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I tried the smoothest blade on the market (Derby) and it was a bloodbath. Now what?

If a King C Gillette and a Palmolive cream is on the way you are set up for now. The King C Gillette is a mild razor but the handle is a little slippery. You can exchange for the Bailly handle, most razor uses M5 threads, so they are interchangeable.
Definitely planning on doing this though I have to say the grip on the King C handle wasn't bad. Balance is off though, at least to me.
My favorites, right now, are Barrister and Mann and the Stirling with the sheep base. Plus, no pink tax, most products are cheaper too.
Gotta love that! I'll make a list and visit a gentlemen's shop. I'll see if I can bring the husband as a decoy, salespeople are a scary bunch.
My younger brother started wet shaving a few days ago. I notice we all have bad habits from using cartridges. Most people grip the razor like a hammer instead a pencil and move the wrist to shave. That way you put a lot of pressure.
Aww, a few days? How is he doing? Errr, I'm not exactly holding it like a hammer, but also not exactly like a pencil. Somewhere in between. I should probably take a look at that, thanks!
Finally, wet shaving for me is relaxing. I don’t know if the ladies feel that way, probably not. 😂
I agree with Olivia! And DE shaving is definitely more relaxing than cartridge shaving.

(Well, unless you're using a Derby Extra blade 😅😂)
Fortunately, I get good equipment right off the bat. I get a Rockwell 6C, Proraso soap and a Semogue boar brush. Later I experienced really bad products. If I started with a bad razor, I probably have quit.
Sounds good! It's true though, I'm really glad I found this forum. No one is going to struggle with bloody accidents forever.
Maybe your razor is misaligned. With a razor from a reputable brand and a good soap, maybe you will get some weepers due the bad technique, but a lot of cuts is not normal. There are good cheap razors (Lord for example), although I’ve seem a lot of cheap razors with poor blade support or misaligned. Maybe you have bought a defective one.
It's absolutely possible. I did check on one issue because some other Ming Shi 2000s razors had this problem of significantly more blade reveal on one side which led to cuts. Mine seems perfectly even though. But the fake Futur, like the original one, is an aggressive razor. The angle of the blade isn't all that curved. Even on the lowest setting of .5 it looks more aggressive than the King C Gillette. The Futur is probably fantastic for a heavy beard, but not so great for beginners and/or leg shaving. I like it for armpits though and I don't cut myself there with the fake Futur. We'll see, I'm going to keep at it with the King C for the foreseeable future.
Received the King C Gillette, tried it and here's the verdict: No weepers! No bleeding cuts of any kind! Hurray! 🥳🥂🍾

Probably your older razors have blade alignment problems. Shaving since May having nicks in every shave is not normal. You are very persistent 😅

Those King C blades are incredibles. I’m trying to find a similar blade with a better price. I’ve ordered some Permasharps to try.

Very accurate review. Find a soap you like and will be only good shaves from now. 🤗 Keep the King and the Baili for some time before pursue your grail razor. The King handle is very heavy and a little slippery, but you can easily buy another one.

RAD (razor acquisition disorder) is dangerous 🤣🤣🤣. Wait a few months before buy a expensive razor. Some high end razors worth the money, some not. And find your preferences before buy a expensive one.
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Derby blades are basically the worst blades on the planet. I would be happy to put you a sampler of lots of blades so you can find ones you like.
That's so nice! 😃 Thank you so much for the offer! But I'm lucky in the way that I already had a sampler that will probably keep me busy for most of 2023. And I may or may not have ordered a few extra blades that were suggested.😁 (Went looking for the Nacet, ended up with a couple extra, ghe.) Thanks to the nice folks on B&B (and my new, safer razor) I feel excited again about testing them.🤗
I have one razor that is the sole exception that wasn't worth mentioning because of it's price that has very little blade support underneath, but it gets away with it due to a combination of very tight tolerances where the blade clamps and especially the amount that the top cap bends the blade. It also has very little blade reveal. I was trying to make generalisations because I tend to get too technical or mention a razor that you aren't likely to encounter. I really wanted to say: just order a Henson medium and give it a try. It has all the elements you need and even if you don't end up liking it because of the light weight, it will be educational. The Ti22 version is coming back in stock soon though...
Hahaha, first of all: there's no such thing as 'too technical'. I like specific. You've taught me a lot.

Second: oooh, the Henson looks great! Very minimalistic design. I do have a birthday on the calendar, but I don't think anyone loves me enough for a Ti22 though😂 Added the reviews to my YouTube watchlist.
That's what I was talking about, but it's the rebound of the blade set into motion that irritates skin as it flexes when it encounters resistance. Many little rebounds add up to lots of irritation. All razors can be adapted to in time, but some make learning frustrating to be fair. You can certainly irritate your skin with a Tatara due to it's extreme blade clamping by not adjusting your technique. It goes both ways.
Rebound! That's what I meant. After a couple of days on B&B you get a whole new vocabulary.

Oh, so extreme blade clamping also isn't great. So much for that theory.😂
I am not convinced that there is enough variation in blade thickness across the market because most plants are using the same steel rolls. Also I have read all the technical dead ends and once a blade is bent in the razor it should eliminate any variability. However, I do believe bevel grind does make a difference between blades. Some blades have a very wide bevel in order to provide the acute final bevel. Base sharpness is defined by how narrow the primary bevel is, the extra bevels that some blades have can affect how the blade feels. The blades that have this long narrow bevel have been theorised to be the actual source of blade vibration. Somebody actually did some pretty complicated maths on this...
Interesting. I could see that. It's the first point of contact that starts the vibration. Reminds me of how you can fill a bunch of wine glasses with different amounts of water and make them sing by moving over the rim with your finger. A higher or lower level of water changes the sound. Sound is just vibration. It would make sense that a wider bevel changes the vibration. I wonder how significant it is for skin feel and how the choice of razor factors into that.

Yes, thickness doesn't tell the whole story, but I think it's likely that blade flexibility played a role in the issue I had with the Derby Extra in combination with the fake Futur click system. Anyway, in the end it's just about finding what works. That combination clearly didn't. Next time I have an issue like that, I'm going to stop shaving immediately. Luckily, I now know it's not just my technique.

Thank you! 😃 (I think I should change my sign-off to: bloodbath-free since September '22 thanks to B&B)

Those King C blades are incredibles. I’m trying to find a similar blade with a better price. I’ve ordered some Permasharps to try.

Yes, they are! I think this comparison between the King C blades and others is pretty awesome, check the first page too. Looks like it might be most comparable to a Platinum that is either in a package with Arabic writing or the one with the dark blue lettering. But others disagree and say that the performance is much more similar to a Nacet or a 7'O Clock Super Premium (black). The Permasharp isn't listed, but that one is apparently sharper than a Feather on the 2nd day so it should be sharp enough.😅 The Eye Test. King C Gillette and other P&G blades. - https://www.badgerandblade.com/forum/threads/the-eye-test-king-c-gillette-and-other-p-g-blades.609797/page-2

Very accurate review. Find a soap you like and will be only good shaves from now. 🤗 Keep the King and the Baili for some time before pursue your grail razor. The King handle is very heavy and a little slippery, but you can easily buy another one.

RAD (razor acquisition disorder) is dangerous 🤣🤣🤣. Wait a few months before buy a expensive razor. Some high end razors worth the money, some not. And find your preferences before buy a expensive one.

Too late, seems I caught RAD early on, at the 4-month point I'll own 6 razors. Probably shouldn't keep that up.😅 But then there are brushes and soaps to tie me over. 😆 (And maybe something to store the razor in a dry place.) It is fun though. I read about a guy with the most amazing vintage finds on a flea market, so I think I'm going to limit myself to that type of RAD, for safety.
Hahaha, first of all: there's no such thing as 'too technical'. I like specific. You've taught me a lot.

Second: oooh, the Henson looks great! Very minimalistic design. I do have a birthday on the calendar, but I don't think anyone loves me enough for a Ti22 though😂 Added the reviews to my YouTube watchlist.

Rebound! That's what I meant. After a couple of days on B&B you get a whole new vocabulary.

Oh, so extreme blade clamping also isn't great. So much for that theory.😂

Interesting. I could see that. It's the first point of contact that starts the vibration. Reminds me of how you can fill a bunch of wine glasses with different amounts of water and make them sing by moving over the rim with your finger. A higher or lower level of water changes the sound. Sound is just vibration. It would make sense that a wider bevel changes the vibration. I wonder how significant it is for skin feel and how the choice of razor factors into that.

Yes, thickness doesn't tell the whole story, but I think it's likely that blade flexibility played a role in the issue I had with the Derby Extra in combination with the fake Futur click system. Anyway, in the end it's just about finding what works. That combination clearly didn't. Next time I have an issue like that, I'm going to stop shaving immediately. Luckily, I now know it's not just my technique.
I have the aluminum Henson and it is one of my favorites. If you get one make sure it is Version 2 (V2). This version was released last June. Im not sure if the titanium version is a v2 yet. This version has changes for the benifit of people who shave other places than their faces.
I have a Edwin Jagger long handle with the lined handle. I do not recommend this handle it could be grippier.
I am late to the party but have enjoyed reading your journey thus far.
You have gotten a lot of good advice and opinions. You HAVE found the way to make shaving a pleasure instead of just a chore.

I own most of the DE razors mentioned in this thread-yeah, I've been down the rabbit hole a lot.
In my opinion, during your next shave, focus on only 3 things, good prep, No Pressure and angle of shave. Also use short strokes, go slow, relax and enjoy! When I say no pressure, try to use less than you ever have before.

As to razors, I suggest the Leaf "Twig" razor. The Twig uses half of a DE blade, holds the blade very secure and the blade ends are protected. This razor has a very small head and a low profile. It is the most agile and maneuverable razor I own. The designers put a lot of thought in the development. My runner-up would be the Feather "Popular" razor. I like it better than their AS-D2 for a tenth of the cost.

I don't think you can go wrong with Nacet blades and my wife enjoys Trumpers Rose Cream-so do I.
You ARE in the right ballpark and the experience will only get better with time and experience.
I am late to the party but have enjoyed reading your journey thus far.
You have gotten a lot of good advice and opinions. You HAVE found the way to make shaving a pleasure instead of just a chore.

I own most of the DE razors mentioned in this thread-yeah, I've been down the rabbit hole a lot.
In my opinion, during your next shave, focus on only 3 things, good prep, No Pressure and angle of shave. Also use short strokes, go slow, relax and enjoy! When I say no pressure, try to use less than you ever have before.

As to razors, I suggest the Leaf "Twig" razor. The Twig uses half of a DE blade, holds the blade very secure and the blade ends are protected. This razor has a very small head and a low profile. It is the most agile and maneuverable razor I own. The designers put a lot of thought in the development. My runner-up would be the Feather "Popular" razor. I like it better than their AS-D2 for a tenth of the cost.

I don't think you can go wrong with Nacet blades and my wife enjoys Trumpers Rose Cream-so do I.
You ARE in the right ballpark and the experience will only get better with time and experience.
Thank you, and thanks for the advice!😃 Yes, I found the rose-scented shaving creams in the meantime and was pleasantly surprised. I thought everything on the market would smell like Old Spice. Good to hear you both like it, I'm looking forward to using it too. (Or maybe the TOBS grapefruit first, also thrilled that one exists 😄)

Yes, it's going well! It's a DFS-BBS today for the legs, no nicks, no weepers, no nothing. The old cuts are starting to fade as well, which is nice. The rest is still more in the R&D stages though, so I'm still only averaging a CCS.😅 Which is why the Leaf Twig is interesting, thanks for suggesting it. Round edges, manoeuvrable, grippy handle, it certainly ticks a lot of boxes. It's bottom-heavy though and it looks like the head moves a little under pressure, like a cartridge? I saw a video, but I'm not sure. Reviews are mixed. I'd like to hold this in my hand to see what's what, and the same goes for the Henson. The Twig isn't sold in a physical store in Amsterdam, as far as I can tell, but a speciality shop under Rotterdam carries it, so I'm going to combine a trip sometime soon.

The trouble with under-arm shaving is that it's a north vs. south problem with a diagonal border. The slightly raised skin of the north is doable. 2 passes, lather up in between, do it right and you can achieve BBS, no sweat. The south though, the deep south... it's like trying to shave the inside of a ping pong ball. With one hand holding the razor and the other arm stretched up in the air, you're a hand short to tighten the skin as well and it's hard to see what you're doing because part of the south is shielded from view. It became an issue with cartridges too. I dropped almost 60 pounds before the wedding in 2021 and was suddenly left with very hollow armpits. The dress was sleeveless, so I had to figure out how to get a close shave anyway. Putting enough pressure on a slightly dull 2-3rd use cartridge fixed the issue well enough. (Trying that with a new blade would get you cut faster than you can say 'I do'.) I think it can be done with a safety razor too even though a metal head has zero give. I took a mirror into the shower to figure out how to tighten the skin anyway and the resulting shave was closer. I'll keep practising. That should also give me an idea of the advantages of a single blade.

I ran into the perfect solution to this problem on Pinterest, by the way. The Shermac, Invented in 1931 by Joseph J. Schermack Jr. in New York. Lovely razor too. Such a shame they don't make this anymore, it's brilliant. Doesn't work with DE blades though, so the point is moot. But you'd need something like this. To stretch the skin ahead maybe you could ride the guard, but the blade would have to cut close anyway, and maybe the head shouldn't be too broad, something like that. Lots of trial and error ahead.🙂

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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
The trouble with under-arm shaving is that it's a north vs. south problem with a diagonal border. The slightly raised skin of the north is doable.
The thing is, DE razors have a safety bar and sometimes stretching is not the best approach.

What I would do is drop your shoulder on the side to be shaved, this will loosen the skin underneath hopefully. Then, raise your elbow only as much as necessary to get the razor under there at the right angle. You shouldn’t need to lift higher than half way, but don’t apply any pressure in case you have the angle wrong. The safety bar should flatten the skin ahead of the blade if the skin is loose enough. Be careful of the blade edge sticking out the back of the razor! The side to side should be doable also with minimal more lifting. Be especially careful with those side areas as they can more easily become irritated if you get aggressive. You might be able to do those with the same arm with some practice, then you can use the other hand to pull the opposite direction the razor is moving lightly. This is similar to the technique men use shave the corner of the jaw below the ear.
I thought everything on the market would smell like Old Spice.
There is a lot of scents profiles nowadays 😊. Most artisan improves their bases so well, I think the current trend is getting exotic scents. One of my personal favorites is Barrister & Mann Passiflora, it’s a passion fruit scent mixed with some florals 😌
Which is why the Leaf Twig is interesting, thanks for suggesting it
I didn’t get the Leaf razors concept. It’s a razor marketing focused in cartridge users. The Leaf is a pivoting head razor and the Twig has a strange design. Most razors bend or clamp the blade to improve the shaving. Those razors doesn’t seem to clamp or bend the blade well. Probably there is a good blade feel too. Those razors are very cartridge-like to my taste, very light and mimicking cartridges.

The modern high end razors clamp or bend the blade and have tight tolerances, so they provide closer and smoother shaves. Probably the twig doesn’t shave better than a vintage Tech or a King C Gillette. I don’t know if a Twig or a Henson will give a shave much better than a King C Gillette. I’ve had a King and the shave is very mild and the blade wasn’t clamped well like the modern CNC razors. The King shave well WTG and XTG, but struggled a little ATG.
What I would do is drop your shoulder on the side to be shaved, this will loosen the skin underneath hopefully.
That’s a very good advice. 👍
The thing is, DE razors have a safety bar and sometimes stretching is not the best approach.

What I would do is drop your shoulder on the side to be shaved, this will loosen the skin underneath hopefully. Then, raise your elbow only as much as necessary to get the razor under there at the right angle. You shouldn’t need to lift higher than half way, but don’t apply any pressure in case you have the angle wrong. The safety bar should flatten the skin ahead of the blade if the skin is loose enough. Be careful of the blade edge sticking out the back of the razor! The side to side should be doable also with minimal more lifting. Be especially careful with those side areas as they can more easily become irritated if you get aggressive. You might be able to do those with the same arm with some practice, then you can use the other hand to pull the opposite direction the razor is moving lightly. This is similar to the technique men use shave the corner of the jaw below the ear.

This is genius.😃 Thank you! I genuinely hadn't thought of that. (It seems obvious now that you pointed it out, but it just didn't occur to me because nobody shaves that way, as far as I know. Brilliant!)

I tried it yesterday, and it works! Well, partially, because like you said; the DE blade on the back of the razor becomes a safety hazard. For this to work, the arm needs to be raised as little as possible, so I had to be careful. I think better results are within reach this way though. Trimming the other end of the blade off, or a SE razor head would help with that.

I should probably give up on the notion of always shaving with the same razor and blade combination anyway. The skin on the legs looks a lot healthier now that I'm using a mild razor and even with slightly duller blades the skin ends up smooth and irritation-free. The under-arms however seem to do best with a very sharp blade and a slightly more aggressive razor, so I don't need to endlessly rake over the skin. Once a blade loses its edge and starts tugging on the toughest hairs, it's game over and I'm taking that blade out. But it doesn't make sense to pick blades that are almost uncomfortably sharp for my shins straight out of the wrapper and throw them away long before results on the legs would suffer. I'm currently going through blades quicker than I thought I would, so I wonder if the blades would retain the required level of sharpness better if I didn't dull them on the legs unnecessarily. Sure, you could hack your way through the jungle with the same blade used to pet the peach fuzz off 80% of the legs, but is that really the best use of tools and resources?

So as it turns out, an adjustable razor doesn't solve all body-shaving problems.🙃 (I can imagine men might opt for a different razor+blade combination for head-shaving as well, though it's my understanding that most don't.)

The very affordable Yaqi Katana razor head (without handle) has very good reviews. I'm going to give that a try and will probably be using 2 razors for a while.
The very affordable Yaqi Katana razor head (without handle) has very good reviews. I'm going to give that a try and will probably be using 2 razors for a while.

I have a Katana and I'll advise you to be very careful installing the blade in it. It can be quite aggravating to get the blade installed "just right". And if it's not installed just right the shave can be anything from ineffective to dangerous.

I don't know about availability in your country but my wife loves her Leaf Twig for underarms. The blade pops into place on a built-in magnet. She uses a Henson AL13 for leg shaving.
There is a lot of scents profiles nowadays 😊. Most artisan improves their bases so well, I think the current trend is getting exotic scents. One of my personal favorites is Barrister & Mann Passiflora, it’s a passion fruit scent mixed with some florals 😌
I just received the TOBS Rose today. It's so good.

Barrister & Mann sounds hella good but doesn't seem to be available on this side of the pond. No matter, I've bought a few different shaving soaps and won't be needing anything for a while, probably.
I didn’t get the Leaf razors concept. It’s a razor marketing focused in cartridge users. The Leaf is a pivoting head razor and the Twig has a strange design. Most razors bend or clamp the blade to improve the shaving. Those razors doesn’t seem to clamp or bend the blade well. Probably there is a good blade feel too. Those razors are very cartridge-like to my taste, very light and mimicking cartridges.
Yeah, I read about the minimal learning curve coming from cartridges. I'm a big fan of innovation and I think it's great these products are out there, but I personally don't want to have to switch between techniques. The Twig reportedly doesn't perform well on the legs, so you'd still need 2 razors and I am uninterested in buying the original Leaf razor for legs because I really like my current results with a classic safety razor. So if I were to buy the Twig, and it would indeed shave like a cartridge razor, this would mean switching between techniques in one shave. My brain isn't equipped for that. I need a single method that works, even on my worst day, even 2 seconds after waking up, even after a night of barely any sleep. (This is the reason I kept on using safety razors even though I cut myself often. I expected results to get better eventually and thought I would only get more weepers if I were to disrupt the learning curve by switching back and forth between methods.)

I'd like to see exactly how the Leaf razors work, but I need to visit a brick-and-mortar store for that. I have a feeling you should either be using all-Leaf or no Leaf razor at all, but that's just a theory.

The modern high end razors clamp or bend the blade and have tight tolerances, so they provide closer and smoother shaves. Probably the twig doesn’t shave better than a vintage Tech or a King C Gillette. I don’t know if a Twig or a Henson will give a shave much better than a King C Gillette. I’ve had a King and the shave is very mild and the blade wasn’t clamped well like the modern CNC razors. The King shave well WTG and XTG, but struggled a little ATG.

I actually stumbled upon an old used a vintage Tech, can't wait to try it! 😁 (Yes, yes, so I caught RAD, but flea-market level RAD is relatively harmless right?)

Yes, I've noticed that you shouldn't go ATG too fast with the King C, but it's not a problem on thinner hair. CNC razors like those from Razorock etc? Is that really noticeably better?
I have a Katana and I'll advise you to be very careful installing the blade in it. It can be quite aggravating to get the blade installed "just right". And if it's not installed just right the shave can be anything from ineffective to dangerous.

I don't know about availability in your country but my wife loves her Leaf Twig for underarms. The blade pops into place on a built-in magnet. She uses a Henson AL13 for leg shaving.

Really? Thanks, it's good to know your wife likes that combination.

Yes, I read about that problem with the Katana! Maybe I'll glue a magnet under the razor if I can't get it to work properly. 😆
I actually stumbled upon an old used a vintage Tech, can't wait to try it! 😁 (Yes, yes, so I caught RAD, but flea-market level RAD is relatively harmless right?)

Yes, I've noticed that you shouldn't go ATG too fast with the King C, but it's not a problem on thinner hair. CNC razors like those from Razorock etc? Is that really noticeably better?
Vintage can be dangerous 🤣 if you buy hundreds of them😂. A lot of members buy vintage Gillette like Pokemon, you have to catch them all🤪

CNC razors are better in general, better clamping. I have a Razorock Gamechanger and a Lupo 95 OC. The Gamechanger is really smooth. The Lupo has more blade feel and efficacy. I think the CNC razors excel agains the grain and in general are more efficient. I have also a Blackbird and a Wolfman, those are even better than Razorock (super close shave, skin feel like glass 😙).

Women have in general a thinner skin than men, maybe a super efficient razor isn’t good to you. I don’t know if women shave the legs with, across and against the grain. Probably you don’t need a super closer shave. If you have the funds and need a closer shave, a CNC razor maybe it’s the answer.

I don’t remember the name, but there is a European vendor who carries Razorock (maybe Italian). And there are Razorock clones too, but I didn’t tried yet.

There are nice soaps in Europe, I don’t know the European brands, but there is a lot of reviews on B&B.

Glad to hear that now you have a functional razor and stop the bloodshed 😉. Happy shaves✌️


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
The under-arms however seem to do best with a very sharp blade and a slightly more aggressive razor, so I don't need to endlessly rake over the skin.
Cough, Henson medium, cough! The blade angle really helps for this use and the opposite side is less dangerous. Also, it has a suction effect on loose skin that keeps the blade in contact. It’s not too aggressive for sharper blades.
but is that really the best use of tools and resources?
I am not completely sure I understand, but couldn’t you use the sharper blade several times on the pits then when it is loosing its sharpness switch it to a different razor for your legs? Would it still chew up your shins? Kind of like an adjustable razor, some of us move blades to more aggressive razors as they dull. But if you are using a separate razor and different blade for legs, I could see going through two blades a week. Then probably another one or two blades for the pits and… yeah that could be a lot of blades! 🤪
Vintage can be dangerous 🤣 if you buy hundreds of them😂. A lot of members buy vintage Gillette like Pokemon, you have to catch them all🤪


Nah, I think I can keep in check.😂 I just sometimes visit the thrift store with my mom. It's like treasure-hunting; sometimes you find something amazing that you love and use for years, and sometimes there's nothing but junk, but that's the sport. If a half-decent safety razor happens to be there, it's definitely coming home with me. But I won't be going on eBay for a 'mint condition with original box!' anything. That's someone else's score, you know? They had a good day at some yard sale and will now make a collector very happy. I like to hunt down my own stuff and use it as uncarefully as I see fit, so there ain't no fun in that for me. I do hope to find some good 'ol safety razors though.😬

CNC razors are better in general, better clamping. I have a Razorock Gamechanger and a Lupo 95 OC. The Gamechanger is really smooth. The Lupo has more blade feel and efficacy. I think the CNC razors excel agains the grain and in general are more efficient. I have also a Blackbird and a Wolfman, those are even better than Razorock (super close shave, skin feel like glass 😙).

Thanks for explaining, that sounds great! I've noticed the Wolfman aficionados here. When someone first used the phrase 'descended from Wolfman' I thought he didn't mean the knock-off razor, but that he meant he was very hairy.😂 The context was very confusing. Figured out only later it was a brand.😆

Crazy how much of a difference the razor makes, as opposed to the blade.

I don’t know if women shave the legs with, across and against the grain. Probably you don’t need a super closer shave. If you have the funds and need a closer shave, a CNC razor maybe it’s the answer.

Oh, legs are super easy: ATG, one pass. When done right with the right material and technique, that's a BBS in 1. I do like a super close shave, but I feel it can be achieved with a 'lesser' razor, at least on the legs. It's the rest that still needs work and might make a glass-like result worth it.
I don’t remember the name, but there is a European vendor who carries Razorock (maybe Italian). And there are Razorock clones too, but I didn’t tried yet.

Razorock is available in at least 3 Dutch shaving shops, so it wouldn't be hard for me to find. Yeah, I recognized the models. Baili makes clones, I think. Weishi too, maybe?
There are nice soaps in Europe, I don’t know the European brands, but there is a lot of reviews on B&B.

Technically, both ARKO and TOBS are European, and both are readily available here. But we get Palmolive and Nivea as well, in addition to the Dutch brands. 'De Vergulde Hand', for instance, is the classic shaving brand for men in my country. It's available in almost every drugstore and has been around since 1554. (That's not a typo, the soap company from Amsterdam is the oldest in the world.) When I was growing up, only some older men still used it -our fathers all had Philishaves- but after the renewed popularity of barbershops, De Vergulde Hand started a marketing campaign for a younger audience with the winner of the Barber Award in the Benelux (The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg) Joucke Modderkolk, who also gives online instructions.

Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 22.00.29.png

Screenshot 2022-09-13 at 22.01.29.png

The commercials look like an LSD trip. Men are given classic shaving instructions with a typically Dutch dry sense of non-humor while rock country music plays in the background and healthy women in their underwear drink wine and play with their hair. The scent is unsurprisingly manly, so not really my cup of tea.

Who knows, maybe they'll start a product line for women at some point. They're already halfway there.😄

Glad to hear that now you have a functional razor and stop the bloodshed 😉. Happy shaves✌️

Thank you! You too, happy shaves!
Cough, Henson medium, cough! The blade angle really helps for this use and the opposite side is less dangerous. Also, it has a suction effect on loose skin that keeps the blade in contact. It’s not too aggressive for sharper blades.

OK, OK 🤣 I didn't know about the suction effect🤣 I'll ask Santa.

couldn’t you use the sharper blade several times on the pits then when it is loosing its sharpness switch it to a different razor for your legs? Would it still chew up your shins? Kind of like an adjustable razor, some of us move blades to more aggressive razors as they dull. But if you are using a separate razor and different blade for legs, I could see going through two blades a week. Then probably another one or two blades for the pits and… yeah that could be a lot of blades! 🤪

Please, no, not the cold hard math! 😂 Really, people do that? Good to know. I thought about repurposing underarm-blades to the legs, but the blades would have less degradation anyhow, seeing as how they'd be used less, and that way I could specifically choose the blades that were best suited for both the part of the skin to be shaved and the razor I was going to put them in.

But yes, repurposing is definitely more economical. I could also visit the Frugal Friday thread with an "I see your Dorco and raise you a recycled armpit blade."😆 I'd need to figure out some sort of system/blade bank for half-used-up armpit razors though 😂 (Why is this funny?😂) No seriously, it's a good idea. I think blades that just start to tug have 1-3 more decent leg shaves in 'em, so it really would be a waste to throw them away. I could always use a brand new midrange blade for the legs on special occasions. But winter is coming, which doesn't mean White Walkers in my case (unless 'White Walkers' is a euphemism for 'pretty off-white suede boots') but it definitely means stockings. Yeah, come to think of it, half-used-up underarm blades would be fine, really.
The only thing I can add to this fantastic thread is when you do your underarms bend the elbow so your hand can flatten the cup shape a bit. I use clippers on mine to avoid antiperspirant clumping on the tips of the hairs and this makes the process much less hassle. Congrats on your progress.
Razorock is available in at least 3 Dutch shaving shops, so it wouldn't be hard for me to find. Yeah, I recognized the models. Baili makes clones, I think. Weishi too, maybe?
Some members talk about get a DSCosmetic line on AliExpress. Seems to be good clones, but I never tried one. I think Razorock prices in US are the best cost benefit in razors, CNC razor, good quality control, price around U$55.00. Probably in EU is not so cheap.

I never get a vintage because in my country is very expensive and hard to find. I never find good things in thrifts stores here, only junk 😅

I saw you helping another member in another thread. Very kind of you, from newbie to teacher in a very little time 🙂 A lot of newbies buy a defective first safety razor. It’s impossible to get a good shave using a misaligned razor😆.
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