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Martin de Candre

Totally agree that MdC is a nice soap. I have Rose and shaved with it this morning. Performance is outstanding and I really like the scent. At some point I have to try the Original. I'm not sure what the scent is like but from the ingredients it sounds intriguing.
It's very nice, the lavender is the most prominent and the rosemary and mint sort of play in the background. I think Maggard's carries samples still.
At some point I have to try the Original. I'm not sure what the scent is like but from the ingredients it sounds intriguing.

It's very nice, the lavender is the most prominent and the rosemary and mint sort of play in the background. I think Maggard's carries samples still.

I’d agree with Darth Scandalous. It’s my favorite MdC scent. It’s pleasantly herbal with no medicinal notes and the mint doesn’t add any cooling or skin tingling component, if that’s a concern for you (I’m not a fan of menthol soaps; MdC Original doesn’t do that).
I’d agree with Darth Scandalous. It’s my favorite MdC scent. It’s pleasantly herbal with no medicinal notes and the mint doesn’t add any cooling or skin tingling component, if that’s a concern for you (I’m not a fan of menthol soaps; MdC Original doesn’t do that).
I will triple confirm Original is a great scent. Clean. Fresh. A little medicinal almost like Noxema but in a good way and 100 times better. I too have Rose and Argrumes in rotation but Original is my favorite. Which is like picking a favorite child, I love them all so.
I’d agree with Darth Scandalous. It’s my favorite MdC scent. It’s pleasantly herbal with no medicinal notes and the mint doesn’t add any cooling or skin tingling component, if that’s a concern for you (I’m not a fan of menthol soaps; MdC Original doesn’t do that).
I find the Rosemary to be a bit more prominent than in your description.
Like, I wouldnt want it *any* stronger...
Wonderful soap. Wish there was a matching AS out there...


I Waxed The Badger.
Looking at the JB Supreme Cream, it's soap. With a couple added surfactants and stabilizers. Yes, it has a bunch of herbal oils/flower extracts, but it's hardly unique there. I'm sure it's a great product, I may have to get a tube to try it out, but pretending it's some kind of space-age innovation is just silly. The Beard Lube is different but I won't be trying that as eucalyptus is a no-go in our house.

Anyway, MdC is a nice soap. It's simple, lathers easily, and has nice fragrances.

They make a Beard Lube too which is brushless. I like that better than their cream which lathers, but to me is just another good cream. The brushless would be all I'd use save for one thing. Too much menthol for me. Take that out and to me they would have made the best brushless on the market. I still use it quite a bit but it could be almost my only one IF they trimmed back on the menthol, at least I think that is what it is, though I don't like peppermint or eucalyptus either. So the much beloved Prorasso Green or the CO Bigelow are no longer in my den. The Jack Black performs for me, much better than either the Prorasso or CO Bigelow ever did and it performs better than the Jack Black lathering cream as well.

I do like MdC. Simple and leaves a clean feeling.
I haven't tried it but Myrsol Agua Balsamica sounds like it could work.
the Thyme component of the Myrsol, makes me hesitant

Rosemary AND Thyme together seems too “Thanksgiving Dinner”-ish…

I may try and mix my own someday. Id like something that is a bit more Lavender/Mint (and maybe a tough of citrus) heavy. Rosemary in the background
MDC is certainly a good soap. That said, I personally suspect it may be the single most overrated product currently favoured by the forums.

The only thing I find exceptional about it is ease of lathering...not that any of my soaps are difficult to lather...they're not. It's also not lasting as long as everybody insisted it would and has a below-average post shave. Ymmv etc

In any case, it certainly should not be difficult for you to make lather.
I totally agree that MdC is ridiculously over rated. I get just as good a shave from dozens of other soaps. If it was $10.00 then it would be great. Long lasting? I gotta believe $70.00's worth of Arko, Cellar, Razorock WTP's.... would last longer. The sents aren't all that earth shattering either.
Hello Jack.

Hmm. Surprised to see this issue with McD soap. I really like the Martin de Candre soaps. They're definitely a favorite of mine. I've never had any problems getting a great lather from them.

I have two of them. The glass 200g bowl ones. The gold label Original scent one and the yellow label Agrumes/Citrus. I think I'm going to get the pink label Rose one also. But I tend to like to pair the same or similar soaps and splash and rose aftershaves aren't the most common. I saw some posts on her suggesting D.R. Harris "Pink" but from what I gather it is very subtle.

As for the lather.. are you just loading the brush from the puck and lathering it up on your face? While MdC a hard, dry soap, I still scoop mine and bowl lather it and I get great results that way. That's how I lather everything. It's my preferred way plus it keeps the product fresh and isolated from any bacteria or contaminants from water, brush etc.

I take a little bit out with a scoop, spoon, knife or whatever and put the little portion in a good lathering bowl.. I like a wide one with some ridges to help generate it, I push the soap down in the bottom of the bowl, if its crumbling or not sticking to the bowl then a tiny sprinkle of water from your hand makes it stick just fine. Then I just use a good brush and whip it up from there and it's as good a lather as I could want.

If you're not getting ideal lather off the puck, I'd say give it a try like that instead.. I find it works really well for MdC soaps.
Hello Jack.

Hmm. Surprised to see this issue with McD soap. I really like the Martin de Candre soaps. They're definitely a favorite of mine. I've never had any problems getting a great lather from them.

I have two of them. The glass 200g bowl ones. The gold label Original scent one and the yellow label Agrumes/Citrus. I think I'm going to get the pink label Rose one also. But I tend to like to pair the same or similar soaps and splash and rose aftershaves aren't the most common. I saw some posts on her suggesting D.R. Harris "Pink" but from what I gather it is very subtle.

As for the lather.. are you just loading the brush from the puck and lathering it up on your face? While MdC a hard, dry soap, I still scoop mine and bowl lather it and I get great results that way. That's how I lather everything. It's my preferred way plus it keeps the product fresh and isolated from any bacteria or contaminants from water, brush etc.

I take a little bit out with a scoop, spoon, knife or whatever and put the little portion in a good lathering bowl.. I like a wide one with some ridges to help generate it, I push the soap down in the bottom of the bowl, if its crumbling or not sticking to the bowl then a tiny sprinkle of water from your hand makes it stick just fine. Then I just use a good brush and whip it up from there and it's as good a lather as I could want.

If you're not getting ideal lather off the puck, I'd say give it a try like that instead.. I find it works really well for MdC soaps.
I have no issues lathering MdC, it shaves fiine too. It just not superior to a bunch of other more fairly priced soaps.
Hello Jack.

Hmm. Surprised to see this issue with McD soap. I really like the Martin de Candre soaps. They're definitely a favorite of mine. I've never had any problems getting a great lather from them.

I have two of them. The glass 200g bowl ones. The gold label Original scent one and the yellow label Agrumes/Citrus. I think I'm going to get the pink label Rose one also. But I tend to like to pair the same or similar soaps and splash and rose aftershaves aren't the most common. I saw some posts on her suggesting D.R. Harris "Pink" but from what I gather it is very subtle.

As for the lather.. are you just loading the brush from the puck and lathering it up on your face? While MdC a hard, dry soap, I still scoop mine and bowl lather it and I get great results that way. That's how I lather everything. It's my preferred way plus it keeps the product fresh and isolated from any bacteria or contaminants from water, brush etc.

I take a little bit out with a scoop, spoon, knife or whatever and put the little portion in a good lathering bowl.. I like a wide one with some ridges to help generate it, I push the soap down in the bottom of the bowl, if its crumbling or not sticking to the bowl then a tiny sprinkle of water from your hand makes it stick just fine. Then I just use a good brush and whip it up from there and it's as good a lather as I could want.

If you're not getting ideal lather off the puck, I'd say give it a try like that instead.. I find it works really well for MdC soaps.

How could you possibly like MdC shaving soaps? How on earth could you possibly not think “that they’re ridiculously overrated, that their scents aren’t all that earth shattering and that they’re just not superior to a bunch of other fairly priced soaps.”

Or do you somehow think that you’re entitled to your own opinion when it comes to MdC?
How could you possibly like MdC shaving soaps? How on earth could you possibly not think “that they’re ridiculously overrated, that their scents aren’t all that earth shattering and that they’re just not superior to a bunch of other fairly priced soaps.”

Or do you somehow think that you’re entitled to your own opinion when it comes to MdC?
You say that as if somebody criticized his opinion.
Hello Jack.

Hmm. Surprised to see this issue with McD soap. I really like the Martin de Candre soaps. They're definitely a favorite of mine. I've never had any problems getting a great lather from them.

I have two of them. The glass 200g bowl ones. The gold label Original scent one and the yellow label Agrumes/Citrus. I think I'm going to get the pink label Rose one also. But I tend to like to pair the same or similar soaps and splash and rose aftershaves aren't the most common. I saw some posts on her suggesting D.R. Harris "Pink" but from what I gather it is very subtle.

As for the lather.. are you just loading the brush from the puck and lathering it up on your face? While MdC a hard, dry soap, I still scoop mine and bowl lather it and I get great results that way. That's how I lather everything. It's my preferred way plus it keeps the product fresh and isolated from any bacteria or contaminants from water, brush etc.

I take a little bit out with a scoop, spoon, knife or whatever and put the little portion in a good lathering bowl.. I like a wide one with some ridges to help generate it, I push the soap down in the bottom of the bowl, if its crumbling or not sticking to the bowl then a tiny sprinkle of water from your hand makes it stick just fine. Then I just use a good brush and whip it up from there and it's as good a lather as I could want.

If you're not getting ideal lather off the puck, I'd say give it a try like that instead.. I find it works really well for MdC soaps.
For variety I just might break out my bowl and give the scoop method a try. Thank you for the suggestion!
Original and Vetiver are my favourites.

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