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Let's see your bird pictures!

I felt a little guilty for posting the GBH photo. He was in my backyard but my neighbour took the photo with his camera. The Canada Geese I took with my iPhone. I did take the photo of the GBH on top of the cedar. He used come very often and would enjoy pruning himself. A nasty wind took the tree down and now we have to spot them in the rushes. They are almost invisible as they blend in so well. They seldom move while waiting to strike for prey.

Any good groundhog knows spring isn’t here yet. These pictures taken the last day of February. Both pairs are staking their claims to nesting spots adjacent to our channel. If there are any disputes the swans always prevail. Our springs are always announced with the return of the Red Wing Blackbirds. Any day now in March. Their return turns up the volume and ends the winter quiet. The wetlands exploding into numerous nesting nurseries. Once temperatures reach 50 degrees the frogs awaken starting with the mighty choruses of the Peepers. We love the seasons with spring being our favourite. A harmonious noise of nature and a lot of action.


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