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Hot or cold which way do you swing

Chan Eil Whiskers

Fumbling about.
Hot shower. Cold face rinse. Cold water everything during the shave. Sometimes a warm water rinse.


Sometimes ice water everything after the shower in the summer.
warm to soak brush and wet face, otherwise cold razor for shaving and rinsing. blade seems to stay sharper and "sings" louder.
I've never had a cold-water shave or shower that was pleasant, so I use warm to hot water. I like a cold rinse afterwards, though.
due to the fact I have no hot water in the top washroom...
Man, you work for the Addams family for decades, you'd think they could splurge for hot water in your servants quarters...

As far as shaving goes, I don't miss the hot water. Switched to cold a month ago and haven't looked back.
So far I have always used hot water, but today for the first time I had a cold water shave and quite enjoyed it. It really adds to the cooling effect of the menthol too.


I Waxed The Badger.
Warmer in the winter cooler in the summer. I like a cold water rinse after any menthol or eucalyptus soap.

I've just had an idea. I know some canned foam users let the can soak in hot water while they shower. I'm going to fill a sink with ice water and soak my can of Barbasol Pacific Rush and enjoy the cold. I'm guessing it will yield a colder goopier/wetter than normal foam. But in the interest of science, this must be done.

Wait a minute, the refrigerator!
Both. Warm water to open face pores. Cold water to close razor blade pores. I haven't tried cold water all around yet, but feel like I should try it.
Warmer in the winter cooler in the summer. I like a cold water rinse after any menthol or eucalyptus soap.

I've just had an idea. I know some canned foam users let the can soak in hot water while they shower. I'm going to fill a sink with ice water and soak my can of Barbasol Pacific Rush and enjoy the cold. I'm guessing it will yield a colder goopier/wetter than normal foam. But in the interest of science, this must be done.

Wait a minute, the refrigerator!
Haha I actually followed this thread to see how this goes! If it works maybe I'll grab some Barbasol PR and refrigerate it for extra hot days!


I Waxed The Badger.
I was out of Pac Rush, so the only other menthol in a can was Gillette Series Sensitive Cool.
I put the can in the freezer for about 45 minutes before my shave. It was nice and cold, but I don't think the foam has enough water in it to stay cool that long or feel cold. I do like this cream, it's nice and slick. Seems better than the traditional foamy to me.

Likely a traditional soap lathered with cold water would feel as cool or cooler. The more air in your lather, the more it's going to have an insulating effect from the temperature of the lather it would seem.
I was out of Pac Rush, so the only other menthol in a can was Gillette Series Sensitive Cool.
I put the can in the freezer for about 45 minutes before my shave. It was nice and cold, but I don't think the foam has enough water in it to stay cool that long or feel cold. I do like this cream, it's nice and slick. Seems better than the traditional foamy to me.

Likely a traditional soap lathered with cold water would feel as cool or cooler. The more air in your lather, the more it's going to have an insulating effect from the temperature of the lather it would seem.
That's too bad. Thanks for updating us on the experiment!
Likely a traditional soap lathered with cold water would feel as cool or cooler. The more air in your lather, the more it's going to have an insulating effect from the temperature of the lather it would seem.

I reckon a scuttle(?) with constant cycling of ice water via dispenser would achieve your desired results.
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