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Is it bad to keep strops in a bathroom?

This may be a bit of a silly question, but it is particularly bad or detrimental to have a strop in a bathroom? My bathroom is fairly small, and I like very hot and steamy showers. Is all of the extra humidity bad for the strop? Like most people here, I shave after I shower, and was wondering if it would be better to keep my strop in my room, where it is dryer. Thank you for you help!
If your leather of any type stays damp it may get mold or mildew. If your strop is not getting moldy or mildewing, you should be fine. If you see a powdery type substance, on the back or surface of the leather you have a problem.
I'm sure people will tell you not to, but I keep my strop on the back of the bathroom door, so it's always exposed when I shower. If you have a fan I'd run it while in the shower to try to decrease the humidity a bit. I've not had any problems with humidity but being in the bathroom it's prone to getting wet, which can make it look like your strop is stained. If you condition your strop with tallow soap or whatnot every once in a while though you can't see it afterwards.
I keep my strops hanging just outside the bathroom in the hall.

This has come up before and people have kept strops in their bathrooms for years with no problem.

The video that Joel posted a few months ago shows his strop hanging in the bathroom:

I'm a strop nut, so I never keep them in the bathroom, but that's just me

Generally speaking, it is a bad idea, because of the humidity and leather warp though
I would guess your humidity level will have an impact on your decision. I keep my strops attached to a corner post on my bed, just outside my bathroom door.
Well thanks for the input everybody. I think that I will probably keep it on my bedroom door, might as well be safe than sorry! My bathroom does get quite humid, I have to be sure to keep the medicine cabinet open when drying my brush, and I keep the door fairly open to that my towel can also dry. I was worrid about warping and such, the constant absorbation of water and then relase of it on a daily basis does make one think that something could happen. And who likes fungus on their strops anyway? :laugh: Thanks again!
Yeah depends on the size of the bathroom, whether you shower with the door open/closed, and where in the bathroom you intend to hang you strops.

However, just to be safe I keep mine away from the bathroom, and hang them near where I store my razors.

No need to risk a daily dose of heavy humidity on my Kanayama #60,000! :biggrin:
I keep one of my strops in the bathroom. I keep one of my strops in my car (for use at the gym), I keep one of them hanging in my closet in the bedroom.

Never had much of a problem with any of the above arrangements.
My strops are in the bathroom for the last 9 years , only one time I have a problem my wife after shower put the tower over the strop and stell there for a day , the next day the strop have mildew spore . For the mildew on the strop I use vinegar like in restoration art works and funtion well ( put vinegar in a cloth and pass on the damage area ).
It's fine to keep your strops in the bathroom, but for the love of Pete, whatever you do, don't take a bath in the bathroom!

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