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I Just Got A 1959 (E-3) Gillette Adjustable Fatboy DE Razor!!! (My Very First Vintage Razor!)


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Hello everyone!

So yeah......About that rabbit hole? :letterk1:















From what I found out, these Gillette Adjustable razors, now coined as Fatboy's by the wet shaving community, used to go for just over a dollar back in 1959!!! And 10-years ago, you could buy one of these in this condition on Ebay, for only 30 dollars. But the prices on these have been going up, they are costing much more now. The average price to get one of these in this condition now days, is between 80 to 155 bucks, or new old stock with the full care package, for 300 dollars. Anything under 80's dollars, gets you a Gillette Fatboy in rough shape.

Infact, I saw some Gillette Fatboy's being sold on Ebay, that looked like they have been submerged under water for years! Now, I could have gotten the re-plated one for 155 dollars, but I didn't want to spend that much. I decided to pull that stubborn thorn from out my backside, and participate in the BST. I figured with all the folks who own Fatboys here, there had to have been some here who could help me out with a good price, in the condition that I wanted, so I posted my BST thread. I got a few responses, and I was more then pleased by that.

To the amazing B&B member that I bought this razor from, I did not get your permission to mention your name, so out of respect for you, I am not posting who I bought this from. But, you know who you are, and your amazing to me, and I thank you all heartedly!

OK, so you folks know that I love adjustables right? I own the Rex Ambassador, and the Merkur Futur razor. When it came to purchasing my first vintage razor, I knew I wanted the Gillette Fatboy razor. This is also my first TTO razor guys, yep, my first one, and it didn't take me long to figure out how to use it properly. I got some advice on the board, about how to best use the adjustment knob for this type of razor, its not really the same as the Rex Ambassador, or the Merkur Futur.


First Shaving Experience With Gillette Fatboy!!!


I loosened the knob and said, open the razor bay doors Hal! Thankfully, my razor doesn't have a personality crisis, so the bay doors opened alright. :letterk1: I was like, oooooo, look at that, they literally both swing open from one knob, ohhhh how nice! One door was ahead of the other by a tad, but I've heard thats common and supposedly, that can be adjusted. I slapped that blade in there, and I was impressed by the design that holds the balde in place. I began screwing the knob in, to close the bay doors.

Once closed, the blade looked a bit awkward to me. But the issue is I thought it was tightened down, but I didn't tighten it far enough. Again remember guys, my first TTO razor, and first Gillette Fatboy, I am learning as I go. I tightened it some more, then it was clamping down on the blade pretty good. The blade reveal still didn't look perfect, but I suspect its because its a vintage razor that has been around a long time, so to expect perfection in the blades alignment is a bit ridiculous.

But was the blade good enough to shave with? The answer is yes! As you can see, I decided to use a Gillette 7 O Clock GREEN blade, brand spanken new one. You know, I've heard that the vintage blades were thicker back in the day, so its a miracle at all, that we can get modern thinner blades to work in these things. I used some Caties Bubbles for my lather today, bubbles! HAHA :letterk1: Still using my Captains Choice Starry Night lather bowl, and my APShaveCO G5C synthetic brush in the Blue Lagoon handle.

I've been told by multiple people, that the vintage adjustables, were not as aggressive, as modern adjustable razors are today. So I decided, that I should start on level 5, for my WTG passes, and as it turned out, I was correct in doing so, and I could have even maybe taken it up to level 7, but I didn't want to push it lol. The blade began a bit rough as its a new blade, but it smoothed out over the course of the shave. So, once the new blade began to smoothen out, what is my opinion of this razor in the WTG passes?

First of all, I was pitting this razor up against 3-day stubble. Remember, I don't shave on weekends, I like to relax, and do nothing lol. I did apply the Proraso GREEN pre-shave cream, after I washed my face. I felt that the Gillette Fatboy, was providing me a surprisingly smooth shave, for a vintage 1959 razor. Yes, I even had the huh? face going. :huh: On level 5, was it being as efficient as my Rex Ambassador or Merkur Futur on 4? No it was not.

Having said that however, please remember, I have a course thick beard, and this razor is less aggressive, this is why I think if I put it to level 7, I am thinking it will probably match up in efficiency then. Having said that however, was the Gillette Fatboy still being efficient? The answer is yes, but I did have to go back over some spots. Again, higher level of aggression could have possibly solved that. And when I shave with this razor again, I think I will try level 7, and see how I make out with it.

I then did my DTG (diagonal the grain) pass on my neck on blade aggression level 3. I was amazed that it was doing it like it aint no thing but a chicken wing. I then did my favorite type of pass on my neck, ATG on blade aggression level 3. Now is when my amazement got amped up by a whole lot! Going ATG on my neck, I was blown away on how truly smooth this razor was being. I literally started giggling because I couldn't believe it, I was having so much fun! I had to stop giggling before I caused a weeper lol.

I did discover that it didn't quite get all the left over hairs on my neck, so I re-lathered and went back over it once more ATG, and I got them all after that. I then did XTG & ATG on level 3 on my cheeks, I knocked those whiskers off real good, and it too, was a super smooth experience. At this point I still can't believe it! Then I adjusted the razor down to level 1, and began my ATG passes on my chin, and moostash area. On level 1 it was not being efficient, but that wasn't the point!

I like to do my first ATG passes on my chin and moostash area's on level 1 with adjustables, because I find that it grabs less of the whiskers at once, helping to provide a smoother shave in the end, I learned this from my modern adjustables. And its IMO, that it was providing me a smoother experience, then my TTI95 razor! Did it leave whiskers? Of course it did, on level 1 its not going to get me to a BBS quite yet! But the point is to get some of the bulk reduced first.

Then, I razed the blade aggression to level 3, and I went back over my chin and moostash areas. It wasn't quite as smooth going this time around, however, I was able to get the rest of the whiskers, to bring fourth the BBS shave. I finalized the shave with a little bit of buffing to get. And by the time I was all said and done, I achieved a 98% BBS shave, with 0 nicks, 0 weepers, and 0 capillary bleeding of the unwanted. A purely smooth shaving experience, with a 63 year old razor!!! 😍

I really appreciate the design of this razor. The weight feels really good in the hand, the textured grip is superb, the knurling looks great, the clicking adjustment knob is amazing, the mechanics of the TTO is fascinating, and the shave it produced is pretty amazing as well. Keep in mind, this is an amazing experience for only a 1rst shave. Could you imagine what I could do after I get fully used to this razor? HEHE. If you have the chance to get one of these razors, I really recommend that you do so!

So, what is my review of this razor, after a 1rst time experience? A sold 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars!

PS: Now I just need to get a stand for it! I picked out one on Amazon, unless someone can recommend better, please by all means, tell me what stand you recommend for this razor.


Head Cheese Head Chef
That's a beautiful specimen. I also will say that I did, genuinely, enjoy your write up. Your passion and commitment have almost been enough for me to forsake my Slim for a fatboy. But no... then I decided I just want to hang around and see what your reaction is to that sweet Fatboy acquisition...

But the Slim... I mean you know you're gonna right? Eventually our suggestions will seep in (celestial voices "try a Slim, you need a Slim...YMMV...)

Enjoy your new razor. It is a beaut!!!
I am very glad you enjoyed your first experience with the 195 @Star_Wahl_Clipper_Treker

I now have 2, a 61 G-1 and a 59 E-4, a very long story which epitomises the wonderful generousity and thoughtfulness of B&B brothers and friends. A long story which I will go into when I PIF my good old 68' Slim, which has been a good friend.

A little more history SWCT. In about 1954 Gillette hit upon the idea of a range of razors based on the Super Speed but with different blade gaps, based on beard growth and individual user preferences. This was a mild, Blue tip, regular, uncoloured although some are balck tipped, and the Red tip, meant for heavier growth.

In about 1956 Gillette began to explore the idea of combining these into one adjustable model. The internal company name was AQOSS, (Adjustable Quick Opening Super Speed)

What they eventually managed was to combine these three razors into the 195. They issued the Toggle and the Bottom Dial before, but they eventually settled on a razor that was weighty, tough and adjustable for the price of $1.95. Amazing.

Settings on the 195 blade gap, 1-3 mimic the blue tip, a mild razor. 4-6 the standard, and 7-9 the red tip.

I'm glad you have discovered the joy of vintage razors!
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I am very glad you enjoyed your first experience with the 195 @Star_Wahl_Clipper_Treker

I now have 2, a 61 G-1 and a 59 E-4, a very long story which epitomises the wonderful generousity and thoughtfulness of B&B brothers and friends. A long story which I will go into when I PIF my good old 68' Slim, which has been a good friend.

A little more history SWCT. In about 1954 Gillette hit upon the idea of a range of razors based on the Super Speed but with different blade gaps, based on beard growth and individual user preferences. This was a mild, Blue tip, regular, uncoloured although some are balck tipped, and the Red tip, meant for heavier growth.

In about 1956 Gillette began to explore the idea of combining these into one adjustable model. The internal company name was AQOSS, (Adjustable Quick Opening Super Speed)

What they eventually managed was to combine these three razors into the 195. They issued the Toggle and the Bottom Dial before, but they eventually settled on a razor that was weighty, tough and adjustable for the price of $1.95. Amazing.

Settings on the 195 blade gap, 1-3 mimic the blue tip, a mild razor. 4-6 the standard, and 7-9 the red tip.

I am in no way endorsing the company or products, but I found this video useful. Sit through it and you will learn a lot.

I'm glad you have discovered the joy of vintage razors!
Very informative.

I learned the difference between the Superspeeds, and the colored tips. I recently found a red tip at an antique show and had no idea that it was the most agressive. I'll need to make sure I use a light touch on the first use.
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Hello everyone!

So yeah......About that rabbit hole? :letterk1:















From what I found out, these Gillette Adjustable razors, now coined as Fatboy's by the wet shaving community, used to go for just over a dollar back in 1959!!! And 10-years ago, you could buy one of these in this condition on Ebay, for only 30 dollars. But the prices on these have been going up, they are costing much more now. The average price to get one of these in this condition now days, is between 80 to 155 bucks, or new old stock with the full care package, for 300 dollars. Anything under 80's dollars, gets you a Gillette Fatboy in rough shape.

Infact, I saw some Gillette Fatboy's being sold on Ebay, that looked like they have been submerged under water for years! Now, I could have gotten the re-plated one for 155 dollars, but I didn't want to spend that much. I decided to pull that stubborn thorn from out my backside, and participate in the BST. I figured with all the folks who own Fatboys here, there had to have been some here who could help me out with a good price, in the condition that I wanted, so I posted my BST thread. I got a few responses, and I was more then pleased by that.

To the amazing B&B member that I bought this razor from, I did not get your permission to mention your name, so out of respect for you, I am not posting who I bought this from. But, you know who you are, and your amazing to me, and I thank you all heartedly!

OK, so you folks know that I love adjustables right? I own the Rex Ambassador, and the Merkur Futur razor. When it came to purchasing my first vintage razor, I knew I wanted the Gillette Fatboy razor. This is also my first TTO razor guys, yep, my first one, and it didn't take me long to figure out how to use it properly. I got some advice on the board, about how to best use the adjustment knob for this type of razor, its not really the same as the Rex Ambassador, or the Merkur Futur.


First Shaving Experience With Gillette Fatboy!!!


I loosened the knob and said, open the razor bay doors Hal! Thankfully, my razor doesn't have a personality crisis, so the bay doors opened alright. :letterk1: I was like, oooooo, look at that, they literally both swing open from one knob, ohhhh how nice! One door was ahead of the other by a tad, but I've heard thats common and supposedly, that can be adjusted. I slapped that blade in there, and I was impressed by the design that holds the balde in place. I began screwing the knob in, to close the bay doors.

Once closed, the blade looked a bit awkward to me. But the issue is I thought it was tightened down, but I didn't tighten it far enough. Again remember guys, my first TTO razor, and first Gillette Fatboy, I am learning as I go. I tightened it some more, then it was clamping down on the blade pretty good. The blade reveal still didn't look perfect, but I suspect its because its a vintage razor that has been around a long time, so to expect perfection in the blades alignment is a bit ridiculous.

But was the blade good enough to shave with? The answer is yes! As you can see, I decided to use a Gillette 7 O Clock GREEN blade, brand spanken new one. You know, I've heard that the vintage blades were thicker back in the day, so its a miracle at all, that we can get modern thinner blades to work in these things. I used some Caties Bubbles for my lather today, bubbles! HAHA :letterk1: Still using my Captains Choice Starry Night lather bowl, and my APShaveCO G5C synthetic brush in the Blue Lagoon handle.

I've been told by multiple people, that the vintage adjustables, were not as aggressive, as modern adjustable razors are today. So I decided, that I should start on level 5, for my WTG passes, and as it turned out, I was correct in doing so, and I could have even maybe taken it up to level 7, but I didn't want to push it lol. The blade began a bit rough as its a new blade, but it smoothed out over the course of the shave. So, once the new blade began to smoothen out, what is my opinion of this razor in the WTG passes?

First of all, I was pitting this razor up against 3-day stubble. Remember, I don't shave on weekends, I like to relax, and do nothing lol. I did apply the Proraso GREEN pre-shave cream, after I washed my face. I felt that the Gillette Fatboy, was providing me a surprisingly smooth shave, for a vintage 1959 razor. Yes, I even had the huh? face going. :huh: On level 5, was it being as efficient as my Rex Ambassador or Merkur Futur on 4? No it was not.

Having said that however, please remember, I have a course thick beard, and this razor is less aggressive, this is why I think if I put it to level 7, I am thinking it will probably match up in efficiency then. Having said that however, was the Gillette Fatboy still being efficient? The answer is yes, but I did have to go back over some spots. Again, higher level of aggression could have possibly solved that. And when I shave with this razor again, I think I will try level 7, and see how I make out with it.

I then did my DTG (diagonal the grain) pass on my neck on blade aggression level 3. I was amazed that it was doing it like it aint no thing but a chicken wing. I then did my favorite type of pass on my neck, ATG on blade aggression level 3. Now is when my amazement got amped up by a whole lot! Going ATG on my neck, I was blown away on how truly smooth this razor was being. I literally started giggling because I couldn't believe it, I was having so much fun! I had to stop giggling before I caused a weeper lol.

I did discover that it didn't quite get all the left over hairs on my neck, so I re-lathered and went back over it once more ATG, and I got them all after that. I then did XTG & ATG on level 3 on my cheeks, I knocked those whiskers off real good, and it too, was a super smooth experience. At this point I still can't believe it! Then I adjusted the razor down to level 1, and began my ATG passes on my chin, and moostash area. On level 1 it was not being efficient, but that wasn't the point!

I like to do my first ATG passes on my chin and moostash area's on level 1 with adjustables, because I find that it grabs less of the whiskers at once, helping to provide a smoother shave in the end, I learned this from my modern adjustables. And its IMO, that it was providing me a smoother experience, then my TTI95 razor! Did it leave whiskers? Of course it did, on level 1 its not going to get me to a BBS quite yet! But the point is to get some of the bulk reduced first.

Then, I razed the blade aggression to level 3, and I went back over my chin and moostash areas. It wasn't quite as smooth going this time around, however, I was able to get the rest of the whiskers, to bring fourth the BBS shave. I finalized the shave with a little bit of buffing to get. And by the time I was all said and done, I achieved a 98% BBS shave, with 0 nicks, 0 weepers, and 0 capillary bleeding of the unwanted. A purely smooth shaving experience, with a 63 year old razor!!! 😍

I really appreciate the design of this razor. The weight feels really good in the hand, the textured grip is superb, the knurling looks great, the clicking adjustment knob is amazing, the mechanics of the TTO is fascinating, and the shave it produced is pretty amazing as well. Keep in mind, this is an amazing experience for only a 1rst shave. Could you imagine what I could do after I get fully used to this razor? HEHE. If you have the chance to get one of these razors, I really recommend that you do so!

So, what is my review of this razor, after a 1rst time experience? A sold 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 stars!

PS: Now I just need to get a stand for it! I picked out one on Amazon, unless someone can recommend better, please by all means, tell me what stand you recommend for this razor.
That razor is a beauty for sure!!!! Excellent write up and wishing you and the new Gillette a long and rewarding relationship. What a great choice!👍😊💈


Likes a fat handle in his hand
Thank you everyone for all the kind comments. Its a true honor to have such a classic razor in my arsenal, I do not take it for granted one bit. I also appreciate learning about the history of the Fatboy razor, Matt sure outdone himself with that video! I can't wait to try Wizamet blades in this razor, and see if I can get a smoother shave still! Its actually quite amazing to me, to see what a vintage razor can do on my face.

It just goes to show, just because a razor is modern, doesn't mean its going to be better. My experience with my Gillette Fatboy so far, has me believing, that it would beat many modern razors today for smoothness factor. If the Wizamet blades make it even smoother, then it might become king of smoothness lol.

For the record, my Rex Ambassador and Merkur Futur razors are looking worried right now. HAHA! 😝
I never talk about my Fatboy I suppose because I rarely ever use her……
Mine is a 1959 4th quarter, (E4).
And like dotKomo above, was revamped at Razor Emporium.


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