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Do you still have to soak boar brushes after break-in ?

Another vote for not soaking here. I soaked my brushes for a few minutes for about a year, then one day I was running late and just gave it a quick 10-15 second rinse under warm tap water.

Guess what? The shave was even better in the backbone department, with no problems with lather. Note that I have always loaded with a wet brush and face lathered. Four years later and the same brushes I started with have not become shedders or experienced broken bristles.

To the people who say you HAVE to soak a boar, or that it makes the experience better, please refrain from speaking globally.
When using boar I do a quick soak while I make coffee. Just habit, although I don't do this with badger or synthetics. It SEEMS with the boar if I don't do a soak I have to keep adding water as I lather.
I've tried both soaking and not soaking. Unsoaked means I would run it under the tap a few times. For me, I had a hard time keeping a lather with an unsoaked boar. The boar would soak up the water from the soap. Although, it did have stiffer backbone, so that was a plus. Recently started to soak it again and have had better results. Really depends on what you're looking for in the brush.
Quick rinse is enough for me. Works well enough.
I'm not one of those of who finds mystique in the brush ritual. A brush is a brush is a brush.
My routine for all natural hair brushes. Before washing my face I put the brush in warm water if I am doing a warm water shave and cold water if a cold water shave. After washing my face and head I take the brush out of the water.


three-tu-tu, three-tu-tu
Yes, it needs to soak. You'll have to experiment if you need an exact number of minutes. I soak mine while I'm in the shower.
I agree with rudyt. I get much better performance out of my boars if I don't soak them. I just wet them, give them a shake and start lathering. When I soak a boar it tends to retain the lather. I have used boars many, many times and I think the broken bristle issue is no more than a wives tale that has been spread without merit. I have never had that happen.
I must admit that I don't use a boar often these days although it was my main brush for decades. I learned a lot since joining B&B and what works best for me today when using a boar is to soak the tip only, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of the way. This still provides a modicum of backbone while providing a softer face feel. That seems to optimize the boar experience for me, making and holding lather better and a nice feel when applying the lather.
I’ve read that you need to soak a boar brush in hot water for 5 minutes before lathering - so that it’s softer, and won’t break any bristles.

After it’s broken in and naturally soft - is soaking for longer than 30 seconds still necessary to prevent breaking bristles ?

I just run under water to wet, shake, and lather.
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