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East Coast Canadian Pass-around Box - Round 2


Picked the box up after work yesterday! It was really heavy and it became apparent why once I opened it up, lots of liquids in this box.


And for todays shave, i picked out the midnight & two soap and the razorock XXX. The soap performed quite well, lathered easily and left a good face feel, but it also left a film on my razor just like Proraso does.
Over all a good shave!

Merur head w/ tech handle
Astra SP (3rd)
Henri et Victoria; sir henri badger brush

From the box:
Midnight & two the cabin
Razorock XXX

Was super late getting home from an audit last night, so I didn't have time to pick out my items for the morning. To keep things simple I just grabbed one soap.

Merkur head with tech handle
Astra SP (1)
Sir Henri badger brush
Fine murican' blend AS

From the box:
Through the fire fine craft soap

The soap smells so OP it's crazy! Performance was a solid meh and ease of lathering was about the same. Still got a DFS with no nicks. A great way to start the day!

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Sorry, no shave yesterday, I had to get to work super early in the morning, so I skipped the shave

Today's SOTD:
Soapybathman lumberjack
HeV sir henri badger brush
Astra SP (2)

From the box:
Cadet open comb razor
Captain's choice cat o' nine tails

This was my first shave with an open comb and I quite like it. Nice aggressiveness and a bbs shave!
The captain's choice AS had a great amount of burn, but the scent is a little clove-y for my tastes.
Overall great shave!

Shave #4 with the box

Merkur head w/ tech handle
HeV sir henri badger brush
Fine platinum AS

From the box
RR tabcco #1
Topaz blade

I have used RazoRock soaps before, so i knew what to expect, and tabacco #1 , just like other RR soaps, performed great. The smell was excellent!
The topaz blade on the other hand, was horrible. I don't think it actually cut any hairs >< all just tugging and pulling, so after my first stroke with it I switched it out for one of my Astra SPs.

Otherwise the shave went well, BBS and the fine platinum has me smelling good for my wifes first mothers day!

Shave #5

1951 Gillette super speed
Gillette platinum blade (2)
HeV sir henri badger brush
Fine murican' blend AS

From the box:

I have been looking forward to trying MdC for a while now, it seems to be pretty popular on this site, and I was hoping it lived up to the hype. It did not disappoint!
Lather was easy to build, nice slick lather, and post shave was great too, the scent was just ok but the performance made up for that for sure!

Been pretty crazy busy with work and auditing.

Havent been home much, ans when I am its usually for 6hrs to sleep.last night i was going through the box to look and see if there where any razors in the tin that might interest me, and found one of the handles has cracked.


Not sure if it has been posted before or not.
If I was thinking I would have taken a pic of the entire razor or at least made note of which one it was.... Nope, that makes sense and I was to tired for that.

Merkur head w/ tech handle
Sir Henri badger brush
Astra sp
Fine AS (not pictured)

From the box
VDH luxury

The soap didn't load great, and I struggled to get a proper amount of soap on the brush, but im sure its because I cut to small of a sample out of the soap. The lather was slick and the smell was good, I just didn't get enough for my 2 passes. I was far to groggy to do anything about it, so i just did a wtg pass and cleaned up whith what lather was left.


That was my last shave from the box, I have Dana's address and I will be shipping it out next time im home (most likely on Saturday)
Been pretty crazy busy with work and auditing.

Havent been home much, ans when I am its usually for 6hrs to sleep.last night i was going through the box to look and see if there where any razors in the tin that might interest me, and found one of the handles has cracked.

Not sure if it has been posted before or not.
If I was thinking I would have taken a pic of the entire razor or at least made note of which one it was.... Nope, that makes sense and I was to tired for that.

Yup, those handles cracking is a very common thing. The ends were press fit into place and the stress eventually cracks them.
My memory isn't what it used to be, but I seem to recall that there was a razor with a cracked handle when I had the box.

Box arrived in my hands yesterday! SWMBO and I sat down and went through the whole thing as I picked out the stuff I want to take for a test-run.

I'm currently growing the beard out, so my shaves are limited to cleaning up my neck and cheeks, but that's enough to give stuff a fair run. I'm pretty content on my personal razors and blades, since I've tried a TON over the last few years, so those will remain relatively constant. Just software changes for the week...

...and so, SOTD:

Soap: HEV La Poire Francaise
AS: Lucky Tiger

Really liked the HEV. I haven't tried any of their stuff previously, so this was a great chance. Lathered easily, smells great, nice glide. Really, REALLY liked this stuff.

Been wanting to try Lucky Tiger for a while now. SWMBO and I both liked the sniff test, so I tossed it on. Smells great (IMO), a bit citrusy, but not overbearing. I'd actually like it to have a bit more punch and a bit more staying power so I could faceturbate a bit more, but I'll likely buy myself a bottle next time I see it nonetheless.

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Had issues editing the message,
I made a few scents for the year, but here are scents, pick one, and i'll stick it in :)
Cedar, Lemon, Lavender
Lemongrass, cucumber, lime
Grapefruit, orange, vetiver
Lime, lemon, ginger, cinnamon bark.
I use essential oils that the SO gets. They work well in shaving soap it seems. So win win for me. :)

Merkur 34c
Gillette yellow
Vulfix 660

WeeBo's grapefruit, orange, vetiver croap
Lucky tiger AS

Well done, WeeBo! Lathered really easily, great cushion and glide, easy clean up, and smells great. Can't complain about your croap at all! I'm going to need it in orange/grapefruit/lime, bay rum, and almond/amaretto/cherry when you get a chance! Haha

Took another run with Lucky Tiger to confirm its for me. Scent is up my alley, but a bit too light, and with no burn. I may grab a bottle at some point, but I'm not salivating over it.
Scooped a small sample of TOBS Grapefruit out last night. Put it in my mug, looked away for a second, and BOOM, a ton of thick, creamy lather. Lathered so nicely.

Smelled great (IMO), but I'm a big fan of citrus scents.

Shaved really nicely. Nice glide, decent cushion, scent lingered with me for a bit after I finished. This stuff lived up to the hype for sure.
Packed the box up last night, and will be sending it on it's way later this morning.

I was torn, because I've never been driven to actually keep something from one of the passaround boxes, and hate to deprive someone down the line of trying something good, but I've done it. I had another shave with the HEV Poire Francaise and confirmed that I really like it. I've kept the tub, and in it's place, added a tub of RR KOTC Lime and a tube of Clubman shave gel. Both are nearly new, but just don't see use in my den. I LOVE the smell of the KOTC, just don't find myself reaching for it often enough.

I got the box this evening. Wow there are a lot of things packed in that box. I've pulled a couple of things that I want to try but my sinuses are not happy with allergies today so I skipped my shave tonight.

Quick question : there are some silver tins with writing on them, one is unknown, another vanilla, ginger, and clove, and the 3rd is a citrus combo. Any info on who makes it?

Edit: nevermind... I found my own answer.
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Sorry about the lack of updates gentlemen and ladies. Between my sinuses and my son, I'm surprised I had any time to shave at all. I didn't get my first shave of the week in until Wednesday. Lets get started shall we:

Box: Catie's Bubbles La Terre Verte
Personna Blue

Own: Gilette Red Tip
Nathan Clark Custom brush
Thayers Rose Witch Hazel and Fine Clean Vetiver

Believe it or not, I somehow have not gotten around to trying Catie's Bubbles before so I was really excited to see that there was a sample in the box (and in a scent that I was interested in getting to boot!). I scooped out a small almond amount and rubbed it into my whiskers and then face lathered. Whipped up easily and quickly, taking water fairly well. It provided great cushion and glide and I will be definitely be adding some to my den. The blade was sharp but I began to feel a little bit of a tug by my second pass. It still cut through my hair easily and was smooth, leaving no irritation. I'll give it another shave or two before casting my vote.

Box: Personna Blue (2nd shave)
Midnight and Sons - The Cabin
Razorock The Freedburg splash

Mine: Gilette Red tip
Thayers Rose Witch Hazel

I love supporting Canadian vendors/artisans/etc whenever I reasonably can and so I was excited to try this (and the Bro) shaving soap. The scent didn't win me over immediately but as I lathered and started shaving I quite enjoyed it, although I wish the scent strength was a bit stronger during the shave (but it could be my sinuses as they were still pissed off a bit). I scooped a small almond size piece out and rubbed it on my face and had at it. Good lather, glide and cushion. Was it something special or something that stood out? Unfortunately no. I really wanted to say I'd buy this but it didn't work out for me. Keep in mind that I have quite a few soaps (getting pretty close to 30) with 10-15 in active rotation in any given scent season. I would recommend giving this soap a chance if you have room for it in your den though. As for the blade, it was still smooth but the shave wasn't as close as I would have liked it and the tugging was more pronounced. I don't think I'll be putting this on my to buy list.

Bonus: I've finally converted my wife over to using a DE for her hair removal needs. I've pretty much settled on one type of blade and have PIF'd off most of what was left of my various samplers so she hasn't had a chance to really try anything other than PolSilvers and Nacets. We decided to try the Personna Blue, Astra SP and the stainless. She has tryed a shave or two with the Personna so far and said that it wasn't as close or smooth as the PolSilver and she could feel it tugging fairly quickly into the shave. That's all she told me so far. I will keep y'all posted on her progress with the blades.

Unfortunately, the week is coming to an end. After I finish this post I will find the next in line and contact them. I will try to sneak another shave or two out of the box before I have to let it go (really want to try the Bro and HeV, as well as Weebos croap). I will probably not be taking anything out of the box and I'm unsure of what i'll be adding but will keep everyone updated.
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