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Facial cleanser for girls.....?

OK, i have a challenge.

SWMBO came to me tonight and said; my facial cleanser is not cutting it, it is leaving my face oily (she has been using noxema, not the original, but that newer face cleaner version).

Anyway, she has combination skin but close to oily.

so her quote was... "you are the bath guy; or well the skin care products guy. so find me something"

so help!!!!

she would not care about using something neutral, but does not want something that smells manly, nor has MEN/MAN in the title; ha ha; how hilarious is that.

so my first recommendation of men-U is out.

so i started looking at nancy boy (havent used it), or at mama bear, scs, or em's place. cant seem to come up with anything.

i am open for suggestions; i would love to find her something that works well; it could pay off for us both. ;)
Murad Pomegranate Foaming Facial Cleanser. It is great. I bought it for my wife based on many, many positive online reviews. It is great for combination skin.

I suggest doing a search. I looked at one site, and it was like 69/69 reviews were postitive.

She used my Anthony's glycolic for awhile, loved the smell and performance, but wanted something that lathered. It has a citrus scent.

good luck
A few, in order of my preference:

- Noxzema cold cream (the original, in a tub)
- I have dryish skin in the winter, and it tends to the slightly oily side in summer, and this stuff works great a year. Really incredible.

- Burt's Bees Soap Bark and Chamomile
- Similar to the above, which is why I like it

- Johnson & Johnson Promise
- Gentle, effective, non-drying, cheap.
This is really interesting. Having mentioned dermalogica above they have a product called precleanse which works in the same way. However, it is EXPENSIVE!! I'm definitely going to give this a try - where can I get cold pressed castor oil from?

usually whole food stores, what I sometimes refer to as "hippie" stores (except while I'm in there :biggrin1:), and many drugstores will have it, too. definitely get the cold pressed, I tried with regular CO and it just isn't up to potential, so it is worth any extra time to find the cold pressed stuff
I just made a new mix last night, 3 parts castor, 1.5 parts grapeseed, .5 parts sweet almond, 10 drops tea tree oil, 6/7 drops lemon EO, a few drops of glycerine for the heck of it - about my best batch yet
If price isn't an issue, I would recommend Pevonia Botanica Phyto-Gel Cleanser. It smells great and works even better!


I have fairly oily skin. What I've found is that Cetaphil and Daniel Kern face wash/cleanser are pretty much the only things I can use. I believe Target and Walmart also have generic/store-brand type versions of Cetaphil which should also be fine.
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