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Millenial Courtesy Flush

I'm considering the Limited Edition Box set. Seriously, they have Limited Edition Box sets. LIMITED EDITION BOX 3 STACK (ARANCIA). Seriously, I'm not considering them.

50 years from now guys like us (ok, nothing like us) will be on a site dedicated to discussing this product and talking about the latest score from an antique store. Don't laugh. It could happen.

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The Instigator
They need a product that does the exact opposite thing: a fizzy tab you drop in that gives off a horrendous stench, for those times you only have to pee, but want to make a statement.

"Pottymelts" :a50::surrender:

I noticed the nurses have started putting a bottle of poo-pourri in the staff restroom at the clinic.
They need a product that does the exact opposite thing: a fizzy tab you drop in that gives off a horrendous stench, for those times you only have to pee, but want to make a statement.

"Pottymelts" :a50::surrender:

When I was still working in the jail, inmates would get boiled cabbage for a vegie, and raw cabbage as the salad. On the same tray. And there ain't no air flow in a jail.

I don't miss that job at all.
We had a middle school pep rally after lunch on bean and burrito day.

The views expressed may not be mine in five minutes.
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