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Exercise bike for weight loss

I have read lots of different things about the amount of exercise you should be getting every day. From what I have learned, 30 - 60 minutes a day is best for some one just starting out. I also believe you can break up the work outs. 15 - 30 minutes 2X a day. But I would not break it up any more than that. You want to be able to elevate your heart rate to be able to burn the calories. The longer your heart rate is elevated the more calories you burn. If you do break it up into 2 sets of 15 minutes I would suggest you work up to being able to do a full 30 minutes. Maybe after a week at 15 minutes sets, bump it up to 20 minutes per set, and continue to increase from there.

I get bored on an exercise bike, like others have said. I have found it better to change things up every once in a while. I will hit the bike for a couple weeks, then the pool for a few weeks, then maybe the tread mill. If you start to get bored then you are not likely to be working out to your full potential. I really enjoy swimming and I have a great routine in the pool. But even then I get bored with it after a month or two and have to do some thing different.

Weight training is excellent way to loose weight too. But if you do not know what you are doing I suggest you find a gym and utilize a personal trainer to get you started. If you are lifting the wrong way you can and will eventually injure your self. If you do start using weights, lift before you do your cardio work out. The weight training will help you loose weight and there have been studies that show if you lift before cardio your cardio work out will be more effective in burning calories.

Good luck, keep up the good work. :thumbup:
I've heard it described to me by some folks that you diet to lose weight and you exercise to improve fitness. The reality is that you can out-eat your exercise without even trying, so you have to pair the exercise with watching what you eat. I'm in the process of (hopefully) losing 100lbs, and have lost the first 20lbs since Jan. 1 without exercising even a minute. Now, as I'm trying to mix the exercise bike in, I'm happy for any additional weight loss spurred on by the bike, but to me it's more about strengthening my lungs and heart and improving my endurance and energy level throughout the day.

tl;dr: I want my diet and my exercise both pulling in the same direction instead of fighting one another.


First Class Citizen
Boredom is your enemy. Next is heat. So set yourself up with a television or computer that you can conveniently watch crap like YouTube. Set up a fan in front of your bike. Then get yourself a heart monitor.

The video will help keep your mind occupied. The fan will cool you (because if you ain't sweatin', you ain't workin'). And your heart monitor will give you some objective measure of your progress.

I generally ride in five-minute "chunks" when starting out after a layoff. I ride for five minutes, then if I feel up to it, ride for another five. I keep adding these five-minute chunks until I'm able to ride hard for a half-hour. Takes a while, but this incremental method works, both mentally and physically.
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