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DSCosmetics R41 (Z0 Brass and Titanium)

I have found the version of the Z0 (R41) in Brass and Titanium, it seems to me that it should be similar to the version in stainless steel V2. I don't know when this came out, someone has already gotten hold of one.



I can't really imagine trying to keep that copper razor looking nice in a bathroom or as part of a normal shave routine.


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
The Chinese sources say +0.12mm exposure and 1.1mm gap, so quite a bit!
That would make a lot more sense, I thought this was just going to be another styling exercise like the Henson copy where they just use their existing geometry. Hmm, so that still sounds different than what they are copying with that blade gap, but I am actually interested!


Blade Biter
That would make a lot more sense, I thought this was just going to be another styling exercise like the Henson copy where they just use their existing geometry. Hmm, so that still sounds different than what they are copying with that blade gap, but I am actually interested!
For someone known to like aggressive razors + "rounded" blades, I think this will be right up your alley!

I was interested a few months back, but got the feeling it was more aggressive than the original R41.
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Stupid sexy Wing Nut
For someone known to like aggressive razors + "rounded" blades, I think this will be right up your alley!

I was interested a few months back, but got the feeling it was more aggressive than the original R41.
The problem then is whether I am actually going to get that version if I gamble on Alie. There is always something that holds me back...


Stupid sexy Wing Nut
Hey everybody, I took another look on Alie and somebody in the reviews has good pictures of the blade exposure compared to an R41. Some are saying it's more aggressive than the R41 too! looking at the pictures and it's not for me, that can only work with a steep attack. Makes me want to go hunt down a stainless R41 again... maybe.


Cool and slimy
I have the Z0 (prototype) and various R41 versions.
There is this R41 from 2011 thing going on here. The difference to the 2013 version is that the cap is "shorter" and leaves some more blade exposed.

That was also the case with the Z0 prototype. They basically copied the 2011 version.
The later Z0s that didn't get labeled as such have a slightly longer cap coverage and should be very much like the R41 2013. But this is only conjecture on my part, I have enough R41 versions at home by now. I don't feel like getting another Z0/R41 just because of weight/material differences anytime soon.
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