton Abby....
Just curious, are you rewatching Downton or enjoying for the first time?

We lost count of where we were up too ages ago so we went back a season and now we are almost finished the latest season on Netflix.

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It has been an interesting few days ....
our two youngest kids are moving to a new school this week. It’s a private school but they have an interesting policy of finances should not be an excuse to to send your children. My youngest son changed his mind about wanting to go when he saw the facilities of the new school. Plus being the shrewd young man he is, he figured that straight A+ from a private school is worth more on his CV than the same thing form a public school.

Today’s shave was LA Shaving Vanilla/Eucalyptus/Mint shaving soap and all the other usual shaving equipment...
This soap was interesting and performs similar to the Ogalalla Bay Rum soap. If you don’t have enough water in the lather it looks like cottage cheese. Get it right an the lather explodes and is creamy .... The shave performance is acceptable and today’s shave was very good.... this soap is well worth a try. I was disappointed, I have a cold at the moment and recovering for a migraine I had yesterday, I was expecting more of a chill and more menthol. My hope was it scent would help clear up my dodgy lungs.... To be Honest the Proraso Green Aftershave did more... my favourite soap the Uncle Jon’s Pipe Smoke Shave soap beats this one hands down. Still it is a nice soap and the end result was very good.

Not feeling that great yesterday I stayed at home in bed to sleep off the headache..

MY wife and 145 year old son went to Melbourne with the trailer and the mighty Falcon, Well it was an adventure and a half. My wife pulled up the wrong drive way and she had trouble backing out so she took the trailer off, with trouble, but she either didn’t put it basil on the tow ball properly, she swears she did, or that part of the hitch wasn’t lubricated and failed to function and the trailer came off. fortunately at low speed, the safety chain saved the day, the trailer didn’t completely come off and no hole punched in the rear bumper. She also got a bit fluster at one point and left her purse on top of the car and proceeded to drive home.... When she got home safely she couldn't find it so she opened the boot and heard a thunk of it hitting the rear window off the car. It had traveled over 100km at speeds of up to 100 kmph jammed between the boot lid and the spoiler..... I think God was looking after us, if we had lost that purse we would have had to replace all the cards, licences and remaining cash. We all felt extremely blessed... earlier in the day i accidentally ran over my 18 year old son’s foot but did no real injury. That in itself would have been a disaster with years of consequences. The Falcon weighs in at 1700 kg or 3757 lb. So yes we are feeling very blessed.

We finished Binge watching Downton Abbey and will watch the Youtube Movie The Thinning tonight or Killjoys... haven’t decided yet....

Killjoys (TV Series 2015– ) - IMDb

The Thinning you need YouTube Red to watch it...
It was indeed ...

LOL I just spotted my typo above.... 145 year old son.... that should read 15 year old son ... who is also an avid we shaver, at that age he might be a Time Lord... He does kind of looks like Matt Smith.

My wife said he handled himself very well in a stressful situation.
Well it has been an interesting day ....
I get made a Steward ... not sure what I did to deserve that but it is an honour ... now some required reading for lil ole me.

Using Uncle Jon’s Pipe Smoke Soap and Prewar Tech with one more day on the Perma Sharp Blade.... so awesome shave... I have to get me some of his other creations.

Also we won a $200000 tender on the back of a concept I came up with.... I am just a little nervous.

Now I an watching The Thinning....
Well that's an hour and a half of my life I will never get back.

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Crazy story! And congrats on the stewardship!

And another whoian!!! Matt Smith was my favorite and I am sad that I need to wait til xmas for another episode. But a female doctor.... pretty exciting stuff!
Whovian indeed .... I think it will be interesting...
Will River Song make an appearance and has she really used up all her regenerations?

Anyway today's shave was the same as yesterday.... That Uncle Jon's Pipe Smoke just keeps getting better and that Perma Sharp might be getting to the end, I will give it another go tomorrow..
Today's shave was BBS and the interesting thing is I did things in a different order,

normally its

For me when I vary something that is how I learn more =, in this case it was a brain fart and it work and sometimes it's a complete fail.....

Today I need to work on making concept actually work...
I went to the Barber today and I think i have finally found my barber, he did a great job and took his time.. he isn’t the cheapest but he did a great job.


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