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Floating [Back] button and To Top and Bottom buttons

I notice there is a new Floating [Back] button and To Top and Bottom buttons, at least in my browser view. Is there any way to disable that from account preferences (or make it a configurable option)? It may be a browser rendering issue but the To Top and Bottom buttons are partially overlaid with Back button and come in and out of view while scrolling. I realize there was probably a motivation to enable this but I personally find persistent (non-contextual) floating action buttons distracting. With most devices providing touchpad or touch screen controls, going back a link is often faster through a gesture than navigating to an always on action button, and same for scrolling. I haven't looked closely so maybe the Back button is providing deeper context to a specific part of a thread etc than a generalized back navigation from the browser logic. Another thought might be to reduce the transparency of the back button to make it stand out less.


My elbows leak
Staff member
I notice there is a new Floating [Back] button and To Top and Bottom buttons, at least in my browser view. Is there any way to disable that from account preferences (or make it a configurable option)? It may be a browser rendering issue but the To Top and Bottom buttons are partially overlaid with Back button and come in and out of view while scrolling. I realize there was probably a motivation to enable this but I personally find persistent (non-contextual) floating action buttons distracting. With most devices providing touchpad or touch screen controls, going back a link is often faster through a gesture than navigating to an always on action button, and same for scrolling. I haven't looked closely so maybe the Back button is providing deeper context to a specific part of a thread etc than a generalized back navigation from the browser logic. Another thought might be to reduce the transparency of the back button to make it stand out less.
The only way I am aware of to eliminate the floaters is to:
Click your Avatar
Click "Preferences"
Under "Style", select "Flat Awesome"
Click Save.
That's a more basic view of the site and seems to drop the floating selections.
It's un-doable by changing your Style Selection.

It seems that how the floating selections are manifested for members depends upon what device they are using, and what browser they are using.
It doesn't appear that there is a universal way that the selections are implemented.
The only way I am aware of to eliminate the floaters is to:
Click your Avatar
Click "Preferences"
Under "Style", select "Flat Awesome"
Click Save.
That's a more basic view of the site and seems to drop the floating selections.
It's un-doable by changing your Style Selection.

It seems that how the floating selections are manifested for members depends upon what device they are using, and what browser they are using.
It doesn't appear that there is a universal way that the selections are implemented.
Thanks. That's interesting as it just appeared today. I haven't had any browser updates so I assumed it was a new release on the site. I'll play around with some of the styling. I normally run Dark mode and overall enjoy the site design and layout. The back action button seems to be styled quite different than the rest of the site design so maybe it is something with my browser rendering.
As a follow on the back button appears in latest Safari browser but not Firefox. So I assume it is a browser specific issue, at least on my configuration in Mac OS.


I shaved a fortune
My keyboard "home" and "end" keys work here sporadically.. I have no idea what that's about. I'm using an external keyboard on my laptop because it's a Dell and with Dell, after a few years the A, S and D buttons give out... and sometimes the W and Q as well. The cheapest solution was an external keyboard.
My keyboard "home" and "end" keys work here sporadically.. I have no idea what that's about. I'm using an external keyboard on my laptop because it's a Dell and with Dell, after a few years the A, S and D buttons give out... and sometimes the W and Q as well. The cheapest solution was an external keyboard.
Home and End are specific to the "field" your cursor is in. For example, if your cursor is in the "reply" field at the bottom of the page (for any reason, even if you did not explicitly click in that field) then the "Home" and "End" keys will be trapped there and will not move the page itself. Click on the page (like in the white margin) and those keys will control the page again.

Also, for what it's worth, some of the threads are showing side-by-side views and I cannot seem to figure that out haha
Under the category of more info that anyone wants or cares about. I went througt the code for handling the floating action buttons. Normally there is a bit of HTML code to instantiate the buttons and then there is companion js code to persist the floaters as scrolling and web page resize occurs,etc. As I was looking through that I see that a resource associated with the combo of floating buttons is being blocked by Safari's in built content policy rules. This seems to be tied to a analytics tracking tool, ezoic, that the backend is presumably using and maybe acting as a proxy. I suspect ezoic made it on a crowd source blocking list or there was a back end library update that is triggering this. Safari is probably the most hyper vigilant browser on security and privacy enforcement. I assume that load failure is causing the Back button rendering to fall back to some default styling that is now causing it to be visible with what is a meaningfully different design than the rest of the site's UI styling.
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My keyboard "home" and "end" keys work here sporadically.. I have no idea what that's about. I'm using an external keyboard on my laptop because it's a Dell and with Dell, after a few years the A, S and D buttons give out... and sometimes the W and Q as well. The cheapest solution was an external keyboard.
unfortunately Dell isn't the only laptop to exhibit that problem. Macbooks have had related keyboard issues that ended up in some cases with a free replacement program, including my own. You may have already checked but I wonder if Dell has a recall/replacement program if it was widespread?
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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Can you give me a link to one such thread you are seeing this in?


My elbows leak
Staff member
It ain't you'uns, it's us'ns.

This happens when someone copies from a website that is using specific Table coding.

For some reason, it fouls up the threads here.
I fixed the one linked. If you see these column type threads, just let me know and I'll fix it.


I shaved a fortune
Home and End are specific to the "field" your cursor is in. For example, if your cursor is in the "reply" field at the bottom of the page (for any reason, even if you did not explicitly click in that field) then the "Home" and "End" keys will be trapped there and will not move the page itself. Click on the page (like in the white margin) and those keys will control the page again.

Also, for what it's worth, some of the threads are showing side-by-side views and I cannot seem to figure that out haha
I clicked everywhere.... not working at the moment... and then, without doing anything, it works again. I've given up trying to figure it out... page up and page down still work.. just a tad slower.
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