Hope everyone is doing well. Always looking for nice deals when it comes to vintage razors, but might be in the market for a new razor later on. When it comes to new razors I have been looking at thiers issard, Korrat, rigarazor, and a wacker/revisor (living in Germany atm). My current collection has a bunch of heljes, a filli 14, a Puma, Orion, 01 8/8 PRC and a couple sheffields. So I have a good spread but some space for new razor or 2. Below are my thoughts on the razors listed above - looking to see if I'm missing anything.
Thiers Issard - wanting to add some C135 steel to the collection. Liking the idea of buying a pair in plain scales. Think I would enjoy the steel and possibly have a new razor to use when having fun on the stones. Only worry is if I get one with warping issues. (Don't mind ugly bevels that much and rolling x strokes not a problem. But don't feel like trying to correct a new razor).
Korrat - would probably just get 1 (Purist). Heard good stuff but not a fan of the scales lacking a wedge, and sometimes looking to be a bit thick (scales).
Rigarazor - same thing as above but with better scales IMO. Not sure how the steels compare though.
Revisor/Wacker- would probably roll with the Wacker. Believe it would be very similar feeling as my other razors though. Not sure if I would prefer the steel on these or the thiers issard.
Anyway just rambling, I'm sure they will all be in the collection at some point in my life. Cheers
Thiers Issard - wanting to add some C135 steel to the collection. Liking the idea of buying a pair in plain scales. Think I would enjoy the steel and possibly have a new razor to use when having fun on the stones. Only worry is if I get one with warping issues. (Don't mind ugly bevels that much and rolling x strokes not a problem. But don't feel like trying to correct a new razor).
Korrat - would probably just get 1 (Purist). Heard good stuff but not a fan of the scales lacking a wedge, and sometimes looking to be a bit thick (scales).
Rigarazor - same thing as above but with better scales IMO. Not sure how the steels compare though.
Revisor/Wacker- would probably roll with the Wacker. Believe it would be very similar feeling as my other razors though. Not sure if I would prefer the steel on these or the thiers issard.
Anyway just rambling, I'm sure they will all be in the collection at some point in my life. Cheers